Summer Session Course Descriptions by Subject
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Catch up or get ahead this summer! Perfect for Fordham students and students from other universities. More than 300 courses available during the day and evening.
Spending the summer at Fordham, online or on one of our campuses, means you'll have access to Fordham's outstanding faculty and unparalleled professional opportunities for interns.
You may find courses by either reviewing the department pages on the left or using the course search tool for real-time enrollment information.
With housing available and competitive tuition rates, it might be your best summer yet!
Asynchronous Online Courses
These types of course offerings do not take place in real–time. Students are provided with content and assignments and are given a time frame to complete course work and exams. Interaction usually takes place through discussion boards, blogs and wikis. As a result, there is no class meeting time. Asynchronous online learning environments are effective for students with time constraints or busy schedules.
Synchronous Online Courses
These types of course offerings require the instructor and all enrolled students to interact online simultaneously. Similar in some ways to a webinar, participants interact through text, video or audio chat. Synchronous learning environments enable students to participate in a course from a distance in real time.
Hybrid Courses
Hybrid courses, also known as blended courses, are learning environments that allow for both in–person and online interaction. Typically, hybrid courses meet in person several times during a semester and provide for computer–based communication in between those face to face sessions.