Elizabeth Cooper
Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Feerick Center for Social Justice
SSRN (academic papers)
Office: Room 9-107 (150 West 62nd Street, Ninth Floor)
Areas of Expertise: Legislation, Poverty Law/Social Welfare
- Root-Tilden Scholar and Articles Editor, Annual Survey of American Law (1987-88)
- Law Clerk, Hon. Anne E. Thompson, United States District Court (1988-90)
- Skadden Fellow / Staff Counsel, ACLU AIDS Project in New York City (1990-92)
- Gibbons Fellow in Public Interest and Constitutional Law, Gibbons, Del Deo, Dolan, Griffinger and Vecchione (Newark NJ, 1992-94); Adjunct Clinical Professor in Constitutional Litigation Clinic at Rutgers University School of Law (Newark, 1992-94)
- Clinical Instructor, Federal Litigation Clinic, Brooklyn Law School (1994-95)
- AALS, Section on Litigation, Chair
- Principal subjects: Legislative and Policy Advocacy Clinic; Fundamental Lawyering Skills
- New York University, JD, 1988
- University of Pennsylvania, BA, 1983
Representative Publications
- The Power of Dignity, 84 Fordham L. Rev. 3 (2015) (written symposium on the impact of Obergefell v. Hodges, 135 S. Ct. 2584 (2015)).
- Stories: The Case for Structured Rounds, in Theory and Practice in Clinical Pedagogy (Bryant et al. eds., 2014).
- Co-Reporter (with Hunter Carter) New York State Bar Association Special Committee on LGBT People and the Law, Report and Recommendation on Marriage Rights for Same Sex Couples (May 2009)
- "Introduction: Forty Years of Loving: Confronting Issues of Race, Sexuality, and the Family in the Twenty-First Century", 76 Fordham Law Review 2669 (2008) (with R.A. Lenhardt, Sheila Foster & Sonia Katyal)
- Global Collaboration in Law Schools: Lessons to Learn, 30 Fordham Int'l L.J. 346 (2007)
- "Who Needs Marriage?: Equality and the Role of the State." (Decisions and Families: A Symposium on Polygamy, Same-Sex Marriage, and Medical Decision Making), 8 Journal of Law & Family Studies 325 (2006)
- Reporter, New York State Bar Association, Report and Recommendations of the Special Committee to Study Issues Affecting Same-Sex Couples (October 2004)
- Social Risk and the Transformation of Public Health Law: Lessons from the Plague Years, 86 Iowa L. Rev. 871 (2001)
- Testing for Genetic Traits: The Need for a New Legal Doctrine of Informed Consent, 58 Maryland L. Rev. 346 (1999)
- I Diritti Spettanti ai Malati di AIDS ed ai Sieropositivi negli Stati Uniti: Una Valutazione Critica [The Legal Rights of People Living with HIV/AIDS in the United States: A Critical Assessment], in HIV/AIDS, Diritti E Responsabilita [HIV/AIDS, Rights and Responsibilities] (Elisabetta Simeoni ed. & Lorenza Crestoni trans., 1998).
- Introduction (with Benjamin Zipursky), Urban Bioethics: A Symposium on Health Care, Poverty, Autonomy, Co-sponsored by the Urban Law Journal and the Stein Center on Ethics and Public Interest Law, 24 Urban L.J. 663 (1998).
- Introduction, "Mandatory Testing of Pregnant Women and Newborns: HIV, Drug Use and Welfare Policy," Urban Bioethics: A Symposium on Health Care, Poverty, Autonomy, 24 Urban L.J. 719 (1998).
- HIV Disease in Pregnancy -- Ethics, Law and Policy, 24 Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, December 1997.
- Why Mandatory HIV Testing of Pregnant Women and Newborns Must Fair: A Legal, Historical, and Public Policy Analysis, 3 Cardozo Women's Law Journal 13 (1996)
- Historical and Analytic Overview of Policy Issues Affecting Women Living with AIDS: A Blueprint for Learning from Our Past, 72 Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 283 (Summer Supplement 1995).
- Ethical, Legal and Policy Considerations (with Kathleen Powderly), in Primary Care of Women and Children with HIV Infection: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Patricia Kelly et al. eds., 1995).
- HIV Exceptionalism, Or, Making Plague Pay, 133 N.J.L.J. 1192 (March 29, 1993).
- When Being Ill is Illegal: Women and the Criminalization of HIV, Health/PAC Bulletin at 10 (Winter 1992).
- HIV-Infected Parents and the Law: Issues of Custody, Visitation and Guardianship, AIDS Agenda (Nan D. Hunter & William B. Rubenstein eds., 1992).
- AIDS Law: The Impact of AIDS on American Schools and Prisons, 1987 Ann. Surv. Am. L. (1987)
Recent Courses
- Policy and Legislative Advocacy: Civil Rights and Poverty Clinic
- Social Justice Clinic
- Fundamental Lawyering Skills
- Institutional Reform Through The Courts
- Civil Rights Clinic & Seminar
- Litigation Skills Clinic & Seminar
- Critical Race Theory (segment on public health)
- AIDS and the Law