Mark L. Botton

Professor Emeritus
I received my undergraduate degree in Biology from Stony Brook University, my Masters in Biology from CUNY Brooklyn College, and my Ph.D. in Zoology from Rutgers University.
My principal areas of research involve the behavior, ecology and conservation biology of horseshoe crabs. These animals are remarkable as “living fossils,” having a successful body plan and life-history strategy that predates dinosaurs. Part of their success is related to their ecological plasticity and ability to withstand a range of environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, and water pollution. I have used a range of field and laboratory investigations to gain a better understanding of these phenomena. My current research addresses questions of habitat quality for horseshoe crabs, particularly in urban estuaries. I am active in the worldwide effort to conserve horseshoe crabs and their habitats in my role as Co-Chairman of the Horseshoe Crab Specialist Group of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature).
Recent Journal Articles
Ward, R. M., E. M. Casper, J. A. Clark, and M. L. Botton. 2022. Microplastic transfer from the American horseshoe crab to shorebirds through consumption of horseshoe crab eggs in Jamaica Bay, NY. Marine Pollution Bulletin 184 (November 2022), 114148.
Botton, M. L., Colón, C. P., Sclafani, M., Loveland, R. E., Elbin, S., and K. Parkins. 2021. The relationships between spawning horseshoe crabs and egg densities: Recommendations for the assessment of populations and habitat suitability. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2021: 1-14.
Bicknell, R. D. C., Błażejowski, B., Wings, O., T. Hitaj, T., and M. L. Botton. 2021. Critical re-evaluation of Limulidae uncovers limited Limulus diversity. Papers in Paleontology 2021: 1–32.
John, A., Shin, P. K. S., Botton, M. L., Gauvry, G., Cheung, S. G., and K. Laurie. 2021. Conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs on spotlight. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 253–256.
Botton, M. L., C. P. Colón, J. Rowden, S. Elbin, D. Kriensky, K. McKown, M. Sclafani, and R. Madden. 2018. Effects of a beach nourishment project in Jamaica Bay, New York on horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) spawning activity and egg deposition. Estuaries and Coasts 41: 974-987.
Tanacredi, J. T., M. L. Botton and D. R. Smith (Editors). 2009. Biology and Conservation of Horseshoe Crabs. Springer, New York.
Carmichael, R. H., M. L. Botton, P. K. S. Shin, and S. G. Cheung (Editors). 2015. Changing Global Perspectives on Horseshoe Crab Biology, Conservation and Management. Springer International, Switzerland.
Tanacredi, J. T., M. L. Botton, P. K. S. Shin, Y. Iwasaki, S. G. Cheung, K. Y. Kwan, and J. H. Mattei (Editors). 2022. International Horseshoe Crab Conservation and Research Efforts: 2007- 2020. Springer Nature.
- General Biology I and II and laboratories
- Global Ecology
- Senior Seminar