Rachel Annunziato

Professor of Psychology

Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, Fordham College at Rose Hill

Email: annunziato@fordham.edu

Rose Hill Campus: Dealy Hall, Room 336
Phone: 718-817-3796

Lab: Pediatric Psychology & Health Behaviors

    • 1998 BA in Psychology, Yale University
    • 1999 MA in Psychology & Education, Teachers College Columbia University
    • 2004 PhD in Clinical Psychology, Drexel University
    • Transition to adulthood for medically-ill adolescents/ young adults
    • Health care management in adolescents with a medical illness
    • Medication adherence in pediatric patients
    • Quality of life for children with special health care needs
    • Intervention development to improve health care transitions and quality of life
    • Interactions between medical and psychiatric symptoms
    • PSYC 1200 - Foundations of Psychology
    • PSYC 2900 - Abnormal Psychology
    • PSYC 3610 - Global Health & Psychology
    • PSYC 3930 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology
    • PSYC 6106 - Cognitive Assessment
    • PSYC 6050 - Behavioral Medicine
    • A longitudinal study of the transition to adult services in liver transplant recipients (PI, sponsored by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
    • Health literacy in pediatric chronic kidney disease (PI, sponsored by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
    • Medication adherence in children who had a liver transplant (MALT) (Co-Investigator, sponsored by the NIH)
    • Predictors of medication adherence in adult transplant recipients (Co-Investigator, sponsored by the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
    • Quality of life, distress, and anxiety in families who have a child with a food allergy (Co-Investigator, sponsored by foundation funding)
    • Health education curriculum demonstration project (PI, sponsored by Fordham University & the South African National Research Foundation)
    • Editorial Board, Pediatric Transplantation
    • Associate Editor, Health Behavior and Policy Review
    • Review Board, American Journal of Health Behavior
    • Reviewer, Eating Behaviors, Journal of Health Psychology, Liver Transplantation, Pediatrics, etc.
    • SPSSI Grants-in-Aid, Review Committee Chair 
    • Eastern Psychological Association, Program Committee (Clinical)
    • Member, Coriell Institute of Medical Research Institutional Review Board
    • Member, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
    • Member, Society for Behavioral Medicine
    • Member, Eastern Psychological Association
    • Dr. Ronen Arnon, Department of Pediatrics, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
    • Dr. Ronel Ferreira, University of Pretoria, South Africa
    • Dr. David Rubinstein, Department of Cardiology, Elmhurst Hospital Center, Queens, NY
    • Dr. Robert Rapaport, Department of Pediatrics, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
    • Dr. Eyal Shemesh, Department of Pediatrics, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
    • Annunziato, R.A., *Parbhakar, M., Kapoor, K., Matloff, R., *Casey, N., Benchimol, C., Hotchkiss, H., Nair, V., & Saland, J. (In press). Can transition to adulthood for transplant recipients be improved by intensified services while patients are still in pediatrics? Progress in Transplantation.

    • Annunziato, R.A., Kim, S-K., Fussner, M., *Ahmad, T., *Jerson, B., & Rubinstein, D. (In press). Utilizing correspondence analysis to characterize the mental health of cardiac patients with diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Rubes M., *Caso, N., *Dillon, M., Sicherer, S.H., & Shemesh, E. (2015). Allocation of food allergy responsibilities and its correlates for children and adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(6), 693-701.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Arrato, N., *Rubes, M., & Arnon, R. (2015). The importance of mental health monitoring during transition to adult health care among pediatric liver transplant recipients. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(2), 220-22.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Rubes, M., *Davis, C., Rose, S., & Arnon, R. (2014). An empirically supported framework for addressing pediatric non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in outpatient care. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 21, 446-455.

    • Annunziato, R.A., Freiberger, D., Martin, K., *Helcer, J., Fitzgerald, C., & Lefkowitz, D. (2014). An empirically-based practice perspective on the transition to adulthood for solid-organ transplant recipients. Pediatric Transplantation, 18(8), 794-802.

    • *Supelana, C., Annunziato, R., Vaidya, S., Chuang, K., Zack, Y., Schiano, T., Florman, S., Shneider, B., & Shemesh, E. (2014). A biomarker predicts rejection related to nonadherence to tacrolimus in adult liver transplant recipients. Liver Transplantation, 20(10), 1168-1177.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Parbhakar, M., *Helcer, J., Kapoor, K., *Henkel, K., & Arnon, R. (2014). Strategies for measuring quality of life among pediatric solid-organ transplant recipients. Progress in Transplantation, 24(3), 247-256.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Baisley, M.C., *Arrato, N., Barton, C., Henderling, F., Arnon, R., & Kerkar, N. (2013). Strangers headed to a strange land? Utilization of a transition coordinator to improve transfer from pediatric to adult service. The Journal of Pediatrics, 163(6), 1628-33.

    • *Jerson, B.,* D’Urso, C., Arnon, R., Miloh, T., Iyer, K., Kerkar, N., & Annunziato, R.A. (2013). Adolescents Living with Liver Disease as Peer Mentors: A Program to Improve Adherence. Pediatric Transplantation, 17(7), 612-620.

    (* indicates student co-author)

    • *Parbhakar, M., *Posillico, A., *DiPietrantonio, C., *Giudicessi, A., *Chan, V., Regelmann, M., Rapaport, R., & Annunziato, R.A. (April, 2015). Examining the Mental Health of Pediatric Growth Patients and Parents Relative to Diabetes. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

    • *Rubes, M. & Annunziato, R.A. (March, 2015). Anxiety in children and adolescents with food allergies: A longitudinal study. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    • Annunziato, R.A., Lee, S.G., *Newcorn, A., *Galici, E., & Arnon, R. (November, 2014). Children with HCV: The impact of disease and treatment on patients, caregivers and families. Invited presentation and poster receiving presidential distinction at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

    • *Grossman, S.L. & Annunziato, R.A. (November, 2014). Body Hair Removal Scale and Associations Between Hair Removal and Body Image Concerns. Poster presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

    • *Ngo, H., Jiang, S., *Ginch, T., & Annunziato, R.A. (August, 2014). Assessing Treatment Acceptability of Mindfulness Meditation among Chinese Americans. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

    • *Davis, C., *Dutton, W., *Durant, T., Annunziato, R.A., & Marcotte, D. (May, 2014). Spiritual Self Schema Therapy (3S) for Obesity.  Part of a symposium presented at the 25th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

    • *Giudicessi, A., *Rubes, M., *Kim, J-S, & Annunziato, R.A. (April, 2014). Dangerous Liaisons: Self-Management and the Burden of Food Allergy for College Students. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    • Annunziato, R.A., *Arrato, N, *Rubes, M., & Arnon, R. (April, 2014). The importance of mental health monitoring during the transition to adulthood among pediatric liver transplant recipients. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    • *Parbhakar, M., Kapoor, K., Matloff, R., *Casey, N., Benchimol, C., Hotchkiss, H., Nair, V., Saland, J., & Annunziato, R. (April, 2014). Can transition to adulthood for transplant recipients be improved by dedicated services while patients are still in pediatrics? Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

    • *Supelana, C., Annunziato, R., Schiano, T. Florman, S., Vaidya, S., Shneider, B, and Shemesh, E. (April, 2014). A biomarker related to nonadherence predicts rejection in adult liver transplant recipients. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.