Drug-Free Campus Guidelines: Prevention, Treatment, and Support Services
In keeping with its Jesuit and religious traditions, the University accepts responsibility to offer compassionate attention to any individual student or employee who may seek or require help with drug or alcohol-related problems. Numerous services and programs are available for any member of the University community who may have developed a substance abuse related problem, who suspects he or she is at risk, or who wishes to seek further information. The following is a list of available programs at Fordham University:
Rose Hill
Prevention and Support in the Office of Residential Life
Telephone: 718-817-3080
Email: prevention@fordham.edu
Alumni Court South Garden Level
Lincoln Center
Alcohol and Other Drug Education Program
Telephone: 212-636-6250
Email: AODELC@fordham.edu
140W Building, G33
The Office of Residential Life’s Prevention and Support (Rose Hill) and the Alcohol and Other Drug Education (AODE, Lincoln Center) programs provide comprehensive and evidence-based substance abuse prevention, education, environmental management, early intervention and assessment initiatives at Fordham University.
These areas provide individual and group interventions and educational programs to students who violate the University’s published policies on alcohol and other drugs, as well as to students concerned about alcohol or other drug-related issues. Additionally, some students participate in educational sanctions about the effects and consequences related to alcohol and other drug use. Members of the University community can contact either campus program for referrals to off-campus treatment facilities and/or support groups.
To educate the larger campus community, these programs also facilitate trainings and presentations during Fall Orientation, First-Year Student Core Programming and at various student leader and staff trainings on each campus. For more information on these services, visit:
Rose Hill's Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Lincoln Center's AODE Program
Fordham employees have the following resources available to assist with identifying and accessing in-network providers for behavioral health and substance abuse needs:
- Care 24 - Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through UnitedHealthcare (UHC) for employees who utilize Fordham's medical plan.
- Lifeworks - EAP through MetLife for all employees who have Fordham's basic life insurance.
- Health Advocate - case managment services to find expert healthcare resources.
Please visit this link for more information:
Campus Resources
Students and employees who wish to discuss matters related to substance abuse in strict confidence, are also encouraged to contact the University Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS), University Health Services or Campus Ministry. CPS staff members are available for counseling, or may serve as consultants or resource persons to students and employees when further referrals are deemed advisable. Health Services professionals are also available to discuss the physical effects of alcohol and other drug use. Campus Ministry is available to serve in the capacity of educators and spiritual advisors who encourage personal and spiritual growth, mature choices, and moral responsibility for persons who voluntarily seek support and guidance.
University Health Services
Rose Hill Campus: 718-817-4160
Lincoln Center Campus: 212-636-7160
Counseling and Psychological Services
Rose Hill Campus: 718-817-3725
Lincoln Center Campus: 212-636-6225
Office of Residential Life
Rose Hill Campus: 718-817-3080
Lincoln Center Campus: 212-636-7100
Office of the Dean of Students
Rose Hill Campus: 718-817-4755
Lincoln Center Campus: 212-636-6250
Campus Ministry
Rose Hill Campus: 718-817-4500
Lincoln Center Campus: 212-636-6267
Peer Education
In addition to student staff employed as Resident Assistants and Commuter Assistants, students participate in prevention and education efforts by becoming trained and active members of Achieving Change Together (ACT) at Rose Hill or as a Wellness Educator through BeWellLC at Lincoln Center. These student led organizations, advised by the Prevention and Support Program and Alcohol and Other Drug program respectively, provide educational, awareness programs such as National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week events, Safe Spring Break programming, the Rose Hill Rush (5k Fun Run), peer theater presentations and passive marketing campaigns. To learn more about the ACT or BeWellLC programs on either campus, please visit the appropriate website: http://www.fordham.edu/preventionandsupport or https://www.fordham.edu/aodelc
Hotline Numbers
- National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Service: 800-662-HELP
- Alcoholism Council of Greater New York: 800-56-SOBER
- RevCore Treatment Services: 212-966-9537 MF, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.; Sat./Sun. 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- Student Assistance Services of Westchester: 914-332-1300 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Mutual/Self Help Groups
- Alcoholics Anonymous 212-647-1680 or 914-949-1200
- Al-Anon/Alateen: 888-4AL-ANON MF, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. or 212-941-0094 ThF, 9:15 a.m. – 5:45 p.m.
- Narcotics Anonymous: 212-929-6262
- Marijuana Anonymous: 212-459-4423
- Cocaine Anonymous: 212-929-7300
- National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Hotline: 800-HELP-111
Off Campus Substance Abuse Programs
A full range of detoxification, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and recovery programs are available outside the University. The programs listed in this brochure will refer clients to these outside programs based on individual needs.
Manhattan/Bronx Treatment Programs
- Addiction Institute at Mount Sinai West Hospital 212-523-6491
- Beth Israel, Stuyvesant Square Chemical Dependency Treatment Program 212-420-4266
- Montefiore Medical Center, New Directions Recovery Center 718-920-4067 MF, 3:30 - 8 p.m.
- Alcoholism Treatment/Methadone Maintenance
- Our Lady of Mercy Hospital 718-304-7400
- Alcoholism Clinic
- Phoenix House Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Prevention Programs 212-831-1555, x7500
- St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center 212-604-8273
- Outpatient Services for Substance Abuse
- Substance Treatment and Research Service (STARS) 212-923-3031
- Center for Motivation and Change 212-683-3339
Westchester Treatment Programs
- St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center 914-925-5320
- Westchester Facility for Alcohol and Chemical Dependency Outpatient Addiction Recovery Services
- New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell 888-694-5700
- Alcohol/Substance Abuse
- Phelps Memorial Hospital Center 914-944-5220
- Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment Service
- Phelps Mental Health Center 914-631-3133
- Threshold Chemical Dependency Services
N.B. – Alcohol treatment centers require a license from the State of New York. If there is a question about an agency which offers treatment, contact the New York State Division Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS 24/ “HOPEline”; (877)-8-HOPENY Questions: (518) 473-3460.