Dana Alonzo

Phone: 914-367-3014
Email: dalonzo1@fordham.edu
Office: Fordham Westchester
PhD, Fordham University (2004)
MSW, NYU (1997)
BA, NYU (1995)Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Mental Health Treatment Engagement and Adherence
Mood Disorders and Suicide Attempt
Protective Factors Against Suicide Attempt
Race, Ethnicity and Culture in Mental Health ResearchDr. Alonzo received her PhD from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service where she was awarded a National Institute of Mental Heath Research Training Fellowship. As a Co-Investigator at the Developing Centers for Interventions for the Prevention of Suicide (DCIPS) at New York State Psychiatric Institute, she conducted studies examining risk and protective factors across cultures related to mood disorders and suicidal behavior. With funding from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the Mental Health Association of New York State (MHANYS), and the Office of Mental Health of New York State (OMHNYS), her research has focused on the development of novel interventions aimed at improving treatment engagement and adherence among suicide attempters. Dr. Alonzo has founded the Suicide Prevention Research Program at the Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service, which aims to:
- Develop new interventions aimed at reducing suicide risk; and
- Collaborate with community providers to encourage provider and patient involvement in education, prevention and clinical research efforts.
Dr. Alonzo teaches clinical classes in the Generalist Practice sequence as well as advanced clinical practice classes.
SWGS 6415 - Seminar in Clinical Social Work Practice
Suicide Assessment and TreatmentAlonzo, D., Harkavy-Friedman, J.M., Stanley, B.H., Sher, L., Grunebaum, M., Burke, A.K., Oquendo, M.A. (2011) Predictors of treatment non-participation following`
a major depressive episode. Archives of Suicide Research, 15(2), 160-171.
Alonzo, D., Thompson, R., Keyes, K., & Hasin, D. (2011). The relationship of past treatment for depression to current functioning: Individuals in the U.S. general population with a history of major depression. Social Work and Mental Health, 9,303-318.
Alonzo, D., Stanley, B. (2013). A Novel Approach to Improve Treatment Engagement. Psychiatric Services. 64(5), 494.
Alonzo, D., Thompson, R.G., Stohl, M., Hasin, D. (2014). The influence of parental divorce and alcohol abuse on adult offspring risk of lifetime suicide attempt in the
United States. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 84(3):316-20.
Alonzo, D., Conway, A., & Modrek, A. (2016). Latino suicidal adolescent psychosocial service utilization: The role of mood fluctuations and inattention. Journal of
Affective Disorders, 190:616–622.
Alonzo, D. (2016) Treatment Engagement of Suicidal Individuals: Treatment Feasibility, Acceptability and Effectiveness (in press at Community Mental HealAlonzo, D. & Stanley, B. H. (2012). Engaging Suicidal Individuals in Treatment: A Feasibility Study. Presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the American
Association of Suicidology, Baltimore, Ma.
Alonzo, D., Thompson, R. G., Stohl, M., Hasin, D. (2012). Parental History of Alcohol Abuse, Childhood/adolescent Parental Divorce, and Offspring Risk of Lifetime Suicide Attempt. Presented at the 14th Bi-Annual Conference of the European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Alonzo, D., Thompson, R. G., Stohl, M., Hasin, D. (2012). Parental Alcohol Abuse and Depression and Risk of Lifetime Suicide Attempt. Presented at the 14th Bi-Annual Conference of the European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour; Tel Aviv, Israel.
Alonzo, D. & Conway, A. (2016). Receipt of Mental Health Services by Latino Suicidal Adolescents. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, Il.
Alonzo, D. (2016). Mental Health Clinicians’ Perspectives on the Treatment Engagement of Suicidal Patients. Presented at the 49th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, Il.2012 - present Consulting Editor, SAGE Open publications
2011 - present Consulting Editor, Social Work
2007 - present Peer Reviewer: Death Studies, Archives of Suicide Research, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Journal of Child and Family Studies, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Journal of Psychiatric Research.
2010 - Abstract Reviewer, American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, Doctoral Research Paper Award