PCS Financial Aid and Scholarships
Undergraduate Degree Financial Aid
Financial Aid is available for both full- and part-time students in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies (PCS). (For purposes of financial aid, full-time students are those who take 12 or more credits per semester; part-time students take 6 to 11 credits.)
The Office of Student Financial Services on each campus assists students in identifying grants, scholarships, and loans with which to fund part of their education. They also assist with the application process for Federal Pell Grants, New York State’s Tuition Assistance Plan (TAP), Aid to Part-time Students (APTS), and Stafford Student Loan Programs, and can provide information on the Hope Scholarship Federal Tax Credit for part-time adult students.
In addition to the availability of these aid and loan programs, Fordham is one of the few universities which offers grant and scholarship funds from its own resources to assist adult learners. In Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies, students can qualify for several of these programs.
A number of donation- or grant-funded sources of aid are also available specifically for adult students at Fordham:
- Dean’s Scholarships of $5,000 annually, for newly admitted students whose prior records and/or performance in the admissions skills assessment demonstrate outstanding promise. Scholarships are renewable for up to five years, assuming a B average in at least four courses per year.
- Achievement Awards of $3,500 based on class rank for the preceding academic year during which the student completed a total of at least 12 credits.
- University Grants-in-Aid ranging from $1,500 to $3,800 annually, based primarily on financial need.
- Public Service Grants provide a tuition reduction of 25 percent for all uniformed and civilian employees of the New York City Police Department; for all uniformed and civilian employees of the New York City Fire Department; and for all employees of Westchester County (including the Medical Center) or municipalities within the county.
- Dancer Discount Program provides a 33 percent discount to full-time professional dancers.
- The Ully Hirsch Scholarship, awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence by achieving a 3.0 cumulative GPA after earning at least 24 credits.
- The Tognino Family Scholarship, established by John N. Tognino ’75, providing partial scholarship support to a Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies or Gabelli School of Business evening program student on the basis of academic merit and financial need.
- The Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation Scholarships, awarded to female students who are age 25 or over and who have earned at least 60 credits with a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
- The Morton Levy Scholarship, awarded annually to a mature male student who has demonstrated academic excellence by achieving a 3.5 cumulative GPA after earning at least 12 credits and who has demonstrated financial need.
Tuition Reimbursement: Fordham University employees are eligible to receive tuition reimbursement. Contact the Office of Human Resources for more information. Certain other employers also offer tuition reimbursement. Students should consult their employer directly regarding the possibility of receiving this benefit.
Institutional Grants (Grants-in-Aid): Institutional grant funds are awarded based on both merit and financial need. All eligible students who file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and are enrolled in six or more credits per term will be considered for institutional grants.
Federal Stafford Loan Program: This program, funded by the federal government, provides low-interest loans to undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of six credits per term. Students have up to 10 years to repay these loans. Maximum loan amounts vary with the student’s grade level (i.e., freshman, sophomore, etc.).
Federal Pell Grants: These grants are available to undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in at least three credits per term. Eligibility for this grant is determined by filing the FAFSA.
New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP): This program provides grant funds to undergraduate students who are enrolled full time (12 credits or more per semester). Eligibility is based on New York state net taxable income.
New York Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS): The APTS program provides grant funds to eligible part-time undergraduate students (enrolled for six to 11 credits per term). A separate application for APTS must be filed with the Office of Student Financial Services along with a signed copy of your New York state tax return. Funding is limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Lifetime Learning Credit*: You may be able to claim a lifetime learning credit of up to $2,000 for qualified education expenses paid for all eligible students. There is no limit on the number of years the lifetime learning credit can be claimed for each student. Your allowable lifetime learning credit may be limited by the amount of your income and the amount of your tax. *Interested students should seek the advice of a tax accountant for additional information. For information about deferred-payment options, please consult the Office of Enrollment/Financial Services.
Federal aid and institutional aid
You should apply for your FSA Personal Identification Number (PIN) at www.pin.ed.gov. Once you have your PIN, complete the FAFSA at studentaid.gov. The school code is 002722 (this code applies to all three Fordham campuses).
After your completed application is received, the processor will produce a Student Aid Report (SAR), which will list the information you submitted as well as your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), the number used in determining your eligibility for federal student aid. You should receive the SAR within two to four weeks of the date you submitted the FAFSA for processing.
How do I apply for New York state aid?
When filing the FAFSA online, all New York state residents listing at least one New York school on the FAFSA will immediately be given a link to complete the TAP application.
Do I have to apply every year?
Yes. Financial aid is awarded on an annual basis.
I don't think I will be eligible for aid. Should I still apply?
Absolutely! It is important to apply so that you can be considered for all available resources and so that we can best help you plan for your educational expenses. Please note: All students who apply for aid are eligible for at least a Federal Stafford Loan (provided federal eligibility requirements are met). Both full- and part-time students may be eligible to receive financial aid based on need and/or academic merit. A financial aid package typically includes a variety of aid types from different sources.
What are the requirements to apply for financial aid?
Applicants must be:
- U.S. citizens or eligible non-citizens (for all aid, including University grant monies)
- Making satisfactory academic progress in their program of study
- Accepted and enrolled as a matriculated student in an approved program of study
- In addition, a student cannot be in default on a loan or owe a repayment of a federal grant.
Where can I go for help with financial aid?
Information concerning the financial aid process is available at the Office of Enrollment/Financial Services. Staff members and counselors are available at all locations to meet with you personally or to answer questions over the phone.
- Lincoln Center: 718-817-3800
- Rose Hill: 718-817-3800
- Westchester: 914-367-3563
Students may also visit and use Financing Fordham, an interactive tool designed to guide students and prospective students through the financial planning process.
Federal Student Aid Information Center:
- 800-4-FED-AID
- studentaid.gov
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation:
- www.hesc.ny.gov