Vision Plans

Vision Benefits for Faculty and Administrators

  • VSP Base Option Benefit Summary
  • VSP Premier Option Benefit Summary

Vision Service Plan (VSP) offers comprehensive, affordable, high-quality vision coverage for faculty, administrators, and staff. Two options are available.

Benefits-eligible Faculty and Administrators who have chosen to be covered under the Vision Plan do not need and will not receive an ID card in order to obtain services from a network provider.

Employees may sign up for an account at or find a network provider at

When you go to your provider for service and that provider is in-network, he or she will be able to verify your enrollment in VSP. If you use an out-of-network provider, you will pay for services and then seek reimbursement from VSP through an out-of-network claim form which is available on

VSP can also be contacted at 800-877-7195.