John Holland

John Holland Headshot

Online Faculty

  • B.A., Quinnipiac College (now called Quinnipiac University)

    M.S.W., Columbia University

    Ph.D., Social Work, Boston College

  • Program Evaluation

    Data-informed Program Management

    Evidence-based Practice

    Clinical Work with Families of Adolescents and Young Adults

  • John Holland, Ph.D., LCSW is a full-time faculty member with the Fordham GSS online program. He has nearly 30 years of social work practice experience in community mental health, and most recently worked as an administrator for the Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Young Adult Service Division, a statewide program for emerging adults recovering from mental health and trauma-related disorders. His teaching and research interests include program evaluation, data-informed program management, evidence-based practice, and clinical work with families of adolescents and young adults. As an educator, John emphasizes the integration and application of core social work values into the learning experience, and encourages students to explore social problems and social change from this values-based perspective. John teaches research courses along with clinical courses focused on family work.