Hon. Margaret A. Chan

Adjunct Professor of Law
- Legal Writing for LLMs, Fordham University School of Law, 2017-present
- Acting Supreme Court Justice, NY County, 2012-present
- Judge, NYC Civil Court, NY County & Kings County, 2007-2012
- Partner, Law Offices of Margaret Chan, PLLC, Partner, Gim & Chan, PC, Associate, Gim & Wong, PC (Manhattan), 1999-2006
- Senior Court Attorney, Appellate Division, Second Department, 1993-1999
- Touro Law Center, JD 1993
Law ReviewManaging Editor - Brooklyn College, BA 1979
- Note, The Importance of a Contextual Approach to Libel Law: The Impact of Immuno AG v. Moor Jankowski & Mildovich v. Lorain, Journal Co., 9 Touro L. Rev. 3 (1993)
- Published more than 200 opinions in the official reports, the N.Y.L.J., or online
Mailing Address
Fordham University School of LawLegal Writing Program
150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-175
New York, NY 10023