Jessica Baldwin-Philippi
[email protected]
Faculty Memorial Hall, Room 434
Social Media
Twitter: @jesse_b_p
PhD Northwestern University
Prof. Baldwin-Philippi teaches about and researches civic media and political communication, and is interested in how citizens’ engagement with new technologies can restructure forms of political participation and ideas about citizenship. She has approached this area of study from a variety of political contexts, from political campaigns’ use of social media, to games designed to increase participation, to the innovation efforts of municipal governments.
Baldwin-Phillippi, J., Gordon, E., O'Brien, D. (in press) "Building civic participation through mobile reporting apps: Efficient, engaging, or both?"
Using technology, building democracy: Digital campaigning an the construction of citizenship. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015
Gordon, E. and Baldwin-Phillippi, J. (2014) "Civic Learning Through Civic Gaming: Community PlanIt and the development of trust and reflective participation." International Journal of Communication 8: 759-786
Baldwin-Phillippi, J.(2013) "Constructing skeptical citizens: How campaign microsites foster new ways of engaging political information and understanding citizenships," Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10(3): 245-260
- Intro to Digital Technology and Emerging Media
- Digital Cultures
- Media and Social Change
- Civic Media (graduate and undergraduate)
- Media Industries