Hands-on Media Experience Opportunities
Media and mass communication is at the heart of what we do as a department. Below is a list of some of the opportunities you will find here at Fordham University to work in journalism, film/tv, and publishing.
WFUV is Fordham's award-winning radio station and public media service, located in the basement of Keating Hall. An affiliate of National Public Radio, it is known nationwide for having some of the best adult alternative music anywhere. But it also has vibrant operations in both news and sports. The station is professionally run, but Fordham students play a major role. In the news department, students anchor broadcasts, do long-term reporting, and also get out and cover breaking city news. In the sports department, students call games and produce Fordham's renown sports interview show, One on One. If you watch professional sports in New York, there's a good chance that the person calling the game started his or her career in the WFUV sports department... from the Yankees' Michael Kay, to the NBA's Mike Breen, to ESPN's Tony Reali. The station has its own training programs, and they're fantastic. You can contact George Bodarky for news at gbodarky@wfuv.org or Bobby Ciarfardini for sports at bobbyC@wfuv.org. There's a wide range of ways to get involved in the station's work, including video production, studio work, and marketing.
The Ram, Rose Hill's weekly paper, has been Fordham's newspaper of record for over 100 years, and has spawned numerous prize-winning professional journalists. The newspaper is completely written, edited, and produced by Fordham students. Students who work on Fordham's student newspaper are so close-knit that they call themselves "the Ramily," and they warmly welcome new students to get involved. The Ram seeks students to report, write, edit, shoot photos and video, and do layout and illustrations. Sections include news, opinion, culture and sports. Planing meetings are held on Sunday nights, and production is done on Monday and Tuesday nights during the semester. You can see their online version at thefordhamram.com and follow the newspaper on Twitter at twitter.com/thefordhamram or Instagram at @thefordhamram. To get involved, stop by McGinley B-52 on Sunday nights, or write to theram@fordham.edu.
Founded in 1981, The Observer is the award-winning student newspaper of Fordham University. Based at Fordham University’s Lincoln Center Campus in Manhattan, The Observer’s circulation also reaches Fordham’s Rose Hill Campus in the Bronx, making it available to all the students in the University’s undergraduate colleges and graduate schools. It is Lincoln Center’s fourth paper. The first was “The Curved Horn” that was brought over from Rose Hill when the Lincoln Center Campus was built in 1968. Two other papers, “The Review” and “Evex” were started up. By 1981, all three papers had folded and the school was ready for a voice for students and “The Observer” was born. Follow the newspaper on Twitter at twitter.com/fordhamobserver or Instagram at @fordhamobserver. For inquiries, write to observer@fordham.edu.
The paper is Fordham's alternative newspaper. It offers a critical and often humorous look at the university and the world. Its website, https://fupaper.wordpress.com, offers access to previous works and articles. The best contact info for interested students is to email paper.fordham@gmail.com. Located in McGinley B-48, the paper's weekly open staff meetings are held in McGinley Center's 2nd floor lounge. Production weekends are held roughly every other weekend.
You can also find the paper on Facebook, Twitter @fupaper, and Instagram @fupaper.
Fordham students currently produce the fashion magazine Mode. They need writers, editors, photographers, and people to do the layout. So take a look!
You can find Mode at fordhammode.wordpress.com or Mode on Facebook, Instagram @modemmagazine, or Twitter @modemagfordham.
The New York Film & Television Student Alliance (NYFTSA) is an organization that helps provide different opportunities for young college students pursuing a career in the film or television industry.
Through the work of its members, the group organizes a statewide summit (divided by region) that recruits industry professionals to work with students and present their experiences.
During the course of the year, the Alliance plans different opportunities for members to experience; this ranges from trips to Tribeca Film Festival, meeting members of different alliances across New York State, visiting sets of popular Television shows, and working with a talented faculty advisor to learn different aspects of the industry.
You can find NYFSTA on Instagram @fordhamnyftsa and Facebook.
The Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal, or FURJ, is a student-run journal that features high quality, peer-reviewed, original research conducted by undergraduate students. The journal also includes scholarly book reviews, review essays, and feature articles. All research articles undergo a rigorous double-blind peer and faculty review process. The journal is published annually—in print and online—in the spring semester.
You can follow the journal via their website, Instagram @tfurj, Twitter @tfurj, or Facebook.
The Fordham Political Review (FPR) is Fordham University’s only undergraduate publication dedicated to politics, economics, social sciences, international affairs, and culture. All articles are written and edited by Fordham undergraduate students.
You can follow the publication via their Website, Instagram @fordhampoliticalreview, Twitter @FordhamPolitics, or Facebook.