Paul Radvany

Clinical Professor of Law
Paul Radvany teaches the Securities Arbitration Clinic, as well as Trial and Arbitration Advocacy and the Criminal Justice Externship Seminar. He previously was a Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the United States Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York. While working there, he was a Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School, where he taught Trial Practice, the Federal Court Clerk Externship class, and the Profession of Law class and also was the founder and instructor of the Disability Law Project. Before joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Prof. Radvany worked at Debevoise & Plimpton as a litigation associate. Prior to working at Debevoise, Prof. Radvany clerked for the Hon. Michael H. Dolinger in the Southern District of New York, and received his JD from Columbia Law School, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar.
Representative Publications
Do the Evidentiary Rules Matter for Arbitration?, The Review of Litigation (Forthcoming Fall 2017).
Recent Trends in Discovery in Arbitration and in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 34 Rev. Litig. 705, 708 (2015).
Trends in Discovery in Arbitration and in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, The Review of Litigation (2015).
Trial Practice, Lexis-Nexis (2d ed. 2014), co-authored with Michael W. Martin, Lawrence A. Dubin & Thomas F. Guernsey.
The SEC has a New Weapon: How Does the New Admission Requirement Change the Landscape?, 15 J. of Conflict Resolution 665 (2014).
Preparing Law Students to Become Litigators in the New Legal Landscape, The Review of Litigation (2014).