David Marcotte

Associate Professor of Psychology
Associate Director of Clinical Training

Email: marcotte@fordham.edu

Rose Hill Campus: Dealy Hall, Room 315
Phone: 718-817-4060

    • PhD in Clinical Psychology
    • MA in Psychology
    • STL in Psychology & Religion
    • MA in Religious Studies
    • MDiv in Divinity
    • BA in Philosophy
  • I am interested in the relationship between socialization and personality, in factors that shape self-determination, especially for underprivileged groups in the context of personal and cultural trauma, substance abuse, HIV infection and poverty. This includes the salience of the internalized sense of self for health-related behavior and the role of mindfulness in decreasing self-estrangement and facilitating post-traumatic integration of self-care, resilience and compassion.

    • PSYC 1000 - Introductory Psychology
    • PSYC 3850 - The Psychology of Well-Being
    • PSYC 4900 - Psychology and Human Values
    • PSYC 6117 - Personality Assessment II
    • PSYC 8202 - Externship Seminar I (Clinical Theory & Technique-A)
    • PSYCH 8203 - Externship Seminar II (Clinical Theory & Technique-B)
    • PSYCH 8221 - Externship Seminar V (Supervision & Consultation-A)
    • PSYCH 8223 - Externship Seminar VI (Supervision & Consultation-B)
    • K. Marie Sizemore, Seven Samrock, Shannon Gray, David Marcotte, H. Jonathon Rendina. (2020). Testing mindful awareness as a moderator in the association between HIV-related stress and drug and alcohol use problems among people living with HIV. Mindfulness. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01315-8
    • Parsons, J.T., Starks, T.J., Millar, B.M., Boonrai, K., & Marcotte, D. (2014). Patterns of substance use among HIV-positive adults over 50: Implications for treatment and medication adherence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014 Jun 1;139:33-40. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2014.02.704. Epub 2014 Mar 19.
    • Davis, C., Dutton, W. B., Durant, T., Annunziato, & Marcotte, D. (2014). Achieving cultural congruency in weight loss interventions: Can a spirituality-based program attract and retain an inner-city community sample? Journal of Obesity, 2014, Article ID 641939, 7 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/641939.
    • Marcotte, D. (May, 2014). Coping Strategy Use and Benefit Across Diverse Contexts, 26th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.


    • Marcotte, D. (May, 2013). Social Support, Need Satisfaction, and Depression in Emerging Adulthood, 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Washington, D. C.