Roger Wines

Professor Emeritus of History
Office: Dealy Hall 653

  • 1959 - PhD, Columbia.

  • He is the author of Enlightened Despotism: Reform or Reaction? (Heath, 1967) and editor of Leopold von Ranke's The Secret of World History: Selected Writings on the Art and Science of History (Fordham, 1981), as well as articles in the Journal of Modern History and Zeitschrift für bayerische Landesgeschichte and other publications. He is currently working on a history of the Autobahn in Hitler's Germany and the history of the U.S. Army Duty Trains to Berlin in the Cold War.

    He collaborated with Professor Allan Gilbert (Anthropology & Sociology) on an archaeological excavation of the old Rose Hill Manor, a colonial era farmhouse on Fordham’s Rose Hill Campus, and co-taught a course on Historical Archaeology. He is presently working on articles and a book dealing with the Rose Hill Manor and on the history of the Bronx. He continues to teach the modern European survey course.