Diane Rodriguez

Curriculum and Teaching
113 West 60th Street
Room 1121A
Diane Rodriguez is a professor in the Division of Curriculum and Teaching. Her primary research interest is at the intersection of special education, bilingual and multicultural education, and teacher preparation.
Rodriguez has received numerous grants from the U.S. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services and the Office of English Language Acquisition. She has been an invited speaker at national and international conferences on special education and bilingual education.
Rodriguez continues her work to provide training in special education to international audiences. She currently serves as an executive board member for both the East Coast Migrant Head Start Project and the Council for Exceptional Children's Division of Learning Disabilities.
Previously, Rodriguez served as a member of the Council for Exceptional Children's Nomination Committee, and was a co-editor of the Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. She was also appointed to the North Carolina Advisory Council on Latino Affairs by former Governor George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III. Finally, Univision selected Rodriguez as an example of "Orgullo de Nuestra Comunidad," [pride of our community] which highlights individuals who give back to the community. Specifically, she was recognized for her work with individuals with disabilities in a Univision-created on-air vignette which has run on national television.
Ph.D., Fordham University
M.A., Fordham University
B.S., InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico
Post-doctoral Studies – University of Virginia, Center for Minority Research in Special EducationBilingual Special Education
English Learners with Disabilities
Teacher PreparationBook
Rodríguez, D., Reyes-Carrasquillo, A., & Kyung S.L. (2014). The Bilingual Advantage: Promoting English Learners’ Academic Development and Biliteracy Through Native Language Instruction. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Book Chapters
Rodriguez, D., Luterbach, K, & Espinosa de Gaitan, R. (2014). Special Education Today in Guatemala. Special Education: International Perspectives (Eds.) A.F. Rotatori, J.P. Bakken, S. Burkhardt, F.E. Obiakor, and Umesh Sharma (pp 91-106). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK
Rodríguez, D. (2014) Overrepresentation, underachievement, and school failure: Influencing factors. In Chun Zhang, Carlos McCray, C., & Su-Je Cho (Eds.). Using positive behavioral supports for promoting school success from early childhood to high school for culturally and linguistically diverse students: Practices and policies. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Rodríguez, D. (2014). Bilingual special education: Making the connection. In Preparing the way: Teaching ELLs in the K-12 classrooms (3rd ed). Jane Govani (Editor). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Carrasquillo, A., Rodriguez, D., & Kaplan, L. (2015). New York State Education Department policies, mandates, and initiative on the education of English language learners. Journal of Multilingual Education Research, 5 67-92.
Trent, S. C., Driver, M. K., Rodríguez, D., Oh, K., Stewart, S., Kea, C., Artiles, A., Hull, M. (2014). Beyond Brown: Empirical research on diverse learners with or at-risk for specific learning disabilities from 1994-2012. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 14 (2) 12-29.
Klingner, J., Boele, A., Linan-Thomposon, Rodriguez, D. (2014). Essential components of special education for English language learners with learning disabilities: Position statement of the Division for Learning Disabilities of the Council for Exceptional Children. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 29 (3) 93-96.
Rodríguez, D., Luterbach, K., & Rocha, J. (2014). Investigating Educational Aspirations of Latino/Mexican Adolescents with and without Learning Disabilities in Eastern North Carolina and Mexico. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 11 (1) 47-64.
Rodríguez, D., Smith-Canter, L.L., Voytecki, K. & Floyd, K. (2013). Teachers Taking the Lead to Transition High School Emergent Bilingual Learners with Disabilities. Journal of Multilingual Education Research, 4 (6) 89-107.
Luterbach, K., Rodriguez, D., Love, L, (2012). Toward Effective and Compelling Instruction for High School eCommerce Students: Results from a Small Field Study. TechTrends, 56(6) 59-63.
Manner, J. & Rodriguez, D. (2012) Rural redesign: Delivering online professional development for rural teachers of ESL. US-China Education Review, 2 (3) 267-277.
Martinez, T., Penner-Williams, J., Herrera, S. & Rodriguez, D. (2011). Transforming Undergraduate and Graduate Candidate Perceptions About Diverse Learners Through Curricular Alignment with NCATE Standard 4. Educational Considerations, 38(2), 3-6.
Rodriguez, D. & Luterbach K. (2011). Doctoral Programs in special education: What can we do to recruit culturally and linguistically diverse students? In Higher education and human capital: Rethinking the doctorate in America (pp 147-158). David Callejo, Stephen Fain, & Judith Slater, (Editors). Sense Publishers B.V.
Rodriguez, D. (2010). Bilingual special education: Making the connection. In Preparing the way: Teaching ELLs in the K-12 classrooms. Jane Govani (Editor). Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Rodriguez, D. & Luterbach K. (2010). English language learners with disabilities’ interpretation of word problem solving in middle schools. The Bolder Walking Journal, 8, 52-60
Rodriguez, D., Manner, J., & Shannon, D. (2010). Evolution of teacher insights regarding effective instruction for English language learners. Journal of Hispanic in Higher Education, 9(2), 130-144.
Rodriguez, D. & Manner, J. (2010). Professional Development in North Carolina. AccELLerate National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, 2(3), 13-14.
Manner, J., Rodriguez, D., Davis, K. (2010) NCATE Standard Four: Rural Teachers Leading the Way. The Journal of Multicultural Education, 6.
Manner, J. & Rodriguez, D. (2010). Professional Development in ESL through Digital Video. International Journal of Applied Educational Studies. 9(1) 33-40.
Rodriguez, D. (2009). Implications of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Autism. Early Childhood 85(9), 313-317.
Rodriguez, D. (2009). Meeting the needs of English language learners with disabilities in urban settings. Urban Education Journal, 44(4) 452-464.
Including Exceptional Students (CTGE 5154)
Exceptional Student Foundation (CTGE 5155)
Differentiating Instruction for Children with Diverse Needs (CTGE 5161)
Consultation and Co-Teaching in Collaborative Classrooms (CTGE 5165)
Assessment of Learners with Disabilities (CTGE 5170)
Principles of Bilingual Education (CTGE 5841)
Case Study Research Module (CLGE 6101)
Environments for Managing Challenging Behavior (PSGE 6324)
Instructing the Bilingual Special Education Student (CTGE 6781)