Prescription Drug Coverage
Both medical options include coverage for prescription drugs. Each option has three prescription copay levels, or tiers.
- Tier 1 is the lowest-cost option to you and typically includes generic drugs and the lowest-cost brand-name drugs.
- Tier 2 is the midrange cost option and includes most preferred brand-name drugs.
- Tier 3 is the highest-cost option to you and includes drugs that are usually the newest and most expensive—typically considered non-preferred, brand-name drugs.
Health Investment Option
Tier 1: $10 retail (31-day max)/$25 mail order (90-day max)
Tier 2: $35 retail (31-day max)/ $87.50 mail order (90-day max)
Tier 3: $60 retail (31-day max)/ $150 mail order (90-day max)
Enhanced Standard Option
Tier 1: $10 retail (31-day max)/$20 mail order (90-day max)
Tier 2: $25 retail (31-day max)/ $50 mail order (90-day max)
Tier 3: $50 retail (31-day max)/ $100 mail order (90-day max)
For the Health Investment Option, the copays for drugs apply after the deductible is met. With the Enhanced Standard Option, you pay copays, whether or not you’ve met your deductible.