Deans of Students and Student Life

Each undergraduate campus has a Dean of Students. The Dean works with, educates, and supports students and oversees an area of the University known as Student Life, a part of the Division of Student Affairs concerned mainly with student experience outside the classroom and overseen by the Associate Vice President.

Student Life is generally comprised of the Office of Residential Life, the Office for Student Involvement and the Substance Abuse Prevention/Alcohol and Other Drug Education Programs at each campus. Programs and services in this area include student conduct, housing, orientation, student club and organization advising, leadership development and counseling intervention. Each area works closely with colleagues in the Student Services area of Student Affairs.

Office of the Dean of Students | Lincoln Center

Jenifer Campbell, Dean of Students
140 West 62nd Street, Room G33 
New York, NY 10023
Fax: 212-636-7987

Office of the Dean of Students | Rose Hill

Christopher Rodgers, Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students
Campbell Hall 124 (entrance facing Martyrs' Court Lawn)
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458
Fax: 718-817-5544