Russell Pearce

Professor of Law; Edward and Marilyn Bellet Chair in Legal Ethics, Morality, and Religion

Photo of Professor Russell Pearce 240x240

Curriculum Vitae
SSRN (academic papers)
Office: Room 7-116

Faculty Assistant: Emma Mercer,

Areas of Expertise: Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Russell Pearce Press Highlights

Class of 2024: Meet Carrie Plover

Authors of Recent Fordham Law Review Essays Discuss Subversive Lawyering

Fordham Law School Ranks No. 23 in Scholarly Impact

Focolare’s New President ‘A Daughter of the Church’ In ‘Service of All’

Violence at Capitol Hill. Professor Russell Pearce: “It all began in November 2016”

Need to Track Your Lawsuit? There May Be an App for That.

Doing Whatever He Can Get Away With

Not Just a Bad President, Trump is a “Holmesian Bad Man.” Act Accordingly.

Two Decades Later, a Conference on Law and Religion Still Resonates

A Silver Anniversary More Precious than Gold

Taking Ethics to a Higher Level

Stein Center Files Amicus Brief with U.S. Supreme Court

Why Jeff Sessions Must Resign as Attorney General

Law School Affiliates Denounce Trump Advisor

“Uncharted Waters” of Trump Immigration Order

The Global Face of the Ethical Lawyer

Where Have All the Trials Gone?

A Choice Between Love and Hate

Four Fordham Professors Recognized As Most Cited In Their Field

Fordham Law Faculty Presenting at AALS Annual Meeting