Hannah Jopling

Office: Dealy Hall 405D
Phone: 718- 817-3109
Fax: 718-817-3846
  • BA, Mills College
    MA, University of Maryland
    PhD, 2008, City University of New York
  • Urban communities; landscape of race and class; United States; and African Americans

  • Begun research on the black community in Annapolis, MD, 1850-1900.  Also exploring the lives of African Americans in the Tenderloin District in Manhattan.

  • Books

    Forthcoming:  2015.  Life in a Black Community:  Striving for Equal Citizenship in Annapolis, MD 1902-1952.  Lanham, MD, Lexington Books.


    “Remembered Communities:  Gott’s Court and Hell Point in Annapolis, Maryland, 1900-1950,” in Annapolis Pasts:  Historical Archaeology in Annapolis, Maryland, pp. 48-68, eds. Paul A Shackel, Paul R. Mullins, and Mark S. Warner. Knoxville:  University of Tennessee Press, 1998.

    “Can an African-American Historical Archaeology be an Alternative Voice,” with Mark Leone, Paul R. Mullins, Marian C. Creveling, Laurence Hurst, Barbara Jackson-Nash, Lynn D. Jones, George C. Logan, Mark Warner, in Interpreting Archaeology:  Finding Meaning in the Past, eds. Ian Hodder, Michael Shanks, Alexandra Alexandri, Victor Buchli, John Carman, Jonathan Last and Gavan Lucas. New York:  Routledge, 1995.

  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Anthropological Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity;  Families Across the World; Comparative Cultures; from Ghetto to Gated Community; Oral History Field School; and Archaeology Field School.