Local 810 Maintenance Tuition Programs
Full time Local 810 members are eligible for tuition remission after completing one full year of service.
- 24 credits per academic year
- 100% tuition remission
Spouse and eligible dependent children
- Local 810 member completes one year of service – 50% undergraduate tuition remission
- Local 810 member completes five years of service – 100% undergraduate tuition remission
Limits apply to graduate school.
Submitting a Tuition Remission Application
Fordham is pleased to announce the launch of the new electronic Tuition Remission application form. If you’re taking advantage of Fordham’s tuition remission benefit, we hope you’ll appreciate the ease and efficiency of the new process.
Simply log on to the University portal, my.fordham.edu, navigate to the Human Resources tab and select Tuition Remission. Your credentials, including your name, ID and supervisor, will be automatically populated.
Once you complete and submit the form, the system will keep you updated on the status of your request and automatically route the form to the appropriate party.
Graduate-Level Tuition Remission Tax Exclusion
In limited situations, Employee Tuition Remission benefits might be deemed tax exempt. Certain IRS conditions apply. To learn more about this and to access the Tuition Tax Exclusion Request Form, review the Tuition Tax Exemption Requests page.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Article 26 of the collective bargaining agreement provides details regarding tuition programs for members.
1. Members of the Union, employed on a full-time basis, who are covered by the Agreement, have completed one full year of service and are academically qualified will be given a tuition grant equivalent to not more than ten credits per semester, fall or spring, and a total of not more than twenty-four credits per academic year (defined for this purpose as the period from the beginning of a summer session to the end of the Spring semester). An employee may carry over an unused entitlement of up to but never to exceed four credits into the following academic year's summer session.
Members of the Union, employed on a part-time basis, who are covered by this Agreement, have completed one full year of service and are academically qualified will be given a tuition grant equivalent to not more than twelve credits per school year. Not more than six credits may be used in any one semester. Unused credits may not be carried over from one academic year to the next.
A one-half tuition grant in Fordham University’s Undergraduate programs will be made available to the spouse and dependent children of part-time employees who have completed 10 years of service under the terms and conditions outlined below for dependent children.
Application for this grant is to be made through the appropriate Department Head to be forwarded for consideration of the Executive Director of Human Resources for approval.
The grants are made under these conditions:
A. Grants are for tuition only; they do not include other fees.
B. Grants can be used in any school of the University.
C. No grants are made for make-up courses nor for any courses which must be repeated because of failure.
D. Tuition grants are valid only for the period of employment after completion of the original probationary period. An employee whose employment begins after the beginning of a school term or terminates prior to the ending of a school term is eligible only for a proportional part of a tuition grant, depending on the period of service.
E. Those employees who are NY State residents and who enroll as full or part-time students, and are eligible for remission, are required to apply for New York State TAP awards. The amount of their University scholarship will be the tuition remission for which they are eligible less the proportionate amount of the TAP award received based on the total number of credits taken.
All educational awards from any source will be regarded as tuition awards reducing tuition remission, unless documentation to the contrary is provided by the grantor.
F. It is understood that any courses taken will be outside the regular work schedule of the employee.
2. A one-half tuition grant will be made
to the spouse and dependent children of full-time employees, who have completed one year of service under these conditions:
A. Dependent children will be classified as
1. Full-time student's under the age of 24 or
2. Children over 24 earning less than $2,450 for whom the taxpayer provides more than one-half support.
B. Grants are for tuition only; they do not include other fees.
C. Grants can be used in any undergraduate school of the University and in Fordham Preparatory School.
D. Grants are made only to students who meet the admission requirements and maintain the academic level required in the school they wish to attend.
E. The University retains the right to terminate any and all grants for serious academic or disciplinary reasons.
F. Those spouses and dependent children (as determined by IRS guidelines) (see Section 2 A) who are NY State Residents and who enroll as full or part-time students, and are eligible for remission, are required to apply for New York State TAP awards. The amount of their University Scholarship will be the tuition remission for which they are eligible less the proportionate amount of the TAP award received based on the total number of credits taken.
All educational awards from any source will be regarded as tuition awards reducing Tuition Remission, unless documentation to the contrary is provided by the Grantor.
3. A full tuition grant will be made to the spouse and dependent children of full-time employees with five (5) or more years service at the University, under the same conditions as noted in Section 2, except that a full tuition grant can be used only in an undergraduate School of the University.
4. Students attending graduate school who live at home with their parents and are under the age of 30 will be eligible for tuition remission. A one-half tuition grant will be made to the dependent children of employees with 15 or more years of service at the University, to be used in any graduate school program of the University.
A full tuition remission payment for one course per semester, not to include other fees, in a graduate school of the University will be made to spouses of full-time employees with less than two years of service.
A 1/2 tuition grant, not to include fees, in a graduate school of the University will be made to spouses of full-time employees with more than two years of service.
All tuition grants are subject to conditions outlined in Section 2.
5. To be eligible for tuition remission, the employee must submit a request form and all related paperwork to the Personnel Department no later than two days after the official registration period is completed. The University may deny tuition remission benefits to an employee violating the rules and policies of the program.
6. Effective July 1, 2000, dependent children of staff members who become totally disabled or die and have 15 or more years of service, are eligible to receive four (4) years of tuition remission benefits towards the completion of an undergraduate degree, when they reach college age.
7. Fordham will pay 50% of the cost of tuition for trade school courses which will be beneficial to both the employee and the University. Courses must be pre-approved by the department Director and the Personnel office.
Local 810 members who avail themselves of this benefit, must continue his/her employment with the University for one full year from the date of the completion of the course(s). Should a member terminate his/her employment with the University prior to the one year requirement, he/she must reimburse the University for all tuition monies received.