Nina Rowe

Art History Faculty

John Marion Professor of Art History

Faculty Memorial Hall 442
Fordham University-Rose Hill Campus
441 E. Fordham Road
Bronx, NY 10458

Phone: 718-817-4894

Office Hours: by appointment


PhD Northwestern University, 2002; MA University of Texas, 1994; BA Oberlin College, 1990


Medieval Art, Illuminated Manuscripts, Medievalism, Historiography, Jewish-Christian Relations in the Middle Ages


Nina Rowe specializes in the art of northern Europe in the high and late Middle Ages (twelfth to fifteenth century). Her recent research examines illuminated World Chronicle (Weltchronik) manuscripts, created in southern Germany and Austria circa 1330 to 1430.  Another facet of her scholarship examines images of Jews and Judaism in settings ranging from monumental cathedral façade sculpture to hand-held carved ivories. Her scholarship also addresses the production and reception of illuminated manuscripts in the medieval and modern eras.

Professor Rowe’s research has been supported by fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities (2016-17), the American Council of Learned Societies (2016-17), and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (2007-8).  She was awarded the Karen Gould Prize from the Medieval Academy of America in 2023 for her book The Illuminated World Chronicle:  Tales from the Late Medieval City (Yale UP, 2020).  She served as President of the International Center of Medieval Art (ICMA), 2020-23.

  • Medieval Art and the Museum, Age of Cathedrals, History of Illuminated Manuscripts, Northern Renaissance Art, Senior Seminar

  • The Illuminated World Chronicle: Tales from the Late Medieval City (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2020). [Winner of the 2023 Karen Gould Prize from the Medieval Academy of America.]

    Whose Middle Ages?: Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019). Co-editor with Andrew Albin, Mary Erler, Thomas O'Donnell, and Nicholas Paul.

    “Shrugging at the Sacred: Dreams, Punishments, and Feasting in the Daniel-Nebuchadnezzar Cycles of Illuminated Weltchroniken, circa 1400,” Gesta 57, no. 1 (2018): 43-68.

    “Devotion and Dissent in Late-Medieval Illuminated World Chronicles,” Art History 41, no. 1 (2018): 12-41.    

    “Detail,” essay for “Notes in the Field” series in the Art Bulletin 94, no. 4 (2012): 508-9.

    Editor, Medieval Art History Today - Critical Terms, special issue of Studies in Iconography 33 (2012). 

    “Other,” Medieval Art History Today - Critical Terms, special issue of Studies in Iconography 33 (2012): 131-44.

    The Jew, the Cathedral and the Medieval City: Synagoga and Ecclesia in the Thirteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2011). [Finalist for the 2012 Charles Rufus Morey Prize, College Art Association]

    “Pocket Crucifixions: Jesus, Jews and Ownership in Fourteenth-Century Ivories,” Studies in Iconography 32 (2011): 81-120.

    “Rethinking Ecclesia and Synagoga in the Thirteenth Century,” in Gothic, Art & Thought in the Later Medieval Period: Essays in Honor of Willibald Sauerländer, ed. Colum Hourihane (Penn State University Press, 2011), 264-91.

    “Idealization and Subjection at the South Porch of Strasbourg Cathedral,” in Beyond the Yellow Badge: Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism in Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture, ed. Mitchell Merback (Brill, 2008), 179-202.

    “Synagoga Tumbles, a Rider Triumphs: Clerical Viewers and the Fürstenportal of Bamberg Cathedral,” Gesta 45, no. 1 (2006): 15-42.  [Winner of the Van Courtlandt Elliott Prize for best first article in the field of Medieval Studies, awarded by the Medieval Academy of America]

    Excavating the Medieval Image: Manuscripts, Artists, Audiences – Essays in Honor of Sandra Hindman (Ashgate Press, 2004). Co-Editor with David Areford.

    Manuscript Illumination in the Modern Age: Recovery and Reconstruction (Dist. Oak Knoll Press, 2001). Co-Author with Sandra Hindman, Michael Camille and Rowan Watson.