Gregory T. Donovan
PhD The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
MA Hunter College of the City University of New York
BA Marymount Manhattan CollegeProf. Donovan is interested in the mutual shaping of people, place, and technology; digital migration studies; platform urbanism; social (re)production and digital youth; participatory action research and design; geographies of surveillance.
2020. Canaries in the Data Mine: Understanding the Proprietary Design of Youth Environments. Palgrave MacMillan.
2020. “Minor Data: Reading the ‘Smart’ City Through Engaged Pedagogy” in Critical Reading Across the Curriculum, Volume II: Social and Natural Sciences (eds. Robert J. Diyanni and Anton Borst). Wiley-Blackwell
2019. Proceedings of the Mapping (In)Justice Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham University. (co-editor Jacqueline Reich)
2014. Special Issue: Media and Methods for Opening Education. Issue5 of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. (co-editor Suzanne Tamang)
2014. “Opening Proprietary Ecologies: Participatory Action Design Research with Young People”in Methodological Challenges When Exploring Digital Learning Spaces in Education (eds. G.B. Gudmundsdottir and K.B. Vasbø). Sense.
2014. “iLearn: Engaging (In)Formal Learning in Young People’s Mediated Environments” in Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Histories, Geographies, Practices (eds. S. Mills and P.Kraftl). Palgrave Macmillan.
2012. Shoestring Democracy: Gated Condominiums and Market Rate Cooperatives in New York. Journal of Urban Affairs 34(3): 279-296. (co-authors Setha M. Low and Jen Jack Gieseking)
2009. Cookie Monsters: Seeing Young People’s Hacking as Creative Practice. Children, Youth and Environments 19(1):198-223. (co-author Cindi Katz)
- PMMA5208: Digital Media and Migration Justice (Graduate Course)
- PMMA5207: Mapping Injustice (Graduate Course)
- NMDD3880: Designing Smart Cities for Social Justice (Community Engaged Learning Course)
- DTEM4480: Digital Media and Public Responsibility (EP4/Senior Values)
- DTEM1401: Intro to Digital Technology and Emerging Media
- Faculty Fellow, Thriving in Community Grantmaker Program (EPA Region 2)
- Co-PI, Initiative on Migrants, Migration, and Human Dignity
- Affiliate Faculty, Urban Studies
- Affiliate Faculty, New Media & Digital Design