Spellman Hall Residence

Thomas Regan.

Fr. Regan, Thomas
Religious Superior, Fordham Jesuit Community
Email: tregan@jesuits.org

Nicholas Lombardi.

Fr. Lombardi, Nicholas
Minister and Assistant to the Superior
Email: nlombardi@jesuits.org

Fr. Burke, Mark J, SJ

Fr. Burke, Mark J
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy

Priest in collar standing in Columbus Circle with streelights

Fr. Cecero, John J.
Vice President for Mission Integration and Ministry
Associate Professor of Psychology
Email: cecero@fordham.edu

Fr. Coughlin, James

Fr. Coughlin, Jim
Chaplain and Teacher of Mathematics at Fordham Prep

Christopher Cullen

Fr. Cullen, Christopher M.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Office: 212-636-7926
Email: ccullen@fordham.edu

George Drance, S.J.

Fr. Drance, George W.
Artist in Residence at Fordham University Lincoln Center
Artistic Director, Magis Theatre Company
Email: drance@fordham.edu

Judge, Philip G.

Fr. Judge, Philip G.
Executive Director of Campus Ministry
Email: pjudge@jesuits.org

Fr. Kumar Hrudayaraj, Bala Kiran

Fr. Kumar Hrudayaraj, Bala Kiran
Campion Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Email: bksj85@gmail.com

Fr. David Marcotte

Fr. Marcotte, David P.
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology
Associate Director of Clinical Training

Thomas Massaro, S.J.

Fr. Massaro, Thomas J.
McGinley Chair
Professor of Moral Theology
Office: Duane Library 110
Email: tmassaro@fordham.edu

Mr. McKenzie, Curtis

Fr. McKenzie, Curtis
Studying Theology

Fr. Francis McAloon

Fr. McAloon, Francis X
Acting Dean, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education
Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality and Ignatian Studies 
Email: fmcaloon@fordham.edu

Moka Mubelo, J. Willy

Fr. Moka Mubelo, J. Willy
Loyola Chair
Email: maestro.mocus@gmail.com

Father Francisco Parilla.

Fr. Parilla, Francisco, S.
Studying Mental Health Counseling and Spiritual Integration
Email: fsp@fordham.edu

Fr. Pellegrini, Fred

Fr. Pellegrini, Fred
GED Teacher at Thrive for Life (South Bronx)

Mr. Perron, Tim

Mr. Perron, Tim
Studying Theology
Email: tperron@jesuits.org

Fr. Planning, Stephen W.

Fr. Planning, Stephen W.
Director of Adult Formation, Athletic Chaplain at Fordham Prep
Email: splanning@jesuits.org

Thomas Scirghi

Fr. Scirghi, Thomas J.
Associate Professor Emeritus of Theology
Email: scirghi@fordham.edu

Fr. John Shea

Fr. Shea, John J.
Fordham University Staff Chaplain
Office: 718-817-4393
Email: jshea18@fordham.edu

Father Eric Studt.

Fr. Studt, Eric
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Email: estudt@fordham.edu

Fr. Worchester, Thomas

Fr. Worcester, Thomas
Professor of History
Email: tworcester@jesuits.org