Manresa Program

About the Program

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Manresa [proper noun]: a place of radical transformation; a town in Spain where the founder of the Society of Jesus, St.

Ignatius Loyola, underwent experiences that radically transformed the way he perceived the world and his purpose; an Integrated Learning Community where Fordham students come together to grow in knowledge of the world and of themselves and to develop their gifts of intellect and spirit.

The Manresa Program is an exciting living-learning opportunity for first years. Fordham College at Rose Hill students electing to be Manresa scholars choose a seminar in an area of their interest taught by one of Fordham’s internationally renowned teacher-scholars, who also serves as the students’ academic advisor and mentor. Manresa seminars are specially designed sections of first-year core courses, taught in a seminar format; they satisfy both a core course requirement and the first-year seminar distributive requirement.

All Manresa seminars, whatever the topic, assist students in developing their skills of close, critical, thoughtful, and imaginative reading; precise, effective, and graceful writing; confident and effective speaking (and skill in argument in both writing and speaking); critical thinking, including logical inference, hypothesis testing, and evaluation of evidence; and habits of self-reflection and contemplation. Gabelli School of Business students choosing to live in Loyola Hall will enroll together in the Ground Floor, a course giving new Gabelli students an introduction to business and the business disciplines, or in select sections of Fordham College at Rose Hill seminars. Students will develop skills and gain exposure to experiences leading them to success as they continue to pursue their studies.

Dr. Rachel A. Annunziato, Associate Dean of FCRH, is the Dean's Office liaison for the Manresa Scholars Program. If you have any questions about the Program, please contact her at

It takes a special type of relentless perseverance to thrive in Manresa: a meticulous work ethic paired with an unslakable sense of curiosity.
The very hallmark of a Manresa Scholar resides in their ability to be men and women for others.

- Rafael Saplala, Manresa Scholar