International Health Insurance

Study Abroad Students

Students sit at table eating lunch with trees in background

All study abroad participants must be covered by a comprehensive international health insurance plan while abroad. Students participating in a Fordham-run semester program (Fordham in London and Fordham in Granada), Fordham Exchange Program, Fordham Partner Program or one of Fordham's short-term undergraduate programs sponsored or approved by the International and Study Abroad Programs Office are automatically enrolled in a comprehensive health insurance plan for their time abroad.

24-25 GeoBlue Student Member Guide

Fordham's Study Abroad insurance plan is for international use only and is active from the study abroad program start date until its end date. Fordham's SHIP Insurance is for domestic use only and is not active while a student is participating in a semester-long program. Students who are enrolled in Fordham's SHIP Insurance while studying in NY should contact the student insurance office ( to determine any potential gaps in coverage between semesters.

Travel Inconvenience Benefits

If you are looking to purchase an additional policy that covers cancel for any reason (CFAR), quarantine, and other travel inconvenience benefits, you can purchase a plan here.

Faculty, Staff, & Students traveling for another purpose

Fordham faculty and staff are covered through an international health insurance plan provided by Human Resources. Information can be found online here.

Fordham faculty, staff, or students traveling abroad for reasons other than study abroad may be interested in purchasing a comprehensive or supplemental plan through INext.

In an emergency, please contact Fordham's Office of Public Safety at +1 718-817-2222.