Psychology Department Faculty and Staff

Psychology Department


Dr. Elissa Aminoff
Associate Professor; Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at Rose Hill (Harvard University, 2008)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Combination of neuroimaging techniques, individual differences, computational models, and cognitive theory; Intersection of high-level vision, memory, and associative (contextual) processing

Dr. Peggy Andover
Professor; Department Chairperson (Binghamton University, 2006)
Clinical (Child & Family)
Research interests: Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI); Attempted Suicide; NSSI and Suicide Treatment Development

Dr. Rachel Annunziato
Professor (Drexel University, 2004)
Clinical (Child & Family, Health)
Research interests: Health and Pediatric Psychology

Dr. Joshua L. Brown
Professor (Teachers College, Columbia University, 2003)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Social, Emotional and Academic Development; School-based Interventions

Dr. Natasha L. Burke
Associate Professor (University of South Florida, 2015)
Clinical (Health; Child & Family)
Research Interests: Eating- and weight-related disorders; health disparities; intersectionality; food insecurity; marginalized populations; sociocultural influences

Dr. Heining Cham
Professor (Arizona State University, 2013)
Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
Research interests: Propensity Score Analysis, Latent Variable Interaction, Missing Data Analysis, Longitudinal Analysis

Dr. Christopher Conway
Associate Professor (University of California, Los Angeles, 2013)
Research interests: Dimensional Models of Psychological Disorders, Emotional Disorders, Personality Disorders, Stress Reactivitiy

Dr. Keith Cruise
Professor (University of North Texas, 2000)
Clinical (Forensic)
Research interests: Forensic Psychology; Juvenile Justice; Assessment; Adolescent Mental Health

Dr. Leah Feuerstahler
Associate Professor; Program Director, Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology (University of Minnesota, 2016)
Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
Research interests: Item Response Theory; Psychometric Model Specification, Fit and Interpretation; Nonparametric Methods; Bayesian Statistics

Dr. Celia Fisher
Professor, Marie Ward Doty University Chair in Ethics, and Director Fordham University Center for Ethics Education (New School for Social Research, 1978)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Ethics; Substance Use and Abuse; Health disparities; Multiculturalism

Dr. Selin Gülgöz
Assistant Professor (University of Michigan, 2015)
Applied Developmental

Dr. Lindsay Till Hoyt
Associate Professor; Program Director, Applied Developmental (Northwestern University, 2013)
Applied Developmental

Dr. Alexander Kriss
Associate Professor of Psychology Clinical Theory and Practice (The New School, 2014)

Dr. David Marcotte
Associate Professor and Associate Director of Clinical Training

Dr. Alfonso J. Martinez
Assistant Professor (University of Iowa, 2024)
Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
Research Interests: Generalized latent variable and psychometric modeling; Bayesian inference, modeling, and prediction; Longitudinal data analysis; Measurement invariance

Dr. Mark E. Mattson
Associate Professor; Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at Lincoln Center (SUNY at Stony Brook, 1987)
Research interests: Psychology of Music; Human Error; History of Psychology

Dr. Dean McKay
Professor (Hofstra University, 1993)
Research interests: Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Disgust in Psychopathology; Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

Dr. Haruka Minami
Associate Professor (Rutgers University, 2012)
Clinical (Health)
Research interests: Smoking cessation; Health psychology

Dr. Elizabeth Raposa
Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Master's Programs (University of California, Los Angeles, 2015)
Research Interests: Early life stress; Developmental Psychopathology; Mental health disparities; Community-based interventions

Dr. Andrew Rasmussen
Professor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004)
Research interests: Cultural-Clinical Psychology; Trauma & other stressors; Immigrants & refugees; Global mental health

Dr. Monica Rivera-Mindt
Professor (University of Nebraska, 2000)
Clinical (Neuropsychology)
Research interests: Neuropsychology; HIV; Substance Use; Health Disparities

Dr. Barry Rosenfeld
Professor (University of Virginia, 1992)
Clinical (Forensic)
Research interests: Forensic Psychology; Health Psychology; Torture and Political Violence

Dr. Amy Roy
Professor; Director of Clinical Training (Temple University, 2003)
Clinical (Child & Family)
Research interests: Child Psychopathology, Neuroimaging

Dr. Karen Siedlecki
Associate Professor (University of Virginia, 2006)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Cognitive Psychology

Dr. Harold Takooshian
Professor (City University of New York, 1979)
Undergraduate Studies
Research interests: International; Urban; I-O; Student excellence

Dr. Jing Tian
Assistant Professor (Carnegie Mellon University, 2018)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Mathematical development, Rational number cognition, Spatial skills, STEM outcomes

Dr. H. Shellae Versey
Assistant Professor (University of Michigan, 2011)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Social and Community Psychology; Aging and Adult Development; Mixed-Methods; Place, Space, and Embodiment; Psychology of Gender and Race; Intersectionality

Dr. Tiffany Yip
Professor (New York University, 2003)
Applied Developmental
Research interests: Ethnic/Racial Identity; Discrimination; Psychological Well-being; Adolescent/Young adult Development

Dr. Molly E. Zimmerman
Associate Professor (University of Cincinnati, 2004)
Clinical (Neuropsychology)
Research interests: Neuropsychology; Dementia; Normal aging; Sleep; Traumatic brain injury

Main Office


Maria Barbieri
Department Administrator

Maria Merli
Sr. Executive Secretary

Nicolemarie McCarroll
Executive Secretary

Eliane Victoria (Lincoln Center)
Sr. Executive Secretary
(212) 636-6310

Olivia Bradley-Willemann
IT Liaison to the Department