Database Administration Intern

For Students

DEPARTMENT Database Administration Group. This group oversees all University data, ensuring it is managed and housed within highly available database systems, and maintains all systems, security, and access according to the highest industry standards. 
POSITION Database Administration Intern
SUPERVISOR Director of Database Administration
  • Must have 12-19 hours a week available.
  • Must be a Fordham student in good academic standing.
  • Reliable quick learner who can work with minimal supervision.
  • Must uphold, enforce and abide by all university policies.
  • Ability to research and consolidate findings for analysis.
  • Solid communication and writing skills needed to produce documentation. 
  • Must have excellent presentation skills.
  • Other duties as assigned. 
  • Basic knowledge of SQL required.
  • Manage database performance, storage, and backup.
  • Perform data forensics, analyze data and logs.
  • Cure data, set up security protocols and disaster recovery.
  • Create users and maintain access, install and configure software.
  • Thorough knowledge of Windows and Linux OS.

COMPENSATION:  $18.00 per hour

Apply to this job. You will be asked to attach your resume to the job application.

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McShane Center 266 | RH
Leon Lowenstein SL18 | LC

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