Garret McDonald
Research Interests
Broadly speaking, I am interested in the histories of the Tsarist and Soviet Russia. In particular, my research primarily examines the histories of forced labor, crime, and punishment as well as their intersection with society at large, science, technology, and medicine. I hope to further my research on the role of Soviet forced labor during the Second World War, as well as a secondary project on the development of forensic psychiatry and the medical incarceration of dissidents in Imperial and Soviet Russia.
Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX: History M.A., May 2017
Thesis: “Prisoners at War: Soviet Forced Labor and the Second World War”Angelo State University, San Angelo TX: History B.A., May 2015, Cum Laude.
- “‘Soaked up in the Red Sand’: Gulag Inmates and Soviet Penal Military Units during the Second World War.” Thirty-Ninth Annual Northeastern Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies Conference, 7 April, 2018, New York, NY
“Naukograd: Forced Labor, Stalinist Science, and the Birth of the Soviet Closed City.” Angelo State University Russian Enrichment Program, 26 March 2016, San Angelo, TX
“A ‘Necessary Organ of the Russian Body’: The Gulag and the Second World War.” 55th Annual Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, April 2017.
“Prisoners at War: Soviet Forced Labor and the Second World War.” Sixth Annual Texas Tech University HGSO Conference, February 2017.
“Terrorism in Russia: A Modern Phenomenon?” Fifth Annual Texas Tech University HGSO Conference, February 2016.
“Modern Polish Film” and “Polish Public Radio” Newsletters for the School of Russian and Asian Studies, Polish Culture Project (February 2015 - May 2015).
“Vorovskoi Mir: Russia and the World of the Vory v Zakokne,” The Journal of Homeland and National Security Perspectives 2, no. 1 (January 2015). At Fordham University
Graduate Assistantship, 2017/18
Teaching Fellowship, 2019-Present
At Texas Tech University
Outstanding Thesis Award in the Humanities and Fine Arts, 2017
Paul J. Woods Award for Outstanding Master’s Student, 2017
TTU HGSO Conference Best M.A. Paper, 2017
Idris Traylor European Research Travel Award, 2016
James and Mary Hazlewood Memorial Fellowship, 2016
Honorable Mention for TTU HGSO Conference Best M.A. Paper, 2016
Member Golden Key International Honors Society, 2016At Angelo State University
Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society, 2015
Excellence in Russian, 2013 & 2015
Susan Miles History Scholarship, 2014