Joseph T. Lienhard

Joseph T. Leinhard, SJ

Professor Emeritus

General Information

Department of Theology
Rose Hill Campus
441 East Fordham Road
Bronx, New York 10458


  • Fr. Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ, a native of the Bronx, has been a member of the Society of Jesus since 1958. He was ordained a priest in 1971. After studies at several places in the United States, he received the degree of Dr. theol. from the University of Freiburg in 1975, with a dissertation on Paulinus of Nola. In 1986 he completed the “Habilitation” at Freiburg with a work on Marcellus of Ancyra. From 1975 until 1990 he taught at Marquette University in Milwaukee. Later that year, he began teaching at Fordham University. Fr. Lienhard has also held chairs or visiting appointments at John Carroll University, Boston College, St. Joseph’s Seminary Dunwoodie, the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and the Pontifical Gregorian University. In 2015, he published the volume St. Augustine: Writings on the Old Testament.

  • Dr. theol. habil. - University of Freiburg
    Dr. theol. - University of Freiburg
    STM - Woodstock College
    BD - Woodstock College
    MA - Fordham University
    PhL - Woodstock College
    AB - Fordham University

  • Greek and Latin patristics, particularly Origen, Augustine, fourth-century Trinitarian theology, and patristic exegesis. Studies of Paulinus of Nola and early western monasticism; Marcellus of Ancyra and fourth-century theology; the patristic exegesis of the Pentateuch; Augustine’s writings on the Old Testament.

  • Splendors of the Creed.  Meditations by Fr. Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.  Art Commentaries by Fr. Frédéric Curnier-Laroche.  Paris, New York, Oxford, Madrid: Magnificat, 2013.

    “‘Faith of Our Fathers’: The Fathers of the Church and Vatican II.”  In Divine Promise and Human Freedom in Contemporary Catholic Thought, ed. Kevin A. McMahon, 1–14.  Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015.

    (Translator.)  St. Augustine, Writings on the Old Testament.   General Introduction by Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J., edited by Boniface Ramsey.  Works of Saint Augustine I/14.  Augustine for the Twenty-First Century.  Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 2016.  (Works translated:  Questions on the HeptateuchExpressions in the HeptateuchNotes on Job, and Eight Questions from the Old Testament.)