Office of Student Affairs Academic Success
The Office of Student Affairs provides various programs supporting students' academic needs. Student Affairs encourages students to participate in the different programs to make their stay at the Law School an enjoyable and fruitful experience.
Every student admitted to Fordham Law School has the ability to succeed in law school. The Academic Success Program at Fordham is committed to helping every student learn the foundational skills necessary to succeed in law school and on the bar exam. Through small group workshops and individual academic and personal counseling, students are offered instruction on the competencies and tools necessary to be successful law students.
Fall Semester Academic Success Program Services
Beginning in the fall semester, all students are invited to attend weekly Academic Success Program Workshops, led by upper-level tutors, who have mastered the first-year curriculum. These workshops are designed to encourage students to review, reinforce, and apply concepts learned in class, learn the process of outlining each course, and learn how to prepare for exams. Throughout the program, tutors will also discuss time management, effective study skills, and best practices for managing coursework. In addition to attending the workshops, students are encouraged to meet with academic counselors in the Office of Student Affairs.
Other student resources:
The Writing Center, located in the Quinn Library, third floor of the Lowenstein Building, Room 233, is staffed by master’s and doctoral students, including ESL specialists, who have specialized training in helping writers whose first language is not English. The Center offers the following services, free of charge, to law students:
- Personalized, one-on-one tutorial sessions for all students.
- Works with students at any stage of the composition process. However, in accordance with policy set forth by the law school’s legal writing department, assistance to first-year law students is limited to the review of past assignments only.
- Using a Socratic approach, asks students questions in an effort to get them to develop their ideas.
- Assists with brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and revising, as well as argument and counter-argument development in writing.
- Students must open an account online to reserve a thirty-minute or one-hour appointment. Open an account and schedule an appointment.
The Maloney Law Library
- Offers a welcoming, accessible and inclusive space for all students.
- Provides a list of books, study aids, and other materials for use by students at the library, online.
- Offers online video tutorials, explaining the various resources available at the library, including an exam prep video tutorial.
The Counseling and Psychological Services Department, located on the ground floor of 140 West 62nd street, Room G-02, provides a range of services to help students address and cope more effectively with their stress and psychological concerns. Their free and confidential services help students develop more self-awareness, enhance coping skills, build self-esteem, manage relationships, and improve overall well-being. These services include initial screenings, crisis intervention, individual counseling, psychiatric evaluations, referrals to outside providers, and medication management. Schedule an appointment.
Disability Services
To discuss disability accommodations and services, please contact Mr. Abel Montez at Read more information on Disability Services.
Spring Semester Academic Success Program Services
In the spring, students with a 2.99 or below are required to meet with a counselor to evaluate and discuss their study skills and to develop strategies for improving their performance on the spring exams.
Prior to the meeting with the counselor, students must meet with their fall semester faculty members in those courses where they received a B- or below to review their final examination and receive feedback from the faculty about the exam writing skills they need to enhance. Students are also encouraged to meet with Professors in courses in which they received a B or higher, which may provide them with a fuller picture of their strengths and weaknesses.
After reviewing the feedback received from their fall semester faculty members, an Office of Student Affairs administrator will offer one or more of the following academic support services:
- Weekly individualized tutoring through the Tutoring Program. Tutors are upper-level students who have a B+ or higher in all their first-year courses. Tutors review materials for one or two courses and review academic skills, time management, and study skills.
- Individual sessions with an administrator.
- Referral to the University’s Writing Center.
- Referral to the Law Library.
- Referral to the Counseling and Psychological Services Department.
Mandatory Academic Support Services Policy
Fordham Law School is committed to the academic success of every student. This policy requires mandatory academic support services to assist students whose academic performance suggests they could benefit from academic counseling, tutoring, or other support, but who might be hesitant to seek assistance. For more information, please see Fordham’s Academic Regulations.
Fordham Law School is committed to the academic success of every student. This policy requires mandatory academic support services to assist students whose academic performance suggests they could benefit from academic counseling, tutoring and/or other support, but who might be hesitant to seek assistance.
The following students must meet with an Office of Student Affairs administrator:
Any First Year Student who:- is referred to the Office of Student Affairs for consultation based on a fall semester take-home exam, in class assessment, or a legal writing assignment; or
- receives two or more B-s, one or more Cs, or a grade point average of 2.99 or below at the end of their first semester of law school; or
- at the beginning of their second semester of law school, have one or more incompletes; or
- receives an "F" in any of their first semester courses.
Any Upper Division Student who receives:
- an incomplete or have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or below at the end of the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh semesters, if they are a part-time student; or
- an incomplete or have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or below at the end of the second, third, fourth or fifth semester, if they are a full-time student; or
- an "F" in any of their upper division courses.
An Office of Student Affairs administrator will notify students, via email, to schedule an appointment. The email will include a copy of this Mandatory Academic Support Policy.
Students who fail to meet with an Office of Student Affairs administrator will have a hold placed on their registration for the following semester.
No information about a student's participation in this Mandatory Academic Support Program will be included in the student's official records.
Bar Exam Preparation
The Office of Student Affairs coordinates several bar exam preparation programs. For more information on these exam prep programs, contact our office at