Stephanie Huezo

Assistant Professor of History
Ph.D. History, 2019
Indiana University-BloomingtonM.A. History, 2015
Indiana University-BloomingtonB.A. Latin American Studies (High Honors) and Spanish, 2013
Wesleyan UniversityI am an historian of twentieth and twenty-first century Latin American and Latinx History. My research interest focuses on community organizing, Central American revolutions, and immigrant activism. I am currently working on a manuscript that examines how Salvadoran community organizers in both El Salvador and the diaspora have used popular education to create spaces of belonging when state systems and narratives have neglected to do so. Drawing on more than thirty oral histories and archival resources, I demonstrate how Salvadorans used popular education as a tool for resistance against state sanctioned violence that cut across national boundaries. The manuscript ultimately demonstrates how Salvadorans understood and rearticulated a repertoire of organizing tools from their homeland, based on religious and revolutionary values, to challenge hegemonic, racist, and xenophobic systemic structures that impede social justice. My work has been supported in part by Indiana University’s History Department, the University Graduate School at Indiana University, the American Historical Association, and the Conference of Latin American History. I have also received various fellowships and grants including the Ford Dissertation Fellowship (declined), the Consortium for Faculty Diversity Fellowship, and the Andres Torres Paper Series Award.
In addition to my academic scholarship, I have also contributed to the advancement of public history. In 2017, I took part in the Smithsonian’s Latino Museum Studies Program and contributed research to the first Molina Family Latino Gallery at the Smithsonian. I am also a member of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON)’s Popular Education Collective where we serve as advisors for the various activities and materials developed for day laborers and immigrant-serving organizations.
“Remembering the Return from Exodus: An analysis of a Salvadoran Community’s Local History Reenactment,” Special Issue of JOLLAS on Memory Studies and Latinidad (forthcoming)
“Nada sobre nosotros sin nosotros: Reflections on the TPS Movement and their fight to Permanent Residency,” Latino Studies Journal 18, no.1 (2020).
Lives in Limbo: Undocumented and Coming of Age in America, by Roberto G. Gonzales and Exiled Home: Salvadoran Transnational Youth in the Aftermath of Violence, by Susan Bibler Coutin, Chiircú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Culture 1, no. 2 (2017): 237-239.
I am currently teaching and developing the following courses:
HIST1400: Understanding Historical Change: Latin America (Global)
Power and Resistance in 20th Century Latin America
Central American Revolutions
Popular Education and Social Change in the Americas
Voices of the Central American DiasporaAvailable Upon Request