Gregory T. Donovan

Gregory T. Donovan

Martino Hall, Room 706


  • PhD The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
    MA Hunter College of the City University of New York
    BA Marymount Manhattan College

  • Prof. Donovan is interested in the mutual shaping of people, place, and technology; digital migration studies; platform urbanism; social (re)production and digital youth; participatory action research and design; geographies of surveillance.

  • 2020. Canaries in the Data Mine: Understanding the Proprietary Design of Youth Environments. Palgrave MacMillan.

    2020. “Minor Data: Reading the ‘Smart’ City Through Engaged Pedagogy” in Critical Reading Across the Curriculum, Volume II: Social and Natural Sciences (eds. Robert J. Diyanni and Anton Borst). Wiley-Blackwell

    2019. Proceedings of the Mapping (In)Justice Symposium. New York, NY: Fordham University. (co-editor Jacqueline Reich)

    2014. Special Issue: Media and Methods for Opening Education. Issue5 of The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy. (co-editor Suzanne Tamang)

    2014. “Opening Proprietary Ecologies: Participatory Action Design Research with Young People”in Methodological Challenges When Exploring Digital Learning Spaces in Education (eds. G.B. Gudmundsdottir and K.B. Vasbø). Sense.

    2014. “iLearn: Engaging (In)Formal Learning in Young People’s Mediated Environments” in Informal Education, Childhood and Youth: Histories, Geographies, Practices (eds. S. Mills and P.Kraftl). Palgrave Macmillan.

    2012. Shoestring Democracy: Gated Condominiums and Market Rate Cooperatives in New York. Journal of Urban Affairs 34(3): 279-296. (co-authors Setha M. Low and Jen Jack Gieseking)

    2009. Cookie Monsters: Seeing Young People’s Hacking as Creative Practice. Children, Youth and Environments 19(1):198-223. (co-author Cindi Katz)

    • PMMA5208: Digital Media and Migration Justice (Graduate Course)
    • PMMA5207: Mapping Injustice (Graduate Course)
    • NMDD3880: Designing Smart Cities for Social Justice (Community Engaged Learning Course)
    • DTEM4480: Digital Media and Public Responsibility (EP4/Senior Values)
    • DTEM1401: Intro to Digital Technology and Emerging Media
    • Faculty Fellow, Thriving in Community Grantmaker Program (EPA Region 2)
    • Co-PI, Initiative on Migrants, Migration, and Human Dignity
    • Affiliate Faculty, Urban Studies
    • Affiliate Faculty, New Media & Digital Design