James P. McCartin
PhD (2003), University of Notre Dame
MA (1999), University of Notre Dame
AB (1996), College of the Holy CrossJames P. McCartin joined the Theology Department and the Fordham Center on Religion and Culture in 2011. Previously, he served in the History Department at Seton Hall University where he was also associate director of the Center for Catholic Studies and a member of the University Honors Program faculty. In 2006-07, he was a visiting fellow at Princeton University's Center for the Study of Religion.
McCartins book, Prayers of the Faithful: The Shifting Spiritual Life of American Catholics (Harvard University Press, 2010) explores prayer both as an object of study and an active force in peoples lives, and it demonstrates how American Catholics beliefs and spiritual practices changed alongside American society and culture from the 1860s to the 1980s. He is currently at work on a book project on American Catholics and sex from the 1830s to the 1980s.
U.S. Catholic history; American religious history; cultural history of religion; history of spirituality
Prayers of the Faithful: The Shifting Spiritual Life of American Catholics (Harvard University Press, 2010)
"Praying in the Public Square: Catholic Piety Meets Civil Rights, War, and Abortion" in James T. Fisher and Margaret McGuinness, The Columbia History of American Catholicism (Columbia University Press, forthcoming)
"The Sacred Heart, Thrse of Lisieux, and the Reform of Catholic Piety, 1865-1940, U.S. Catholic Historian 25:1 (Spring 2007): 53-67.
"Working-Class Catholicism: A Call for New Investigations, Dialogue, and Reappraisal (with Joseph A. McCartin), Labor: Studies in the Working-Class Histories of the Americas 4:1 (Spring 2007): 99-110.
The Waning of the Catholic Other and Catholicism in American Life, 1965-2000, Revue franaise dtudes americaines.
Fall 2014
- THEO 3970-C01: Catholics in America
Spring 2015
- THEO 1000-L09: Faith and Critical Reason