Christopher Cullen

Associate Professor

Fordham University
113 W. 60th Street #913
New York, New York 10023

Phone:  212-636-7926

  • Ph.D., Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

    S.T.L., Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, MA

    M.Div., Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, MA

    M.A. (Research) Philosophy, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO

    A.B., Philosophy and History, Georgetown University, Washington, DC


  • Medieval philosophy:  Bonaventure: his teachers and his school (e.g., Alexander of Hales, John Peckham, Matthew of Aquasparta); Medieval Neo-platonism, Augustine, Dionysius, Anselm, Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, William of Ockham

    Ancient Philosophy:  Pre-Socratics, Aristotle, Hellenistic and Roman (Lucretius, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius), Plotinus

    Medieval Political Philosophy

    Thomism and Contemporary Neo-Thomism

    The Nature-Grace Debate

    Just War Theory

    The Problem of Evil

  • Books:

    Bonaventure.  Great Medieval Thinkers, ed. by Brian Davies, OP.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

    Maritain and America. Ed. by Christopher M. Cullen, SJ, and Joseph Allan Clair.  Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association (dist. by The Catholic University of America Press), 2009.


    Articles (Philosophy)

    “Alexander of Hales.” Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Ed. by Henrik Lagerlund.  Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2010 (substantially revised 2017).

    “The Doctrine of Analogy among the Thomists:  A Debate Renewed.” Book Symposium on Steven A. Long’s Analogia Entis: On the Analogy of Being, Metaphysics, and the Act of Faith,” Nova et vetera 12:3 (2014): 977-90.

    “Bonaventure’s Philosophical Method.” Companion to Bonaventure.  Ed. by J. A. Wayne Hellmann and Jay Hammond.  Trans. by Jared Goff. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition, vol. 48.  Leiden-New York-Köln: Brill, 2014.

    “The Natural Desire to See God and Pure Nature:  A Debate Renewed.” Review Essay. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86:4 (Winter 2012): 705-30.

    “Bonaventure on Nature before Grace:  A Historical Moment Reconsidered.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85:1 (Winter 2011): 161-76.

    *“Community, Religion, and Virtue in Modern Liberal Democracies.” In Die fragile Demokratie--The Fragility of Democracy.  Ed. by Anton Rauscher.  Soziale Orientierung, vol. 19.  Berlin: Verlag Duncker & Humblot, 2007.

    “St. Bonaventure;” “Augustinianism;” “Marsilius of Padua.” In Catholic Social Thought, Social Science and Social Policy:  An Encyclopedia.  Edited by Stephen M. Krason and Joseph Varacalli.  Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2007.

    “John Peckham.” Encyclopedia of British Philosophy. Ed. by A. C. Grayling and Andrew Pyle.  Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2006.

    “Alexander of Hales.” Encyclopedia of British Philosophy. Ed. by A. C. Grayling and Andrew Pyle.  Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2006.

    “Alexander of Hales.” In Blackwell Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages.  Edited by Jorge J. E. Gracia and Timothy Noone, Blackwell Companions to Philosophy.  New York: Blackwell, 2003.

    “Scholastic Hylomorphism and Western Art:  From the Gothic to the Baroque.” In Beauty, Art, and the Polis.   Edited by Alice Ramos.  Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2000.

    “Transcendental Thomism:  Realism Rejected.” In The Failure of Modernism.  Edited by Brendan Sweetman. Washington, D.C.:  The Catholic University of America Press, 1999.


    Theology and Religion:

    “Benedict XVI:  On the Political Order.” Nova et Vetera 15:3 (Summer 2017):  885-900.

    "The Thomism of St. Ignatius and the Spiritual Exercises:  Predestination, Physical Pre-motion, and the Sovereignty of Grace."  In Thomism and Predestination:  Principles and Disputations, ed. by Roger Nutt, Steven A. Long, and Thomas Joseph White.  Ave Maria, Florida: Sapientia Press, (2016).

    “Between God and Nothingness:  Matter in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body” in Pope John Paul II on the Body: Human, Eucharistic, Ecclesial.  Edited by J. Michael McDermott, S.J., and John Gavin, S.J. Philadelphia:  St. Joseph’s University Press, 2007.

    Response to “The New Evangelization of American Intellectual Culture:  Context, Resistances, Strategies.” in Creed and Culture. Edited by Joseph Koterski, S.J. and John Conley, S.J.  Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s University Press, 2004.

    “The New General Instruction of the Roman Missal and Mass Versus Populum,” with Joseph W. Koterski, S.J. Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 2001 (June): 51-54.

    “Familiaris Consortio:  Fifteen Years Since.”  In Prophesy and Diplomacy:  The Moral Teaching of John Paul II:  A Jesuit Symposium.  Edited by Joseph Koterski, S.J. and John Conley, S.J.  New York: Fordham University Press, 1999.