Residential Life Handbook: Lincoln Center

About This Handbook

This publication is the official Handbook of the Office of Residential Life, Fordham University, Lincoln Center campus, New York, New York, 10023.

The Office of Residential Life is located in McMahon Hall, Room 108.

All calendar information printed in the publication should be confirmed with appropriate faculty, administrators, and sponsors. Check your course syllabus and postings at the Registrar's office for scheduling and final examination information. The Office of Residential Life is not responsible for any errors found in this handbook.

The policies and procedures found in the handbook are subject to change.

  • The Office of Residential Life supports an over-arching vision of creating community in all its efforts. A residence hall community is a group of students engaged in social interaction, possessing common educational goals and experiences, who show concern for and are sensitive to the needs of other residents, and are interested in furthering the group’s goals. Residents accordingly share in defining the community’s expectations of individual members and are held to these expectations by their peers.

    The Office of Residential Life is sensitive to the rights and responsibilities of all resident students. In an effort to make our community conducive to academic, social, and personal growth, policies have been established to ensure that individual rights are protected and responsibilities are understood. Specific policies are outlined in this publication. Fordham is an institution in the Jesuit tradition. At this institution, the education occurring outside the classroom (through activities, interpersonal relationships, and even the fabric of daily life) is an indispensable complement to that which students receive inside the classroom. Students are expected to:

    • Obey state and federal laws as well as University policies and regulations.
    • Respect the rights and privileges of others.
    • Be forthright and honest in their social and academic conduct.
    • Assert the right to live in an environment where individual actions do not violate principles and guidelines designed to promote a positive learning experience.

    Students, therefore, have both the right and the responsibility to constructively confront each other directly. All residence hall staff members will support and work with students in an effort to maintain high community living standards. It is the student’s responsibility to be informed of these expectations. The University, however, does not attempt to formally define every unacceptable form of behavior. In situations not covered by specific regulations, students are expected to apply common sense and conduct themselves as mature, responsible persons.

    Programming has its place in the community-building efforts of each residence hall staff. The programming efforts of the residence hall staff and the Residence Hall Association (RHA) contribute to the stock of shared group experiences. Social, educational, cultural, community service, physical, and spiritual events are designed to address a wide scope of a students’ social and educational needs. Students are encouraged and sometimes required to attend community programs and participate in the planning of these events. Consult your Resident Assistant or RHA representative for details and suggestions.

    The following is a brief overview of the staff you may turn to during the year. They are all dedicated to a vision of creating community in the residence halls and strive for a living environment conducive to learning. Feel free to let the staff know how to assist you further.

    Staffing and Support

    The Office of Residential Life
    McMahon Hall, Room 108
    The central office staff is the core of the Residential Life team and consists of the Director of Residential Life, the Associate Director of Housing Operations, the Assistant Director of Residential Life and the Executive Secretary. The Residential Life staff works to enhance the residential experience for students residing on campus, regularly develops and evaluates policies, and addresses the concerns of Fordham residents with the goal of maintaining and improving the high quality of Fordham’s residential environment. The office is located in room 108 on the first floor of McMahon Hall. Please feel free to visit with concerns or to obtain additional information between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    Resident Directors
    Resident Directors are live-in, Masters-level professionals who oversee and provide guidance to residents, while fostering an atmosphere of diversity and ensuring their physical and emotional well-being. They assist the residents with personal and academic concerns and are also responsible for adjudicating policy infractions in the Residence Halls. Additionally, they supervise and support the Resident Assistants and Resident Freshmen Mentors who live and work in the residence halls.

    Resident Assistants
    During the first few days of the year, you will meet the Resident Assistant (RA) for your floor. All of the RAs are highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students who have a strong interest in helping residents and in working to create a campus community. You will find your RA to be a concerned, friendly, and knowledgeable resource. The RAs have three main responsibilities: to help students with personal, emotional or academic issues; to work with the students in their area to create and maintain a community environment; and to ensure that the University and Residential Life policies and procedures are upheld by all members of the community. Each night throughout the year an RA is on duty from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m., unless otherwise posted. Between the hours of 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., you may visit the RA on Duty office to obtain guest passes and borrow Residence Hall equipment. If you have an emergency after 10 p.m., contact the RA on duty.

    The McKeon RA on Duty Office is located in McKeon Hall room 22-26. To reach the McKeon RA on Duty between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 a.m., please call 646-671-9594.The McMahon RA on Duty Office is located in McMahon Hall room 102B. To reach the McMahon RA on Duty between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 a.m., please call 917-673-1176.

    Resident Freshmen Mentors
    In addition to Resident Assistants, freshmen residents will also have a Resident Freshmen Mentor (RFM) living on their floors throughout the year. RFMs are qualified and spirited students whose purpose is to assist incoming freshmen with their transition into the Fordham residential community. RFMs make frequent visits to freshmen rooms to assist in their adjustment to life in the residence hall and the University. They provide guidance to students in many areas, including personal issues and academic concerns and work with the RAs to provide a safe, productive, and enjoyable residential experience for all freshmen residents.

    Residence Hall Association
    The Residence Hall Association (RHA) serves as a student advisory committee and the official liaison between residents and the Office of Residential Life, Lincoln Center. The group is comprised of two main boards: the Executive Board and the General Board, which consists of freshmen, upper-class, and law members. Upperclass and Law Members are elected during the Spring semester for the following academic year. Freshmen members and open Upperclass and Law positions are elected in the Fall. RHA’s main goals are to serve as a programming group and to focus on residence hall quality of life issues. Weekly meetings are open to all residents. RHA’s description, goals, and procedures are guided by their Constitution, available in their office, which is located in McMahon Hall room 102A. For more information, contact RHA via email at

    Executive Board Members
    President: TBA
    Vice President for McKeon Hall: TBA
    Vice President for McMahon Hall: TBA
    Treasurer: TBA
    Secretary: TBA
    Director of Public Relations: TBA

    Jesuits in Residence
    The Jesuits in Residence are valuable assets to all residents and an important part of Fordham’s residential community. They pride themselves on being available and approachable to students to discuss any concerns they might have, whether it be academic, spiritual or personal.

    McKeon Hall 15-20
    Father Vincent DeCola, Assistant Dean of the Gabelli School of Business at Lincoln Center


    Facilities Operations
    Leslie Timoney
    Associate Director of Campus Operations

    The facilities staff works hard to prepare all living quarters for your arrival and maintain them throughout your stay in the residence halls. They deserve your cooperation, patience, and respect should you need their assistance. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please direct any problems within the building to the “Work Order Form” that can be found online at

  • Unfortunately for all Americans, life has forever changed since September 11, 2001. Fordham University’s priority is the safety and well-being of those who live, study and work at the University. The Department of Public Safety works closely with and obtains information from the New York City Police Department on a continuing basis. In the highly unlikely event that an act of terrorism was to occur on campus, we would rely on police, fire and the Office of Emergency Management for guidance and resources.

    New York City has essentially been operating at the United States Department of Homeland Security national security alert level orange since September 11, 2001. Should an incident away from campus cause a change in the security alert level or other action, the University will relay the appropriate information that impacts our campus through established channels of communication such as security alerts, campus-wide voicemail messages, text messages, emails and residence hall floor meetings.

    It is important that all members of the Fordham campus community keep the following in mind:

      • Be aware of conspicuous or unusual behavior such as unanticipated deliveries, people asking for directions to sensitive areas such as utility rooms or HVAC systems, or people asking questions regarding security force capabilities.
      • Do not accept packages from strangers or leave personal belongings unattended.
      • Report unusual behavior and suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety by calling the McMahon Hall lobby desk at 212-636-7111 or the McKeon Hall/Law School lobby desk at 212-636-6975.
      • If you receive a telephone call regarding a suspicious package or explosive device, get as much information from the caller as possible and relay the information to the Department of Public Safety.
      • In the event of a chemical or biological attack, follow instructions as whether to remain inside or to evacuate. In most instances, you will be instructed to remain in your residence hall, academic building or other shelter. If the appropriate response is evacuation, we will follow evacuation procedures as outlined below.
    • If evacuation from campus becomes necessary, it will likely involve many more people outside of Fordham, and we will work closely with emergency responders to maintain safety for our students, faculty, and staff.

    Information and Statistics

    Fordham University provides campus crime statistics on its website. Requests for a hard copy can be directed to the Associate Vice President for Public Safety by phone at 718-817-2222 or in writing to the Associate Vice President for Public Safety at Thebaud Annex, Fordham University 441 E. Fordham Rd.,Bronx, NY 10458.

    Fire Alarm System

    The Residence Hall is equipped with state-of-the-art fire safety equipment, which may involve procedures unfamiliar to some residents. The fire floor, the floor below, and the floor above on which the fire alarm is activated will receive a loud evacuation tone and students will be asked to evacuate. The remainder of the building will receive a fire emergency signal (similar to a department store bell), which alerts residents that there is an emergency within the building and they should stay within their apartment or suite until receiving further instructions. Instructions will be given over the public address system in each apartment, suite and lounge. It is critical for each resident to know the location of the fire safety equipment:

      • Fire Extinguishers – located at each floor stairwell exit.
      • Fires can be very dangerous and residents should always be certain that they will not endanger themselves or others when using a portable fire extinguisher to put out a fire.
      • Pull Stations – located on each floor near the stairwell exit.
      • Sprinkler Heads – located on the ceiling or wall of each room in the residence halls.
      • McMahon Hall Stairwell Exits - Stairway A in the east wing, Stairway B in the west wing.
    • McKeon Hall Stairwell Exits - Stairway A in the east wing, Stairway C in the west wing.

    Fire safety equipment, such as fire doors, the alarms and fire extinguishers, are here to protect lives and property. Tampering with such equipment is extremely dangerous. Tampering with fire extinguishers, standpipes, hoses, fire alarms, and/or smoke detectors may result in automatic dismissal from the residence hall. Tampering with other fire safety equipment will result in sanctions starting at a $200 fine and probation.

    Fire Alarm Procedures

    In the event of a fire, stay calm. If you have a fire situation in your residence and you must take immediate action, use your judgment as to the safest course of action, guided by the following information:

    If the fire is in your residence:

      • Close the door to the room where the fire is and leave the residence.
      • Make sure everyone leaves the residence with you.
      • Close the residence door.
      • Go to the closest stairwell and pull the manual pull station
    • Proceed down the stairs to the lobby to the security desk. Do not use the elevator.

    If the fire is not in your residence:

      • Stay inside your residence and listen for instructions over the public address system.
      • If you must exit your residence, first feel the door and doorknob for heat. If they are not hot, open the door slightly and check the hallway for smoke, heat, or fire.
      • If you can safely exit your residence, go to the closest stairwell and down to the first floor exit.
      • If you cannot safely exit your residence or building:
        • Call 911 and tell them your address, floor, room number and the number of people in your residence.
        • Seal the doors to your residence with wet towels or sheets, and seal air ducts or other openings where smoke may enter.
      • Open windows a few inches unless flames and smoke are coming in from below.

    Fire Drills

    There is one announced and one unannounced fire drill at the beginning of each semester. All residents should follow the instructions of the Public Safety and Residential Life staff. Disciplinary action and/or a $25 (minimum) fine will be charged to any resident interfering with a fire drill or failing to follow the instructions of the Residential Life or Public Safety staff.

    Fire Prevention

    Fire prevention is an important and serious component of living in a residence hall. To prevent the possibility of a fire, all residents are expected to:

      • Maintain good housekeeping practices.
      • Not allow ordinary combustibles to accumulate in any area.
      • Remove trash, old papers, and packing materials as soon as possible;
      • Remove garbage on a daily basis.
      • Keep all corridors and fire doors free from stored items (e.g. bicycles), debris and other obstructions at all times.
    • Rest and sleep within designated residences – never in hallways nor in other areas not intended for sleeping.

    In addition, flammable liquids such as gasoline and paint thinners are not permitted in the Residence Hall for any purpose. Flammable materials cannot be used as ceiling hangings or light covers. Smoking and possession of or burning of candles, incense and kerosene lamps is also prohibited. Fire safety procedures will be discussed in further detail at the RA’s floor meeting. If you are unclear about any of the procedures, please contact the Fire Safety Director.

    Evacuation Procedures

    In case of evacuation, please follow the directions of the staff, public safety personnel and fire professionals.

  • Residential Life Policies and Procedures

    An environment that is conducive to living, learning and personal growth requires an atmosphere of cooperation among residents and a respect for self, others, and property. The policies and procedures listed below are designed to ensure that the residential experience is a positive one. While the residential life staff assumes some of the responsibility for educating residents about these regulations and enforcing them, ultimate responsibility for compliance rests with every resident. The privilege of living in the Residence Hall requires that residents exercise good judgment and self-discipline by taking responsibility for their decisions and their behavior, as well as for creating and supporting a pleasant living environment.

    All residents and guests of the Residence Halls are required to observe the policies and procedures of the Office of Residential Life, including but not limited to those policies and procedures found in the Residential Life Handbook, Lincoln Center Student Handbook, the Residence Hall Agreement, and the University Code of Conduct. The University, however, does not attempt to formally define every unacceptable form of behavior. In situations not covered by specific regulations, students are expected to apply common sense and conduct themselves as mature, responsible persons. Please be aware that although most policies are consistent on all three campuses, slight variations do exist. It is the student’s responsibility to learn and abide by policies at each individual campus. Students who choose not to respect the established guidelines will be subject to disciplinary action and may be asked to leave the Residence Hall. Residents who incur repeated violations will be liable for serious disciplinary action. Any violation of the regulations published in the Residential Life Handbook is also a violation of the University Code of Conduct, as stated in the Student Handbook.


    “Since it is a Jesuit and Catholic university, Fordham seeks to educate the whole person. Therefore, it provides its students with a value-laden curriculum that challenges them both to stretch themselves intellectually and to develop the capacity for mature moral judgment. We are not content, however, merely to challenge our students in the classroom. Far from it, realizing that much of their education (perhaps even the majority of it) takes place outside of the classroom, we seek to provide them with a supportive campus environment that will enable them to grow into the full possession of the many talents that they have been given. Since we understand the role that out-of-class activities play in the spiritual, intellectual, moral and social development of our students, the Fordham community has for years been concerned with the adverse effects that alcohol has on the lives— and on the academic performance—of our students. In order to confront the challenges that substance abuse poses to the University’s educational mission, Fordham will continue to offer counseling services and medical referrals to students who present themselves for help. At the same time, the University will continue to challenge its students to lead healthy lives and to develop those mature patterns of behavior that will enable them to become men and women of conscience, competence, compassion and commitment to the cause of the human family.”
    -Rev. Joseph M. McShane, SJ, The President of Fordham University

    The primary goal of Fordham’s alcohol policy is to promote an environment in which the misuse of alcohol is not tolerated. This goal can best be achieved by campus-wide involvement in comprehensive and ongoing alcohol education awareness programs. A Fordham University education also includes due respect for the laws of the State of New York. The University cannot condone or remain neutral to the flouting of state laws. Further, all members of the University community must recognize that the campus is not a sanctuary from the laws of the State of New York. Each student, therefore, must assume full personal responsibility for his or her compliance with the New York State Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, the New York General Obligations Law, and with the University policy on alcohol.

    Students who procure alcoholic beverages for, or who serve alcoholic beverages to underage persons, who falsify documents, or who contribute in any way to illegal alcohol consumption, are not conducting themselves in a responsible manner. Further, a student who contributes in any way, however minor, to the intoxication of another person may be held personally liable for any injury or damage that the intoxicated person causes or in which he or she becomes involved.

    Effective Dec. 1, 1985, New York State amended its laws and statutes concerning use of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 years of age. Since the University is chartered by New York State, it is the University’s obligation to make every reasonable effort to ensure that the state law is observed on University property and at any University-sponsored events off campus. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on University property except as specified in this policy. Only students and their guests who are 21 years of age or older may purchase, possess or consume alcoholic beverages on University property as specified in this policy. Please refer to the Student Handbook to review New York State law. All residents of the Lincoln Center Residence Halls are bound to observe the Fordham University Alcohol Policy.

    Violations of the alcohol policy, whether they occur on or off campus, include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1. No person under the age of 21 may possess, consume, purchase, or be in the presence of alcohol.“Possession” means having an alcoholic beverage under one’s charge or control. University staff possesses the authority to require any person to show legal proof of age.
      1. Students age 21 or older may not possess or consume alcohol in McKeon Hall.
      2. In rooms/apartments where all residents are over 21, individuals of legal drinking age may possess and/or consume alcohol in their rooms, provided all roommates and suitemates, present or absent, are of legal drinking age. All guests and students under the legal drinking age may not be in the presence of alcohol in the residence hall. The purchase, sale, distribution, consumption, association with, being in presence of, or possession of alcoholic beverages by any residents or guests, regardless of age, is prohibited in apartments where any resident is under 21.
    2. Fordham University prohibits inappropriate behavior that is a direct result of alcohol consumption. Any student who is observed to be intoxicated may be found in violation of the alcohol policy.
    3. The University prohibits the possession of items used for common distribution of alcohol on leased or owned university property. Such items include, but are not limited to, kegs and party balls. Kegs or beer balls, full or empty, along with all associated hardware are prohibited in every residence hall and will be permanently confiscated. Students in possession of such material will receive a $250 fine per keg or beer bong per person, and will be placed on residence hall probation or dismissed from residential life.
    4. Drinking games and rapid consumption techniques and devices (e.g. funnels, shot glasses, beer pong tables, bars, bar signs, etc.) by their nature promote abusive consumption of alcohol and thus violate the alcohol policy. The University prohibits organizing or participating in activities that encourage excessive drinking (e.g., beer pong, drinking games or contests), or charging a fee when hosting parties. Possession of empty alcohol containers, even for decorative purposes, is prohibited.
    5. The University prohibits the possession and consumption of alcohol within public areas and administrative and academic buildings, without permission from the Dean of Students or his designated representative. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the lounges, hallways and any other public areas of the Residence Halls.
    6. It is prohibited for an underage student to be in the presence of any other person legally or illegally possessing, consuming or selling alcoholic beverages, except when authorized at a registered event.
    7. It is prohibited for anyone over the age of twenty-one to consume/possess alcoholic beverages in the presence of individuals under the age of twenty-one, except when authorized at a registered event.
    8. Students are not permitted to provide alcohol to any person who is underage. For purposes of this regulation, “provide” means to sell, lend, give, make available, exchange, barter, or furnish in any way. The student social host policy will apply if alcohol is available in the room. Thus, the host is also responsible for misconduct if he/she passively allows prohibited alcohol use to occur within his/her room.
    9. Individuals who are 21 years of age or older may possess and consume beverages containing alcohol in their rooms in University residential units or at officially-sponsored events. However, conduct resulting from the consumption of alcohol that is in any way illegal or in violation of any other policy is prohibited.
    10. Students are not permitted to possess, conspire to obtain, use, produce, sell or distribute false identification or identification that alters one’s age.
    11. Students are not permitted to host an unregistered party as determined by your residence hall staff and evidenced by such factors as the presence of alcohol, excessive noise, or the number of persons present. In the interest of health and safety, parties that have not been duly organized according to the policies outlined in the Private Party Registration policy are prohibited and any alcohol found in the room or suite will be confiscated and/or disposed of by the host student.
    12. Large amounts of alcohol are not allowed in private rooms and excessive amounts of alcohol may be confiscated at the discretion of the Residence Hall staff. Residents may not have more than one case of beer (or its equivalent) per person assigned to the room.

    Alcohol and Other Drug Education Opportunities

    The Alcohol and Other Drug Education (AODE) Program operates within the Division of Student Affairs and oversees comprehensive substance abuse prevention at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center campus. Prevention initiatives include education, environmental management and early intervention strategies. Each component is part of an integrated approach that is science-based as well as student centered. For more information, please contact:

    Melissa Gazal, Assistant Director for AODE| 140 West Room 33
    212-636-6250 | |

    Educational and Referral Services
    The AODE program is designed to provide individual and population targeted interventions that focus on the reduction of high-risk use of alcohol and other drugs. Individual focused interventions provided by AODE includes the Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS) program, which offers reflective exercises, assessments and personalized feedback sessions to students who violate the University’s alcohol and other drug policy. These interventions are designed to enhance awareness and understanding of personal behaviors and perceptions related to substance use, and develop strategies to reduce the risks associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs.

    The goal of the AODE program is to unite faculty, administrators, students and staff alike in creating an environment that fosters healthy lifestyles and reduces the risks associated with alcohol and drug abuse. The program is dedicated to the Jesuit tenet Cura Personalis by helping each student reach his/her potential, both academically and personally. It is believed that the years a student spends in college builds a foundation for career and involvement choices, as well as forming relationship networks. This idea is at the core of the AODE program’s prevention and intervention methods.

    Peer Education
    Students also play a vital role in the prevention effort. In the Fall, the Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Education will be forming a student wellness committee, responsible for programming with a distinct focus on healthy decision making, social responsibility and general wellness in all aspects of life including relationship health, substance use, sleep hygiene, exercise and nutrition. All students are welcome to join this committee as well as participate in any of their programs.

    For more information, please visit our website at: for free and confidential alcohol and marijuana online screening and feedback programs, or to learn more about information about the resources, staff and services provided by the Alcohol and Other Drug Education Program at Fordham University.


    Because of the fire hazard, barbecues are only permitted when hosted by Aramark and approved and supervised by a Residential Life staff member. Private grills or hibachi barbecues are not permitted for use in the residence hall.

    Bicycles, Skateboards, and Scooters

    Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters should remain in your residence hall room or be secured to designated racks when not in use and serial numbers should be registered with the University’s Security Office. Due to the threat of injury to pedestrians, bicycles, skateboards, and scooters may not be ridden on campus. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters are not permitted to be kept in lounges or the lobby, nor should they block building exits, stairways, or hallways. The University assumes no responsibility for bicycles, skateboards, and scooters that are stolen, lost, or damaged while on University property. Motorized scooters are not permitted in the residence halls.

    Bulletin Boards and Posting

    Throughout the year, notices containing information pertinent to resident students are posted in high-traffic areas. In addition, emails are sent out that reinforce the information found on bulletin boards and postings. All students are urged to read and be aware of these notices. Students who post notices in the Residence Hall must follow the University standards of posting as required by the Office of Student Activities. A full listing of policies is stated in the Lincoln Center Student Handbook. Posters or other signs that have not been approved for posting by the Office of Student Leadership and Community Development or the Office of Residential Life, or which have been placed in inappropriate locations, will be removed, and disciplinary action and/or fines may be levied against the individual or organization responsible. All McMahon and McKeon Hall postings must be left with the Office of Residential Life for distribution. Self-postings in the residence hall are not allowed.

    Cable Service

    The cost for cable service on a one television-per-outlet basis is included in room charges for all on-campus residents. In accordance with the cable television contract, the connection of more than one television unit to a single cable outlet by any means is strictly prohibited. Students are asked to be careful with cable service jacks, outlets, molding, and other items. Students will be assessed charges by the Office of Residential Life and may be subject to judicial action if cable television hardware in a given suite or bedroom is damaged or modified to splice cable service. Do not create tripping hazards within your apartment.

    Channel Network   Channel Network
    2 CBS   33 BET
    4 NBC   34 Discovery
    5 FOX   35 AMC
    6 Channel Guide   36 C-SPAN2
    7 ABC   37 ESPNEWS
    9 MY9TV   38 ESPN Classic
    10 Library Access Channel   39 MSG+
    11 CW/PIX 11   40 C-SPAN
    12 Univision   41 FOX News
    13 PBS   42 CBS HD
    14 A&E   44 NBC HD
    15 CNBC   45 FOX HD
    16 CNN   46 MTVU
    17 ESPN   47 ABC HD
    18 TRUTV   48 Bravo
    19 TBS   49 MY9TV HD
    20 MTV   50 WLIW
    21 TNT   51 PIX 11 HD
    22 TLC   52 History
    23 ABC Family   53 NFL Network
    24 Comedy Central   54 SNY
    25 Nickelodeon   59 Food Network
    26 Weather Channel   60 Food Paradise
    27 MSG   61 Cartoon Network
    28 ESPN2   63 WE TV
    29 USA   73 FX
    30 Lifetime   85 HBO
    31 VH-1   86 HBO2
    32 E!   87 HBO Signature

    Candles and Incense

    Due to fire hazard, burning or possession of candles or incense is not allowed in the Residence Hall. Candles or incense found in a residence hall room are subject to confiscation and will be discarded. Violators are subject to disciplinary action and/or a minimum $50 fine per person.

    Check-in and Check-out

    A student moving into the Residence Hall is responsible for completing an emergency notification card via University portal and a room condition report (RCR) in cooperation with Residential Life policy. Please take the time to thoroughly document your apartment. This report is kept on file.

    A student changing rooms with approval, leaving the Residence Hall, or for May closing, is responsible for notifying the Resident Assistant of his or her departure date. The student must then arrange a meeting with a staff member of Residential Life to assess the condition of the apartment/room or follow proper check out procedure. A Room Condition Report (RCR) must be completed with a Residential Life staff member (not a security staff member) unless otherwise communicated. Residents will be held responsible for any damages found during inspection that were not included on the RCR filed at opening.

    Residents should clean their rooms, discard trash, remove extra furniture and/or non-University property from their room or suite, and should return all furniture to its original location and position (i.e. return couches and chairs to common room, etc.). If you are the first to leave, clean your apartment/room and/or make arrangements.

    Failure to leave the room in the condition in which it was found will result in a damage assessment and possible disciplinary action. Failure to complete these steps in May will result in the assignment of a closing fine, which will be placed on the student’s bursar account. Students failing to check out properly, including cleaning the suite, turning in the room key, meeting with an Office of Residential Life staff member, and completing an RCR, will be fined $100, in addition to any damage or lost key charges. Students who do not submit their room key are not considered officially checked out and may be subject to additional Residential Life charges. Students must move out on the date and time assigned by the Office of Residential Life. Students may only move out prior to the date assigned if they are vacating the Residence Hall. Students checking out late may be charged $25 per hour.

    University IDs will be deactivated at the end of each academic year.


    Condoning, supporting, or encouraging a violation of university policy is considered a violation of Residential Life policy. Students who anticipate or observe a violation of university policy are expected to remove themselves from the situation. Students are encouraged to contact university officials should they find themselves in such a situation.

    Data/Internet Jacks

    The University provides data outlets in each bedroom and WiFi throughout the building to provide individual access to the internet. The cost for this service is assessed through the Technology Fee. Students are asked to be careful with the jacks, outlets, molding, and other data equipment in their rooms. Students will be assessed charges by the Office of Residential Life and may be subject to judicial action if data jack hardware is damaged. Students may not have their own wireless personal router access points, and will be charged a monetary fine if found having them. If you have any questions or concerns with Internet service, please email

    Drones-Use of Unmanned Aircraft System

    Any use of a UAS/DRONE in, from, or above Fordham University's buildings, campuses, or properties is strictly prohibited except under the following circumstances: Commercial or Official institutional use.

    The use of commercially owned drones is permitted only for educational or research purposes. All commercial, contract or University owned UAS:

    • Must comply with all federal (FAA), State of New York and New York City laws;
    • Must provide proof of a Special Airworthiness Certificate/Restricted Category/Section 333 Waiver or Authorization (COA) for civil aircraft;
    • Any commercial use must provide a certificate of specific dron use insurance naming Fordham University as additional insured with a minimum of $5 million in general liability insurance;
    • Must not operate over areas where people assemble, sports venues/fields/arenas, or areas of construction;
    • Must not photograph or video where anyone would have a reasonable expectation of privacy;
    • Must obtain permission from the Department of Public Safety, at least 48 hours in advance;
    • Must provide Department of Public Safety a flight plan, including the date, time, location, duration and purpose for the flight and name of the UAS operator.
    • Any hobby or recreational use is not permitted."


    Fordham University strictly prohibits the unauthorized possession, use, distribution, sale, facilitation in the sale, purchase, or production of barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, opiates, hallucinogens, or any other addictive or illegal drug and/or drug paraphernalia. Such conduct violates the University Code of Conduct, as well as state and federal laws.

    For purposes of this policy, “drug” includes, but is not limited to, marijuana, heroin, LSD, cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy, ketamine, and prescription drugs. Drug also includes any substance that is used to change mood or alter reality and is not used in accordance with a medical prescription (e.g., household chemicals/ agents, steroids, naturally derived substances). “Drug paraphernalia” includes, but is not limited to, hookahs, pipes, bongs, and hollowed out cigars.

    All illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia are subject to confiscation and the University reserves the right to refer potential criminal violations to local law enforcement authorities. Students who have used or are using drugs may wish to seek counseling, and are reminded that physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and ministers are available for such help.

    Electrical Appliances

    Safety concerns also mandate that only certain electrical appliances are allowed in the Residence Halls. Acceptable appliances include: iron, radio, stereo, TV, microwave oven, electric razor, hair-dryer, personal computer and coffee pot. Unacceptable electrical appliances and other electrical devices include: mini- fridges (small refrigerators) in McMahon Hall, hot plates and other open element electrical appliances, halogen lamps and space heaters. McKeon Hall residents are permitted to have mini-fridges. Prohibited electrical equipment will be confiscated and a warning of further disciplinary action will be given.

    If extension cords are used they should be UL approved and of a “heavy duty” quality. The use of many electrical items at the same time may cause fires. Since electrical surges may occur periodically, the Office of Residential Life recommends the use of surge protectors and does not assume liability for damage caused by electrical surges. Students will be charged for removal of any appliances left behind.


    Elevators are for the convenience of all residents. Because of extensive use, they deserve great care. Overloading, manually holding the doors open, and jumping in the elevator while it is in transit will cause elevators to shut down. Please use the “open door” button to hold the door. Elevator repairs are expensive and in cases of vandalism residents will be responsible for repair costs. Fines from $300 to $700 will be assessed for residents caught jumping while the elevator is in transit.


    All residents are expected to enter and exit their respective buildings through the lobby on the first floor or the plaza level entrance when it is open. All guests should be accompanied by a resident and must enter and exit the residence hall through the lobby on the first floor of either building.

    Explosives and Weapons

    All weapons, knives, firearms, ammunition, hunting arrows, potentially injurious war souvenirs, explosives, fireworks, firecrackers, highly flammable materials, and dangerous chemicals are prohibited in the Residence Halls. Possession or use of such explosives or weapons will result in confiscation and disciplinary action.

    Failure to Comply

    Students who fail to meet deadlines or to comply with the requirements of sanctions of previous judicial incidents will be found responsible for this violation and may be placed on probation or be subject to a more serious sanction. Students who fail to comply with hearing officer requests to attend hearings or who fail to comply with judicial sanctions may receive additional fines.

    Fitness Center

    The Fitness Center, located on the second floor of McMahon Hall, is equipped with weight equipment, treadmills, and elliptical machines. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends. All faculty, administrators, staff, and students are welcome to use the fitness center. Guests are not allowed. All fitness center users are required to have their ID in their possession. The Fitness Center will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:45 - 11:30 a.m. for scheduled cleaning. Please note that the fitness center will be closed for renovations through November. 

    Hall Sports

    Hall sports are prohibited in the Residence Halls. These activities in a residential community may be dangerous to other persons and can result in considerable damage to the Residence Hall, including the fire safety equipment. The resultant noise and obstructions may also negatively impact the community.


    All University employees and students are to be treated with respect. Use of abusive language, including but not limited to profanity and threats, or unwanted physical contact are considered harassment and will be dealt with severely as violations of both the Office of Residential Life and University policies. Please refer to the Lincoln Center Student Handbook for further information. All disciplinary cases involving harassment of staff will be handled by the Director or Assistant Director of Residential Life.

    Holiday Lights

    Holiday lights of any kind are not permitted to be displayed in the Residence Halls at any point in the year due to hazardous conditions. Students will be fined up to $25.

    Room Selection and Assignments

    The room selection process is held each Spring to determine the allocation of space for the following year. The established guidelines for obtaining housing are published by the Office of Residential Life early in the Spring semester. Watch carefully for notices distributed, posted in the residence halls and communicated via email. To complete your application and enter the lottery process, you must submit the deposit by the deadline. Those residents who were not permitted to participate in the Housing Lottery because of ineligibility, disciplinary reasons, or a late filing of application materials may be assigned a room through the Overflow Lottery process.

    Intent to Vacate

    Housing Agreements are binding from August through May. However, circumstances may sometimes necessitate the cancellation of an Agreement after the fall semester. When this is the case, the Intent to Vacate process must be followed. In November, the Office of Residential Life will distribute information about procedures that enable a resident student to terminate his or her contract prior to January. It is the responsibility of the resident student to complete all the necessary paperwork, meet all deadlines, and complete proper checkout procedures.

    Students who terminate their Agreements at this time are also responsible for informing their suitemates or roommates of their intentions to vacate. The Office of Residential Life may not be able to contact roommates during periods of high activity. We encourage continuous communication among roommates and suitemates to avoid misunderstandings.

    ID Cards

    Students are required to have their University identification cards with them at all times and are required to surrender IDs to any authorized University official upon request. Resident student ID cards are programmed to allow them access to their respective building. McKeon resident ID cards also allow them access to the residential floors of the hall. ID cards are to be used only by the student to whom the card was issued. Students are not allowed to give their ID cards to another student or guest in order to facilitate unauthorized entry into the building.


    Each student will be issued a room key upon check-in. Students must return keys to residence hall staff when they move out or a fine of $25 per key will be issued. A student who loses a key may have to pay a $60 charge to have the lock changed. Replacement keys may be requested by filling out a work order online ( During the end of the year checkout, credit will not be given for keys returned after designated move out dates, or for keys returned improperly, such as being slid under the RA’s door, given to security, or mailed to the Office of Residential Life. Students found with duplicate keys may be subject to disciplinary action and a fine. Students will be charged $25 for keys not returned during the check-out process.

    Laundry Rooms

    The McMahon Hall laundry rooms are located on the 2nd, 10th, and 16th floors. The McKeon Hall laundry room is located on the 11th floor. It is advised that all students watch their clothing while it is in the laundry room. In consideration of fellow residents, all clothes should be promptly removed upon completion of the wash or dry cycles. The University is not responsible for lost items left in the laundry room unattended. In an effort to maintain a clean, orderly facility, items left over one week will be removed and donated. Problems with equipment should be reported online using the work order form.


    It is a student’s responsibility to carry his/her key at all times. Students who find themselves locked out of their room may come to the Office of Residential Life from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday to be allowed access to the room. From 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday through Friday and 10 to 2 a.m. on weekends, the RA on duty will handle lockouts. At other times, see security at the front desk. Students who have repeated lockouts may be subject to disciplinary sanctions or fines. After the first 3 lockouts, the student will be charged a fine of $25. Excessive lockouts are subject to additional fines.


    McKeon Hall
    McKeon Hall has lounges on each floor. However, the lounges on the 18th and 20th floors are designated quiet lounges for the purpose of individual study. Special lounges include the Dance Studio on the 12th Floor, Game Lounge on the 14th floor, Movie Lounge on the 16th floor, Mini Kitchen on the 17th floor, and full kitchen on the 22nd floor.

    McMahon Hall
    McMahon Hall has four lounges. The lounges on the 5th and 17th floors are quiet lounges designated for individual study. The lounges on the 8th and 14th floors are soft lounges.

    Around-the clock “consideration hours” are in effect in all lounges. Light fixtures, bulbs, and furniture are not to be removed from the lounges. Fines will be issued to those students found in possession of lounge furniture. Additionally, no alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed in any lounge regardless of age.

    Mail Service

    All resident mail for students living in McMahon and McKeon Halls will be delivered directly to the campus mailroom, located in McMahon Hall. Each student will share a mailbox with his or her roommates. All mail should be addressed as follows:

    (Student’s Name)
    155 West 60th Street, (Student’s Room Number)
    New York, NY 10023

    Residents receiving packages will receive a text message when their package has arrived. In order to retrieve packages,students must present their Fordham ID to the mailroom clerk. Students can contact the mail room at x7117 and the package room at x7848. While we do not encourage parents to mail monetary gifts, we do ask that any gifts with monetary value should be sent via certified mail in order to track said mail. We are not responsible for any untraceable letters or packages.


    Your residence hall staff will, from time to time, announce mandatory floor meetings and programs. Students are required to attend such events as important information about residential life policies and procedures will be discussed. Advance notice for such meetings will be given when possible. If you cannot attend the floor meeting or program, arrangements must be made in advance with your RA.

    Moral Growth and Responsibility

    The faculty, students, staff, and administrators of Fordham University are informed by the Jesuit, Catholic tradition of responsible moral living. Residence hall life is an integral part of the Fordham student’s education, and community life in the residence halls is necessarily based upon the University’s founding principle. One such principle holds that sexual intercourse is to be reserved for marriage. Cohabitation is therefore prohibited in the residence halls. Furthermore, a student is not permitted to request or cajole a roommate to leave his or her room, suite or apartment in order to facilitate sexual activities. Cohabitation may lead to sanctions ranging from Residence Hall probation to dismissal from the Residence Hall.

    Moving Carts

    Moving carts are owned by the University to assist students in moving in and out of the Residence Hall. These carts are provided as a matter of convenience during hours when the Office of Residential Life or the RA Office is open. Please be considerate of other students and return the carts within one hour. All carts must be signed out and your Fordham ID left with a Residential Life staff member.

    Noise Consideration/Quiet Hours/Amplified Noise

    Fordham promotes an environment conducive to study in the Residence Halls at all times of the day and night. To assist in maintaining this environment, resident students must therefore make every effort to respect the right of other individuals to study. An around-the-clock consideration policy exists, and quiet hours are enforced between 11 p.m. and 9 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and between 1 a.m. and 9 a.m., Friday and Saturday. Maintaining these policies is the responsibility of all students. Staff members are available for enforcement when residents’ efforts are unsuccessful in resolving a situation. Stereo speakers and audio equipment may not be aimed out of the windows and doorways because of disruption to others. Any noise clearly heard beyond the confines of a student’s room represents a breach of the consideration policy. There is a minimum $25.00 fine for noise violations, or an equivalent educational sanction, with the possibility of further disciplinary action and removal of stereo speakers or audio equipment.

    Non-Discrimination Policy

    Fordham University reaffirms its policy of non-discrimination. The University is an academic institution that, in compliance with federal, state and local laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, gender, national origin, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, alienage or citizenship status, veteran status, or disability.

    No otherwise qualified person shall be discriminated against in any program or activities of the University because of disability. Likewise, no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex. A compliance officer is available to address any complaints alleging discrimination on the basis of disability or sex. Georgina Arendacs may be contacted in the Office of Legal Counsel, Administration Building, Room 223, Rose Hill Campus, or by phone at 718-817-3112. Fordham University does not knowingly support or patronize any organization that engages in discrimination.

    Occupancy Reports

    Occupancy Reports are completed by Residential Life staff in order to keep an accurate list of residents. This information is also required by law for use in the event of fire or other emergencies. Students are required to cooperate with Resident Assistants in completing this report at any time during the year. Failure to attend mandatory first floor meetings (at which Occupancy Reports may be completed) obligate students to seek out their Resident Assistant or the Resident Assistant on duty. Providing inaccurate information will lead to disciplinary action.

    Party Registration

    No parties will be permitted in McKeon Hall. To sponsor a party at which alcohol will be served in McMahon Hall, an event registration form must be completed and returned to the RD at least seven days in advance. If approved by the RD, the following apply:

    1. Sponsors must meet with the RD to discuss state laws, the Office of Residential Life and University policies and additional responsibilities.
    2. The RD will decide if an event is appropriate and establish guidelines pertaining to acceptable quantities of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
    3. Kegs and beer balls (full or empty) are prohibited in the Residence Hall and will be confiscated. Students in possession of such materials will receive a $250 fine per keg or beer ball and may be placed on probation or dismissed from the Residence Hall.
    4. There may be 3 guests for every 1 person assigned to an apartment, with a maximum of 9 guests in a 3 person 3 bedroom suite, 12 guests in a 4-6 person 2 bedroom suite or a 4 person 3 bedroom suite, and 18 guests in a 6-9 person 3 bedroom suite. All hosts are responsible for the behavior of their guests.
    5. The host(s) agree(s) to abide by all regulations listed on the party registration form.
    6. Failure to abide by the Office of Residential Life policies regarding the use of alcoholic beverages is considered a violation of the University Code of Conduct.
    7. If other Residential Life and/or University regulations are allegedly violated because a student is under the influence of alcohol, a judicial hearing will be conducted both for the incident itself and for the alcohol policy violation.
    8. All illegal use of alcohol will result in its confiscation and disposal by Security or Residential Life staff and further sanctions, which may include but not be limited to disciplinary reprimand, work hours, and Residence Hall probation.
    9. Anyone with an open container of alcohol in a public area will face disciplinary action.


    For the sake of cleanliness and safety, residents are not permitted to have pets or animals of any kind, including fish and reptiles, in the Residence Hall. Residents found with animals in their custody will be subject to disciplinary action and will be required to immediately remove the pet. Any students found with a pet will be charged a $350 fine.

    Public Safety

    Public safety is responsibility shared by the entire University community. Resident students have a special responsibility to keep apartment and bedroom doors and bolts locked at all times, and to deny entrance to unauthorized individuals. Residents should immediately notify the Residential Life staff and Public Safety of any suspicious person or other emergency in the building. A security guard provides coverage twenty-four hours per day for the Residence Halls. The security guards greet students and guests and check their ID’s. The security guard will be supervised by the Public Safety Department, but will work in conjunction with the Residential Life staff members. Resident students must show their ID to gain entry into the residence hall. Public Safety staff can be contacted at all times at x7111.


    The rock garden and the McMahon Hall meeting rooms may be reserved for special functions sanctioned by the University through the Office of Residential Life. Individuals reserving any spaces must provide contact information when reserving this space. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to hold these rooms, when needed. Meeting rooms must be returned to their original conditions. No smoking is permitted. The first floor meeting room, McMahon Hall room 109 may be reserved for functions sanctioned by the University. Reservation of the first floor meeting room is handled through the Conferences Services Office for day events. Evening events in room 109 are reserved for student events through the Office of Residential Life; room is used as is. No alcoholic beverages may be served or consumed in any lounge or in the rock garden.

    Roofs, Balconies, and Unauthorized Areas

    In the interest of safety, resident students and their guests are prohibited from entering the roof and restricted areas of the residence halls. Resident students and their guests may only enter and exit a building through designated entrance doors; windows may not be used as a means of entering or exiting a University building or residence hall. Residence hall lounge amenities and laundry facilities are funded by the residents of the building. Access to these facilities is limited to resident students living in the hall. Violation of this regulation may result in dismissal from the Residence Hall.

    Room Changes/Roommate Conflicts

    Fordham University’s community is one that protects an individual’s rights and ensures that he or she is afforded respect. It is also a community that assigns responsibility to its members. Part of a Fordham education is learning to live with others and this is one of the responsibilities that our community expects its members to uphold. In times when disagreements and conflicts arise, members of the Residence Hall staff are prepared to assist.

    In general, when a conflict arises in the room/suite, you should:

    • Make an effort to resolve the conflict yourself. Take the time to share the problem with your roommate(s). If this is an uncomfortable situation or if you run into problems, seek out your Resident Assistant (RA) or Resident Freshmen Mentor (RFM) for advice. The RA/RFMs are trained to help with these situations and have the experience of living in the halls behind them.
    • If your efforts are still unsuccessful, approach your RA/RFM about mediating the conflict. Staff members are trained to help mediate and can set up a meeting with you and your roommate(s) to help get a dialogue started about the problem. RA/RFM will consult a Resident Director (RD) about the mediation. RDs may also conduct more serious mediations themselves.
    • If the above steps are unsuccessful, ask your RA/RFM about securing a Room Change. The RA/RFM can describe the process and contact the Resident Director. It is the Resident Director who must authorize any room change, and he or she will consult with your RA/RFM and with you about your request only after the above described steps have been taken.
    • Once the RD has come to a decision about whether your request for a Room Change is warranted, the RD helps you begin the administrative process through the Office of Residential Life if a room change is approved. Your RD will do his or her best to come up with an agreeable new living situation for all parties concerned. Please keep in mind that the RD can only entertain requests from students who are themselves interested in moving, not in having others moved on their behalf. Exceptions to this policy are made in situations which Office of Residential Life staff members determine to be threatening. In addition, room change requests made for reasons of race, creed, color, religion, age, parental status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, and/or nationality will not be examined. If a room change is granted to students, all residents with new suitemates must complete a Suitemate Agreement Form that can be obtained through their Resident Assistant.

    Parents and others concerned with specific roommate conflicts should contact the student’s Resident Director. Requests for assistance with roommate conflicts made by parents or others on behalf of students will result in staff approaching the student. The Resident Director will also answer questions and explain the roommate conflict mediation process. Students seeking authorization for room changes must obtain the Resident Director’s approval and should explore available room options with him or her. When a new room is selected, the student must arrange with his/her new Resident Assistant to complete a check-in RCR and with his/her former Resident Assistant to complete a check-out RCR.

    Students may not change bedrooms within a given suite or anywhere in the building without properly applying for a room change with the Office of Residential Life. Judicial sanctions will be allocated against those who have changed their housing units without proper permission from the Resident Director and the Office of Residential Life. A roommate responsible for creating conflict through inconsiderate actions or harassment will be subject to disciplinary action and a possible mandatory room change.

    No Room Change requests will be examined during the first four weeks of the semester. This “room freeze” period is set aside so that residents take the time to thoroughly appraise their residence hall environment before making a change. Experience has shown that taking the time to think about a change, to get used to a living situation, and to work on any early disagreements that may arise with roommates is of greater benefit than a quick decision to change housing. Learning to live in new surroundings and with new people is part of the education Fordham affords. RAs, RFMs, and RDs are trained to help with this educational process. Later, in the weeks before and during Housing Lottery, room change requests will again be deferred to facilitate the orderly allocation of new housing assignments for the upcoming academic year.

    Room Entry

    In order to ensure a safe and secure living environment for all students, the University (Residential Life staff, Security, etc.) reserves the right to make reasonable entry to a student’s residence unit without consent for the following purposes:

    • safety inspections, facility repairs, general housekeeping, occupancy room checks, and other similar administrative or operational purposes;
    • evidence of emergency situations such as screams for help or present danger, smoke, fire, flooding, noxious odors;
    • reasonable suspicion of medical emergencies;
    • replacement or movement of University property, including that which has been misappropriated or relocated without authorization;
    • disorderly conduct, unreasonable noise levels, and activities/conduct that are prohibited by the Office of Residential Life Handbook, Student Handbook or Residence Hall Agreement.

    Room Inspections

    Entry can be made by any authorized University official or agent after knocking and after no response for a reasonable lapse of time. Residential Life and facilities staff members must inspect each residence hall several times a year. We will do our best to notify you when we will be inspecting rooms, however, we may need to enter your room when you are not present. Students will be held responsible for uncleanliness, damages, or policy violations found during these inspections. The following policy violations may result in fines assessed without a judicial hearing: presence of unauthorized university property, candles/incense, cable splice, smoking, halogen lamps, dartboards, tapestries, and illegal appliances. All such fines and charges will be placed on students’ bursar accounts and students will receive a notice detailing the charges. Fines from violations found in the common areas within the suite will be issued to all suite residents; fines from violations found in bedrooms will be issued to all bedroom residents.

    Room Vacancies

    Changes in housing assignments, including the allocation of empty beds, are arranged through the Associate Director for Housing Operations. Any openings in rooms/apartments will be assigned to new students on an on-going basis. Students living in a unit may request roommate(s) to assume any empty space(s); however, a request is not a guarantee such moves will occur. In keeping with the principles of fairness and social concern that guide community living in a residence hall, resident students should welcome new roommates/suitemates. If a student is found to be difficult with a new roommate/suitemate or actively seeks to create a hostile environment for such people, the student may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible relocation or dismissal.

    Second Floor Access for Non-Residents in McMahon Hall

    Access to the Fitness Center, the Counseling Center and Health Center in McMahon Hall are via stairway A, located in the east wing of the building.

    All individuals seeking access to McMahon Hall residential facilities should enter through the first floor entrance, including McMahon Hall residents with valid ID. Non-resident students using the lounge or exercise room cannot gain entry to the building via the second floor elevators. Please respect this security setup, the purpose is to keep non-residents out of the residential section of the building.

    Smoking and E-Cigarettes

    Smoking is prohibited in all Fordham University buildings. This includes all indoor air space including all residence hall rooms and common areas, private faculty and administrative offices, and dining facilities. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff, and students to observe and enforce the non- smoking policy. Clove, beedee cigarettes, and cigars are prohibited. Smoking paraphernalia, such as ashtrays and hookahs are prohibited. E-cigarettes are permitted in the residence hall, but should not be smoked inside any Fordham University building. To implement and enforce this policy, common courtesy and consideration towards others should be exercised. Smokers should show consideration towards individuals entering McMahon Hall when smoking under the awning entrance to McMahon Hall at 155 West 60th Street. When smoking outside, please do not litter, and properly dispose of your cigarette butts. Failure to comply will result in verbal or written warnings, educational sanctions, or fines ($50). Repeated violations could result in dismissal from the residence halls.

    Social Host

    It is the responsibility of any student who hosts a visitor or guest on campus to insure that the person knows and adheres to the Residential Life and Student Handbook. In instances where guests violate rules or codes, the student host will be held responsible. Residents of a room, apartment or suite, on or off campus, are responsible for all that occurs within that dwelling, including any guest misconduct. Whether a visitor is a student or non-student, the student host will be held responsible for violations of the Residential Life and Student Handbook. Responsibility under these rules may occur even if the host is not a participant in the activity or has left the visitor(s) alone.


    No solicitors, sales people, or agents, whether students or others, are permitted to personally contact students for commercial purposes except when authorized by the University. In these cases, permission must be obtained from the Office of Residential Life. Students are not allowed to use their rooms for commercial purposes. Additionally, students may not post fliers on room doors or visit rooms for advertising or promotional purposes (i.e. promoting parties or websites).


    The telephone connection fee is included in the room rate for all on-campus residence halls. All student rooms are configured with one active telephone jack (supporting a telephone or modem/fax). If residents wish to connect and use the telephone system, they must provide their own telecommunications device. Telephones used on the system must be touch-tone and utilize standard MF/outpulsing; any AT&T phone has these options. The University phone service allows students to call other extensions on campus or at the Rose Hill campus. To call a number off campus, students must call collect or use a calling card.

    Theft and Damage to Personal Property

    Money, clothing, and valuables can be stolen from Residence Hall rooms that are left unoccupied and unlocked. The University cannot be responsible for any loss due to theft, fire, vandalism, accident, or students’ negligence and does not provide insurance for personal property. Students are strongly encouraged to inventory all personal belongings and to record serial numbers where possible. Students are strongly advised to have their parents’ homeowner’s/renter’s insurance cover their personal property or obtain apartment insurance. In the event of theft, a Residential Life staff member or Public Safety officer should be immediately advised. If a room lock is not operating properly, please report it using the work order form. Students will be subject to disciplinary action if they are involved in any theft and/ or damage to the property of another person or the University.

    Throwing of Objects

    In the interest of safety, it is unacceptable to throw or drop anything in or out of a window of a University building. Such conduct severely jeopardizes the health and well-being of other members of the University community. Students are not allowed to hang out of windows and/or pass things into or out of residence hall windows. In the same way, students may not hang items out room and/or suite windows. Students found in violation of this policy are subject to serious disciplinary action, including possible dismissal from the Residence Hall.

    University Property

    Public signs, public fixtures, and non-university furniture are prohibited in the residence halls due to overcrowding and cleaning issues. Examples include beds, couches, etc. Students should not have unauthorized University property in their apartments. Violators will be fined for the first offense, and will be subject to further judicial action and/or full repair and replacement costs. University property will be removed if not authorized to be in student rooms.


    Vandalism to any building, to any University property, or to any individual’s personal property is prohibited. Tampering with windows and/or window locks is a serious offense and is subject to fines and/or dismissal from the residence hall.

    Videotaping, Recording, and Photography

    A student’s right to privacy is important in a community setting. In an effort to uphold this right, students must have consent from all individuals being videotaped, recorded, or photographed. Videotaping, recording, and/or photography may not incite violence or violation of University and/or the Office of Residential Life policy.

    Visitation and Guest Policies

    The Office of Residential Life’s visitation and guest policy provides residential students the opportunity to sign-in day visitors and host overnight guests through obtaining a guest pass. While providing for this interaction, the policy is also sensitive to residents’ needs for a level of privacy in a community environment, the balancing of rights among resident students and the need for safety and security.

    Residents are permitted up to two visitors/guests at a time in any of the following combinations:

    • Two signed in day visitors OR
    • Two overnight guests OR
    • One signed in day visitor and one overnight guest
    • Day visitors must be signed out by 3:30am. Students who do not sign out their guest(s) will be charged a visitation fine.
      • The first violation fines begin at $0 and increase by $15 increments for each repeated offense
        • For example, the second violation fine would be $15, third $30, fourth $45
        • Students with five or more infractions will go through the student conduct process and will lose guest privileges for a period of time
    • Overnight guest passes (1-2 nights; or 3-7 nights) must be obtained 48-hours prior to guest arrival
      • Host must pick up an overnight guest pass form from the Office of Residential Life or the RA On-Duty, complete the form, obtain signatures from all roommate(s)/suitemate(s), and return the completed form to the RA On-Duty no later than 48-hours (2-days) prior to guest arrival
      • McKeon residents are not permitted to obtain extended guest passes (3-7 nights)
      • Residents may host no more than 2 overnight guests at a time for two nights within a seven-day period. 1-2 night passes will not be issued back to back. There must be 1-night between each 1-2 night pass. If the guest plans to stay 3 to 7 nights, an extended guest pass must be obtained
        • McKeon residents are not permitted to obtain 3-7 nights guest passes 
        • Regardless of host, an individual cannot obtain a guest pass for more than 9-nights within a 30-day period
      • Overnight guests do not need to be signed in at the Security desk

    If you have any gender identity related concerns or questions regarding guest passes or the guest policy, please contact

    Please remember that only two people (guests or visitors) may be signed in per resident.

    All residential students are required to abide by the following policy when signing in visitors and hosting overnight guests:

    • Overnight guests must be 16-years or older 
    • All day visitors and overnight guests must show valid photo identification when signing into the residence hall and overnight guests must show their guest pass upon entrance to the residence hall and when requested by the residence hall staff and security
    • All day visitors and overnight guests are required to observe Residential Life and University policies and regulations
      • The residential student, as host, is responsible for their day visitor and/or overnight guest(s) behavior and assumes this responsibility by informing them of Residential Life and University policies and will be subject to disciplinary action and/or fines if these policies are not followed. Disciplinary action can include warnings, residential life probation, restriction of the host’s ability to sign-in day visitors and obtain overnight guests, housing dismissal, educational sanctions, or further fines
      • If day visitors or overnight guests violate Residential Life or University policy, the home school and/or parents will be notified, and the guest will be asked to leave the campus immediately and/or be banned from campus
    • The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to limit or restrict guest visitation. Guests signed into the residence hall who later receive a guest pass must still sign out of the building
    • Day visitors must be signed in and signed out at your building’s main security desk. In McKeon Hall, this is located at 150 W 62nd Street. In McMahon Hall, this is located at the 155 W 60th Street location. No guest/visitor is permitted to enter the building via the plaza level entrances
    • Overnight guest passes must be obtained 48-hours (2-nights) in advance by visiting the Resident Assistant On-Duty office in the host’s residential hall. The RA on Duty office is open from 7:00-10:00 p.m., seven days a week, with the exception of Tuesday’s when it is open from 7:00-8:45 p.m.)
      • In order to obtain an overnight guest pass, a resident must first complete an overnight guest pass form, get the form signed by all roommates/suitemates, and bring the completed form to the RA On-Duty office 48-hours in advance of their guest’s arrival
      • At the RA On-Duty office, students must present their valid Fordham ID and know their FIDN, guest’s full name, date of birth, home address, home phone number, emergency contact name, and emergency contact phone number
  • Room and Building Care

    It is the expectation of the Residential Life staff that students regularly clean their rooms/suites. At the conclusion of the academic year, the common areas, rooms, and apartments are expected to be left in the same condition in which they were found. The rooms and furnishings must be kept in presentable condition at all times. It is expected that students will be considerate of University property and give it proper care and treatment.

    Repair Services

    Maintenance personnel are on call to correct and prevent mechanical and electrical problems in all areas. Residents should complete a work order online by visiting Facilities staff will make repairs between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. While you will not be notified when a Facilities staff member visits your room to inspect and to make repairs, the staff will always knock before entering a room. Your cooperation with the Facilities Office will ensure prompt attention to problems and efficient maintenance. Do not attempt repairs on your own. You will be charged for all damage related to repairs you attempt.

    Extermination Service

    The Residence Hall receives extermination service in all public areas every Thursday. If your apartment requires the services of an exterminator, please complete a single, detailed work order online at .

    Housekeeping Service

    The University provides daily custodial service for common areas, such as lounges, corridors, stairwells, and public bathrooms. Cleaning is done between 7:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. Students are expected to clean their own rooms and suites— including bathrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. Students may request emergency custodial services for major mishaps in their residence rooms. Residents are expected to assist the custodians. Conditions such as large carpet or furniture stains, or broken furniture, should be reported immediately.


    The Residence Halls have generators, which have the ability to run the building on full power in the event of a power outage. In order to ensure the generator remains in working condition, it is necessary to test it every month. Power transfers typically occur on the first Thursday of every month at 10:30 a.m. During the transfer of power between the main utility and the generator and back there may be a slight blip in power. It may be necessary to reset alarm clocks. Also, the elevators are shut down momentarily during power transfers. Fordham is enrolled in the Electric Demand Reduction program to help the utilities cope with peak load crisis periods. This will result in several periods of generator operation lasting two or more hours throughout the year.

    Room Care/Cleaning

    You are responsible for cleaning your apartment. Failure to do so may result in judicial action You should purchase your own cleaning supplies (Swiffers, Clorox Wipes, Windex, etc.). Vacuum cleaners are available for checkout in the Office of Residential Life or the RA Duty Office.


    We suggest cleaning your bathroom at least every 2 weeks. You should purchase cleaning supplies for your apartment. Your cleaning routine should include the following:

    • Clean the inside and outside of the toilet, including the base.
    • Wash the sink, the faucet area, and clean the entire mirror.
    • Wash the soap residue in the bottom of the shower. A plastic pot-scrubber is perfect for this.

    Cooking Grease

    Do not pour cooking grease down the kitchen drain. Let the grease solidify and dispose of it in the trash. Be careful with hot grease as most of our fire related emergencies are due to the improper heating of grease.


    It is recommended that you dust your apartment about every two weeks to prevent dust build up.


    The University has undertaken a number of initiatives to conserve energy and resources including the following enhancements that you will notice: high speed hand driers to eliminate the use of environmentally costly towels, motion controlled lights and LED technology lights.

    10 Ways to reduce your carbon footprint while living in the Residence Halls:

    1. Attempt to keep your lights off. Instead, try using the natural light from our large windows.
    2. Maintain a moderate temperature in the apartment: not too hot in the winter, or too cold in the summer. Keeping your window closed will help.
    3. Reduce “phantom power” by using a power strip for electronics such as chargers, televisions, and printers that use energy when powered down. Please turn off the power strip when you are not using these items.
    4. Power down your computer instead of having it sit idle on the screensaver. This simple move actually reduces energy by 65%.
    5. Take the stairs when you can (especially if you live on the lower floors in McMahon Hall). Elevators consume a good deal of electricity.
    6. Do full loads of laundry, instead of frequent, smaller loads of laundry.
    7. Conserve paper: print double sided when you can and reuse the blank side of single pages before disposal.
    8. Recycle! Take cloth bags to the supermarket for your groceries. If you use plastic shopping bags, reuse them as trash can liners. Some stores will give you rewards for using the reusable grocery bags, so invest in a few. Rinse your glass, metal, and plastic containers before tossing them in the recycling bin in your suite. Once full, take the recycling bin to the trash room and sort the recycling into the correct pail.
    9. Promote reuse by contributing your old clothing and accessories to the quarterly Goodwill drives in McMahon and McKeon Halls.
    10. At move out, sort your left over food and belongings into the donation bins located in designated areas.

    Room Inspections

    Representatives from the Facilities and/or the Office of Residential Life will periodically inspect apartments/suites to check for cleanliness, safety, health, and fire hazards. Inspections also identify the need for preventative maintenance. When possible, you will be notified prior to these inspections. Inspections will take place as needed, on a formal and informal basis.

    Room Condition Reports (RCR) will be completed at the start of each semester, and will be referenced during Fall and Spring inspections and move-out. Changes in the RCR that are not the result of normal wear-and-tear are subject to disciplinary action and/or fines. Residents are responsible for insuring the RCR’s accuracy.


    Residents may sign out vacuum cleaners by leaving their ID in the Office of Residential Life between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. or in the RA Office between 7 and 10 p.m. The Office of Residential Life has a limited number of vacuums and we ask that students do not keep vacuums longer than one hour. By vacuuming often, you can ensure a long life for your carpet, and create a more pleasing atmosphere.

    Damage Assessment

    As a resident, you are not simply renting a room; you are part of the Residence Hall community. As such you are expected to take responsibility for the safety of the building and its residents. Responsibility for the maintenance of an environment free of vandalism is, ultimately, the task of all the individuals who live in the building. RAs and security personnel are expected to facilitate safety and security measures within the Residence Hall’s boundaries, but you must do your part by confronting or reporting the following situations: strangers in the building; students damaging the building or property in it; and persons engaged in behavior inappropriate to the development of community living.

    Individual Charges

    The University holds each student accountable and responsible for damage to University property beyond normal wear and tear. Breakage or marring of furniture; defacing of walls, ceilings, carpets; use of nails, screws, staples; damage to windows and doors; or general vandalism to University property will result in damage charges and possible disciplinary action. This includes debris thrown out of room windows, build-up of trash around the building, etc. Residents of an apartment are accountable for charges to repair any damage caused by vandalism in their own apartments.

    Group Charges

    Residents of the entire building are responsible for all common areas, including: stairwells, lobbies, entrance doors, laundry rooms, office areas, elevators, lounges, the fitness center, and all other common areas. If a student or group of students can be identified as being responsible for an act of vandalism, they will be held accountable for damage charges (actual or standardized). If a specific individual or group of individuals cannot be identified for damages in a public area, the assessments will be made against all individuals in that area. Any damages in public areas of the Residence Hall such as elevators, laundry rooms, fitness center, lounges, bathrooms, hallways and stairwells will result in community fines in the amount of the necessary replacement/repair costs. Disciplinary action and/or fines may be added for repeated offenses.

    Residents will be responsible for attending a floor meeting called by their RA and/or RD to discuss any incidents of vandalism that need to be cost-assessed and billed. Repeated acts of vandalism of the same type or in the same area will result in residents doing work hours, in addition to any financial compensation, and/or dismissal from the Residence Halls. Damage billing charges will be for actual repair/replacement costs, when available. A listing of current damage charges is available from the Office of Residential Life. Billing for damage assessments will take place on a monthly basis or as necessary. Fines will be placed directly on your bursar account. Please contact the Director of Residential Life or the RD with any ideas you may have to facilitate a damage-free environment.

    Damage Charges

    Note: These prices are a general guide and are subject to change based on actual repair/replacement costs. Disciplinary fines may be added for repeat offenses.

    Damaged fire door/stairwell door $1200
    Damaged/missing smoke detector $250+$200 fine
    Disabled/covered/damaged smoke detector $250+$200 fine
    Damaged fire bells, system panels, pull stations $200+$200 fine
    Damaged/missing fire extinguisher/exit sign equipment and casing $200+$200 fine
    False Fire alarm $200+$200 fine Non-compliance during fire drill $25-up
    Playing sports in the hallway $50-$250
    Miscellaneous fire violations $50-$250
    Damaged wireless access points $2,000
    Damaged wireless access point antenna $50
    Telephone cable $100-$300
    Telephone jack $150
    Damaged elevator doors/controls replacement Replacement cost
    Damaged Elevator lights/ceiling, panels/floor, tile/carpets Replacement cost
    Damaged/Missing elevator sign $125+$200 fine
    Garbage or graffiti in elevators Clean/repair costs
    Propping main apartment/bedroom door $85
    Damaged/missing door $1200
    Damaged/missing/window locks $85
    Broken window $250
    Broken window handle $85
    Damaged/missing blinds $110
    Damaged wall Replacement cost
    Paint entire wall $100
    Paint wall chipped (small) $25
    Paint wall chipped (medium) $50
    Marks to walls and tape residue $25
    Damaged ceiling tiles $32 per tile
    Plumbing fixtures Up to $125
    Toilet bowl $125
    Toilet seat $25
    Towel bars $35
    Damaged carpets/floor Replacement cost
    Damaged/missing light fixtures (living room/bedroom) $90/$60
    Reattaching light cover $25
    Damaged cable outlet $60
    Damaged/missing sofa $435
    Damaged/missing love seat $310
    Damaged/missing lounge chair $195
    Damaged/missing coffee table $105
    Damaged/missing dining room table $295
    Damaged/missing dining room/desk chair $75
    Damaged/missing desk $220
    Damaged/missing mattress $125
    Damaged/missing bed frame $150
    Damaged/missing dresser $200
    Damaged/missing refrigerator/stove rack $12.50
    Damaged/missing freezer door Replacement cost
    Damaged/missing cabinets Replacement cost
    Damaged/missing refrigerator Replacement cost
    Damaged/missing oven Replacement cost
    Miscellaneous vandalism $25-$200
    Excessive Uncleanliness (Determined by ORL &/or Facilities) $25-$200

    Any damages to public areas of the Residence Hall will result in community fines in the amount of necessary repair/replacement costs, plus any appropriate fines.

    Room Information

    AC/Heating Unit

    With the frequent fluctuations in the New York weather we wanted to clarify the operation of the climate control systems in the Residence Halls as well as offer some recommendations as how to best manage your room’s temperature. If you have any questions or need assistance with managing the climate control in your room, please connect with your Resident Assistant or Resident Director.

    McMahon Hall
    The heating/air-conditioning unit is in the vent unit located directly under the window. The controls are on the far right of the silver vent/screen on the top of the unit. Lift up the far right section to operate the controls. For fresh air, push down the “fan only” button. For cool air push the “high” or “low” buttons and adjust the temperature dial to the cool section. The temperature dial must be turned clockwise towards “cooler” for the unit to provide cool air. Heat is only available when the steam system to the apartments has been turned on for the year. The steam system will only supply heat when the outside air temperature is below 55 degrees during the day or below 45 degrees at night, and the interior temperature of the building indicates heat is needed. The heat will fluctuate with the temperature. If you tend to get cold then always leave your heater on the heat setting to get heat whenever the steam for the building is activated. We keep the Residence Hall temperature around 72 degrees; if you need to be warmer wear heavier clothing during the change of season. Very intense hot weather outside (above 100 degrees) may cause the air conditioner unit to overheat and shut down. During intense heat waves, keep your blinds closed to keep the room cool. Only operate the air conditioner when you are home. Do not leave the unit running while you are out. Additionally, in an effort to conserve energy we recommend that you do not open your window and operate the heater/air conditioner at the same time. Try to maintain your apartment at a reasonable temperature throughout the year.

    McKeon Hall
    The heating/air-conditioning control panel is located next to the door to your room. Air conditioning in the building is not active when the outside temperature is below 65 degrees. Therefore the cooling option will not show on your thermostat display. If you wish to cool your room during those periods we recommend putting the fan option on high with your window open to better circulate the air in your room. If you find your room to be too cool, the heat option is available year-round but it needs to be activated and the desired room temperature needs to be set higher than the current temperature of the room. To activate the heat on the thermostat, push the “system” button until you are able to see heat icon come up on the display. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly and save on energy, we ask that you turn down the heat in your room when no one is present and at night when sleeping.

    Bunk Beds

    No beds in either Residence Hall should ever be bunked without prior approval from Facilities.

    Circuit Breakers

    In McMahon Hall, the circuit breaker box is on the wall outside your kitchen. Do not obstruct the box. Do not“reset” tripped circuit breakers. Report any problems by filling out the online work order at  .


    Room and apartment decorations are certainly encouraged as a means of personalizing your living space. However facilities and safety concerns limit the kinds of acceptable decorations. Because of the fire hazard, tapestries and other hangings on ceilings, doorways, over lights, over heaters, from fire safety equipment, or covering walls are prohibited. Holiday lights are not permitted in the Residence Hall at any point during the semester due to hazardous conditions.

    Use “fun tack” only for any wall or door hangings. All “fun tack” installed in the apartment must be removed from all surfaces before checkout. Carefully remove adhesives from the wall to prevent damages. Please keep in mind that you will be billed for any chipping, peeling, or pockmarks sustained as a result of any hangings. If a portion of a wall is damaged, the responsible student will be billed for painting the entire wall. In order to prevent such damage, tape, double-stick tape, nails and thumbtacks are not permitted in the residence hall.

    A minimum of $25 will be charged for detaching any items posted on the outside of the front door. Any decorative items posted on the front door are considered to be in public view and must be respectful to all members of the Fordham community. You may be asked to remove items posted on the outside of the front door if they are deemed inappropriate or may lead to damage.


    You may move furniture around the apartment/room but not outside the apartment/room. Bicycles and other equipment must be stored in your apartment/room. Please use the furniture for its intended purpose. Do not use the couch as an ironing board or stack furniture. Lounge furniture is for the lounge; it may not be removed from the lounge to an apartment/room. The lounge furniture is a different color from the apartment/room furniture so it is easily recognizable to the Office of Residential Life staff. Non-University furniture is prohibited in the Residence Hall.

    Delivery/Guest Sign-In

    For your protection, no one is allowed in the residence hall unless accompanied by a resident. Please inform your friends and family that they are required to sign-in at the desk and wait for you in the lobby. Take-out services may not deliver to your apartment. Please go down to the lobby to meet the delivery person.

    Kitchen Pass-Through in McMahon Hall

    The pass-through ledge from the kitchen to the dining room in McMahon Hall should not be used as a shelf or seat. The pass-through is intended to hand food from the kitchen to the living room.

    Light Sensors

    For energy conservation, hallway lights are equipped with motion-activated light sensors. Tampering with the sensors will lead to judicial action.

    Locks and Keys

    Your key opens only your apartment door and/or your bedroom door, not the other bedrooms. The front door locks automatically. Always be sure to carry your key. Do not keep your door open by “throwing” the bolt or altering/obstructing the locking mechanism or doorjamb. This is a fire hazard, causes unnecessary wear on your door and prevents you from having the security of a locked door. Doors that are found in violation will be locked and a fine will be assessed.


    A replacement key is $15. In order to obtain a replacement key, you must fill out a work order to have it replaced. In some situations, the lock may need to be changed and you will be charged an additional fee of $60. Keys may not be transferred or loaned to any other individual.

    Loft Beds

    Individually constructed loft beds are unsafe, prohibited by the New York State Building Authority, and in violation of fire department codes. For these reasons they are prohibited in Fordham University Housing. Beds can be raised to waist height. Place an online work order at to have your bed adjusted.


    If you are a McMahon Hall resident, do not move your refrigerator from the designated location in your kitchen. It is not necessary to defrost the freezer or fresh food compartments. Your refrigerator is designed and equipped to defrost itself automatically. Complete a work order if your refrigerator malfunctions.


    Large bound rugs are not permitted in the Residence Hall. Due to the University’s effort to maintain an ecofriendly campus, students are not permitted to bring bound rugs larger than 3’x5’ due to the excess waste it creates at the end of the academic year. Bathmats and small rugs are permitted. Rugs left behind will result in fines.


    All residents are provided with a shower curtain for their shower. If you decide to purchase your own shower curtain, we recommend purchasing one that is 80 inches long. Be sure to keep your shower curtain inside the shower basin when showering in order to prevent flooding.

    Always clean the drain cover after you shower. If you lose hair while showering or have hair longer than shoulder length, purchase a drain cover. If your shower drain is clogged or slow to drain, complete an online work order to have the clog cleared.

    Smoke Detectors

    Smoke detectors are located in each apartment/suite. The smoke detector is not connected to the fire alarm system of the Residence Hall; it is only a warning to the students in the apartment. Unless you are in danger, do not open your door when the smoke alarm activates. When you open your apartment door to alleviate a smoke situation, you will set off the building alarm.

    The smoke detectors are not battery operated. When the detector malfunctions or “chirps,” fill out a work order for a new smoke detector. Call Security at 212-636-7111 to open apartment windows when the smoke detector activates due to smoke condition.

    Sprinkler System

    The Residence Hall is equipped with a full sprinkler system. The sprinkler head is a 2-inch silver prong extension near the ceiling of your room. Do not hang anything on the sprinkler head as the sprinkler head releases 20 gallons of water per minute when activated/broken. Residents may be dismissed from the Residence Hall for breaking a sprinkler head and charged for any damages caused by the sprinkler activation.


    You are responsible for providing toilet paper. Do not dispose of facial tissue, q-tips, paper towels, sanitary napkins, tampons or cleaning wipes in the toilet as these items will clog the toilet. It is recommended that residents purchase a small trash can for their bathroom. Report any problems with the flushometer or leaks in the toilet body online using the work order form.


    Recycling is mandatory in the Residence Halls and garbage disposal/recycling centers can be found on every floor of the Residence Halls. There is a $25 charge for disposing trash in other places. Plastic, aluminum and glass items must be separated from the regular trash.


    There are vents located near the ceiling in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. Do not obstruct the vents. Clean the vents regularly, as dust and grease will collect on the cover.


    The windows in the Residence Halls are designed as an architectural accent to allow sunlight into your living space. The heating/AC unit controls the temperature in the apartment/bedroom, and should be used as such. The window hardware (handles, hinges, locking mechanisms) are typical of NYC construction. Tampering with windows or window locks are grounds for severe disciplinary action. You are asked to follow these steps to maintain your apartment windows:

    • Never leave your window open overnight or when you are not in your room during the day.
    • Wind gusts can cause the window to slam shut, damaging the locking mechanism and other window parts. Never allow an air vacuum in your apartment where the draft causes the front doors and windows to slam shut.
    • Always close the windows before you leave and gently close the front door. When you enter your apartment/suite, be sure to gently close the front door behind you, so open windows do not slam shut.
    • Leaving windows open for extended periods of time causes the ceiling to bubble and crack. Windows are required to be closed during high wind warnings or when winds are gusting over 20 mph.
  • Campus Ministry

    140 W, Room 141
    212-636-6267 |

    Career Services

    140 W, Suite G-49
    212-636-6280 |

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    140 W, Room G02
    212-636-6225 |

    Disability Services

    Lowenstein, Room 408
    212-636-6282 |

    Center for Community Engaged Learning

    Lowenstein Bldg., Room SL 18A
    212-636-7464 |

    Global Outreach

    Health Services

    140 W, Room G-16
    212-636-7160 |


    140 W
    Lowenstein, Room S11
    212-636-6062 |

    Information Technology Services

    Lowenstein., Room SL19A
    718-317-3999 |

    Policies and Guidelines for the use of Technology at Fordham University

    Computer Labs

    Fordham University Portal
    My Pages

    IT Support Services

    Office of Multicultural Affairs

    140 W, Suite G-41

    Ram Van/Department of University Transportation

    Main Office: Rose Hill Campus, Regional Parking Garage Room 101
    718-817-4636, 4346 |

  • Metro North Commuter Railroad; 212-532-4900
    Service from Fordham Rose Hill and Grand Central Station at 42nd Street and Park Avenue and from Fordham Rose Hill to Westchester County and Connecticut.

    Long Island Railroad; 718-217-5477
    Service is from Pennsylvania Station at 33rd Street and Seventh Avenue to points east in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk.

    New Jersey Transit; 973-275-5555
    Service is from Pennsylvania Station at 33rd Street and Seventh Avenue to points south between Trenton and New York; connections with PATH trains in Newark or Hoboken.

    PATH; 800-234-PATH
    Stations along the 6th Ave. Subway provide service to points in northern New Jersey as well as suburban New York.

    Amtrak; 800-USA-RAIL
    Service is from Pennsylvania Station at 33rd Street and Seventh Avenue.

    Greyhound; 800-231-2222
    Service from the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd St. and Eighth Ave.

    Peter Pan Trailways; 800-343-9999
    Service is from the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd St. and Eighth Ave.

    Short Line; 800-631-8405
    Service is from the Port Authority Bus Terminal at 42nd St. and Eighth Avenue

    Westchester County Bee-line; 914-813-7777
    Service from Fordham Rose Hill into Westchester County.

    Sporting Arenas/Concert Halls

    Yankee Stadium

    Shea Stadium

    Madison Square Garden


    Irving Plaza
    17 Irving Place

    Beacon Theater
    2124 Broadway

    Hammerstein Ballroom

    Jones Beach Theater
    Wantagh, Long Island

    North Fork Theatre
    Westbury Long Island

    PNC Bank Arts Center
    New Jersey: 732-203-2500

    Restaurants in Lincoln Center Neighborhood

    Olympic Flame Diner
    60th St. & Amsterdam

    PJ Clarke’s
    63rd St. & Columbus Ave.

    51st St. & Columbus Ave.

    Room Service
    47th St. & Columbus Ave.

    Maison Kayser
    58th St & Broadway

    Famous Amadeus Pizza
    50th St. & 8th Ave.

    Justino’s Pizza
    57th St. & 10th Ave.

    Westside Restaurant
    2020 Broadway (corner of 69th St.)


    Morton Williams
    9th Ave. & 59 St.

    Whole Foods
    10 Columbus Circle

    Food Emporium
    8th Ave.. & 49th St.

    Western Beef
    West End & 63rd St.

    Trader Joe’s
    Broadway & 72nd St.


    Harmony Cleaners
    62nd St., between Columbus & Broadway

    Central Park Cleaners
    57th St. between Columbus & Broadway


    Duane Reade
    Amsterdam between 59th St. & 60th St.

    CVS Pharmacy *Open 24 hours
    Columbus & 58th St.

    CVS Pharmacy
    Broadway between 56th St. & 57th St.

    Duane Reade
    Broadway between 62nd St. & 63rd St.

    Places of Worship

    St. Paul the Apostle
    60th St. & Columbus

    St. Patrick’s Cathedral
    Fifth Ave. between 50th St. and 51st St.

    The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine
    1047 Amsterdam

    West End Synagogue
    Amsterdam & 69th St.

    Manhattan Won Buddhist Temple
    431 East 57th St.


    The New York Public Library, Main Branch
    42nd St. & 5th Ave.

    Riverside Branch
    Amsterdam & 66th St.

    Performing Arts Library
    62nd St. between Broadway & 8th Ave.

    Hair Salons

    57th St. , between 8th Ave. & 9th Ave.

    Salon Ziba
    57th St., between 6th Ave. & 7th Ave.


    Lincoln Square Theatres and IMAX
    Broadway & 68th St.

    Lincoln Plaza Cinema
    Broadway between 62nd St. & 63rd St.

    AMC 25
    42nd St. between Broadway & 8th Ave.

    New York City Museums

    Alice Austen House
    2 Hylan Blvd. Staten Island

    American Folk Art Museum
    2 Lincoln Square

    American Museum of Natural History
    Central Park West & 79th St.

    American Museum of the Moving Image
    35th Ave. at 36th St, Astoria, Queens

    Americas Society
    680 Park Ave.

    Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation
    W. 8th St. & Surf Ave., Brooklyn

    Asia Society
    725 Park Ave.

    Bard Graduate Center for Studies in Decorative Arts
    38 W. 86th St.

    Bronx Museum of the Arts
    1040 Grand Concourse & 165th St.

    Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park
    Bronx River Parkway at Fordham Rd.

    Brooklyn Botanic Garden
    1000 Washington Ave., Brooklyn

    Brooklyn Children’s Museum
    145 Brooklyn Ave., Brooklyn

    Brooklyn Historical Society
    128 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn

    Brooklyn Museum
    200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn

    Carnegie Hall
    881 7th Ave.

    Central Park Wildlife & Conservation Center and Wildlife Gallery
    5th Ave. at 64th St.

    Chelsea Piers
    99 9th Ave.

    Children’s Museum of Manhattan
    212 W. 83rd St.

    Children’s Museum of Arts
    103 Charlton St.

    China House Gallery/China Institute in America
    125 E. 65th St.

    Museum of Chinese in America
    215 Centre St.

    Cooper-Hewitt National Museum of Design
    2 E. 91st St.

    DIA Center for the Arts
    393 W. Broadway

    DIA Center for the Arts
    548 W. 22nd St.

    Drawing Center
    35 Wooster St.

    Dyckman Farmhouse
    Broadway at 204th St.

    El Museo del Barrio
    1230 5th Ave. at 104th St.

    Ellis Island
    Liberty Island

    Empire State Building Lobby
    350 5th Ave. (at 34th St.)

    Federal Hall National Memorial
    26 Wall St. between Nassau and Williams St.

    Forbes Galleries
    62 Fifth Ave. @ 12th Street

    Fraunces Tavern Museum
    54 Pearl St.

    Garibaldi Meucci Museum
    420 Tomkins Ave.

    Gracie Mansion
    88 East End Ave.

    Guggenheim Museum
    1071 5th Ave.

    Harbor Defense Museum
    230 Sheridan Loop, Fort Hamilton Military Community

    Hayden Planetarium
    Central Park West & 79th St.

    The Highline Park
    10th Ave. & W. 30th St.

    Hispanic Society of America
    613 W. 155th St.

    Historic Richmond Town/Historical Museum
    441 Clarke Ave.

    International Center of Photography
    1133 Ave. of the Americas at 43rd St.

    1130 5th Ave. at 94th St.

    Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
    46th St. & 12th Ave., Pier 86

    Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum
    32-37 Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, Queens

    Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art
    338 Lighthouse Ave., Staten Island

    Japan Society Gallery
    333 E. 47th St.

    Jewish Museum
    109 5th Ave. at 92nd St.

    Liberty Science Center
    251 Philip St., Jersey City, NJ

    Lower East Side Tenement Museum
    108 Orchard St.

    Metropolitan Museum of Art
    1000 5th Ave. (5th Ave. at 82nd St)

    Metropolitan Museum of Art
    The Cloisters Fort Tryon Park

    Mount Vernon Hotel Museum
    421 E. 61st St.

    Museum for African Art
    36-01 43rd St. Long Island City, Queens

    Museum of American Financial History
    18 Wall St.

    Museum of American Folk Art
    45 West 53rd Street.

    Museum of Modern Art
    11 W. 53rd St., between 5th and 6th Avenues

    Museum of Television and Radio
    25 W. 52nd St.

    Museum of the City of New York
    5th Ave. at 103rd St.

    National Academy of Design
    1083 5th Ave. at 89th St.

    National Museum of the American Indian
    One Bowling Green

    New Museum of Contemporary Art
    556 West 22nd St. @ 11th Avenue

    New York Academy of Medicine
    5th Avenue and 103rd St.

    New York Aquarium
    W. 8th St. & Surf Ave., Brooklyn

    New York Botanical Garden
    200th St. and Southern Blvd., Bronx

    New York City Fire Museum
    278 Spring St., between Varick and Hudson

    New York City Police Museum
    100 Old Slip

    New York Hall of Science
    47-01 111th St., Flushing Meadows, Corona Park, Queens

    New York Historical Society Museum and Library
    170 Central Park West

    New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
    40 Lincoln Center Plaza at 65th St.

    New York Public Library, Central Research Library
    455 5th Avenue

    New York Transit Museum
    Boerum Pl. & Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn

    Pierpont Morgan Library
    29 E. 36th St.

    Prospect Park Wildlife Conservation Center
    450 Flatbush Ave., Prospect Park, Brooklyn

    Queens Botanical Garden
    43-50 Main St., Flushing

    Queens County Farm Museum
    73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Glen Oaks

    Queens Historical Society
    14335 37th Flushing

    Queens Museum of Art, New York City Building
    Flushing Meadows, Corona Park, Queens

    Queens Wildlife Center
    111 St. at 54th Ave., Flushing Meadow Park, Queens

    Roger Morris Park/Morris-Jumel Mansion
    160th St., half block East of St. Nicholas Ave.

    Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
    515 Malcolm X Blvd.

    Snug Harbor Cultural Center
    1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island

    Socrates Sculpture Park
    Broadway at Vernon Blvd., Long Island City, Queens

    South Street Seaport Museum
    12 Fulton St.

    Staten Island Botanical Garden
    1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island

    Staten Island Children’s Museum
    1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island

    Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences
    75 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island

    Statue of Liberty National Monument
    Liberty Island

    Studio Museum in Harlem
    144 W. 125th St.

    Taipei Gallery
    1230 Avenue of the Americas

    The Frick Collection
    1 E.70th St.

    The Harbor Defense Museum
    230 Sheridan Ave.

    The Museums at FIT
    227 W. 27th St.

    The New York Earth Room
    141 Wooster St.

    Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace
    28 E. 20th St.

    Ukrainian Museum
    222 East 6th St.

    Wave Hill
    675 Independence Ave.

    Whitney Museum of American Art
    945 Madison Ave.

    The United Nations
    1 United Nations Plaza