Mimi Tsankov


Adjunct Professor of Law


Professor Mimi Tsankov was appointed as a United States Immigration Judge in 2006. She presides at the New York Immigration Court at Federal Plaza. She serves as Vice President of the Eastern Region of the National Association of Immigration Judges (NAIJ). In her personal capacity, she is the President of the Federal Bar Association (FBA) Southern District of New York (SDNY) Chapter, and a Board Member of the national FBA.

She is a leader within the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ), and was recently appointed to the American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Immigration representing the NAIJ within that body. Professor Tsankov has published articles in the U.S. Department of Justice, Immigration Legal Advisor, and in various academic law journals. She speaks regularly before members of the immigration law community at international, national, and regional conferences. She has taught advanced immigration law courses at the University of Colorado and the University of Denver, Sturm College of Law.

Professional Affiliations

  • The National Association of Immigration Judges
  • The Federal Bar Association
  • The American Bar Association
  • The National Association of Women Judges
  • The International Bar Association


University of Virginia, JD-MA 1990 (M.A. in Foreign Affairs)

Mailing Address

Fordham University School of Law
Legal Writing Program
150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-175
New York, NY 10023