Spellman Hall Residence
Fr. Regan, Thomas
Religious Superior, Fordham Jesuit Community
Email: tregan@jesuits.org
Fr. Lombardi, Nicholas
Minister and Assistant to the Superior
Email: nlombardi@jesuits.org
Fr. Burke, Mark J
Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Fr. Cecero, John J.
Vice President for Mission Integration and Ministry
Associate Professor of Psychology
Email: cecero@fordham.edu
Fr. Coughlin, Jim
Chaplain and Teacher of Mathematics at Fordham Prep
Fr. Cullen, Christopher M.
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Office: 212-636-7926
Email: ccullen@fordham.edu
Fr. Drance, George W.
Artist in Residence at Fordham University Lincoln Center
Artistic Director, Magis Theatre Company
Email: drance@fordham.edu
Fr. Judge, Philip G.
Executive Director of Campus Ministry
Email: pjudge@jesuits.org
Fr. Kumar Hrudayaraj, Bala Kiran
Campion Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Email: bksj85@gmail.com
Fr. Marcotte, David P.
Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology
Associate Director of Clinical Training
Fr. Massaro, Thomas J.
McGinley Chair
Professor of Moral Theology
Office: Duane Library 110
Email: tmassaro@fordham.edu
Fr. McKenzie, Curtis
Studying Theology
Fr. McAloon, Francis X
Acting Dean, Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education
Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality and Ignatian Studies
Email: fmcaloon@fordham.edu
Fr. Moka Mubelo, J. Willy
Loyola Chair
Email: maestro.mocus@gmail.com
Fr. Parilla, Francisco, S.
Studying Mental Health Counseling and Spiritual Integration
Email: fsp@fordham.edu
Fr. Pellegrini, Fred
GED Teacher at Thrive for Life (South Bronx)
Mr. Perron, Tim
Studying Theology
Email: tperron@jesuits.org
Fr. Planning, Stephen W.
Director of Adult Formation, Athletic Chaplain at Fordham Prep
Email: splanning@jesuits.org
Fr. Scirghi, Thomas J.
Associate Professor Emeritus of Theology
Email: scirghi@fordham.edu
Fr. Shea, John J.
Fordham University Staff Chaplain
Office: 718-817-4393
Email: jshea18@fordham.edu
Fr. Studt, Eric
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Email: estudt@fordham.edu
Fr. Worcester, Thomas
Professor of History
Email: tworcester@jesuits.org