Janna C. Heyman

Janna Heyman Headshot

Professor and Henry C. Ravazzin Chair
Phone: 914-367-3030
Email: heyman@fordham.edu
Office: Fordham Westchester 121A

  • PhD, Fordham University

    MSW, Fordham University

    BSW, SUNY — College at Brockport

  • Aging


    Foster Care

    Program Evaluation

    Community Assets and Needs Assessments

  • Janna C. Heyman, Ph.D., LMSW, is Professor and Endowed Chair of the Henry C. Ravazzin Center on Aging and Intergenerational Studies at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. Dr. Heyman has published numerous articles in aging, health care, palliative care, and social work education. She teaches applied research and evaluation, advanced research, and health care policy. In 2018, Dr. Heyman and Dr. Congress co-edited Health and Social Work: Practice, Policy and Research. Recently, Dr. Heyman received 10 external research grants, totaling over $3.0 million dollars and was awarded the Outstanding Externally Funded Award by Fordham University. These grants touched the lives of individuals throughout the lifespan, including youth, families, and older adults.

    Dr. Heyman continued to collaborate with the Westchester County Department of Social Services on a large federal grant which focuses on improving the quality of life of foster care youth and building connections with families and grandparents. This grant was selected as one of six awarded nationally. Currently, Dr. Heyman on the State Society on Aging (SSA) Board and a recipient of the SSA Walter M. Beattie Jr. Leadership Award. Dr. Heyman is a Fellow at the New York Academy of Medicine and a Fellow of the national Gerontological Society of America.  

  • White-Ryan, L., Heyman, J.C., Kelly, P.L., Pardasani, M., Caprio, T.V., Wexler, S., Berman, J., & Abramson, T. (2022).  The invisible gap:  Older adults’ communication with health care providers about concomitant use of alcohol and medication.  Gerontology & Geriatric Education, 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2022.2138866

    Davis, H., Heyman, J.C., Dewan, S., Kelly, P., Dewan, S, Farmer, G.L., Wackstein, N., Castro, D. (2022).  Community voices heard: Exploring public housing resident needs and assets.  Urban Social Work, 6 (3), 228-239.

    Kelly, P., Heyman, J., Zhai, F., & Salazar, A. (2021). Social and emotional supports during college years: Associations with post-college economic and subjective well-being among alumni of foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10560-021-00806-4

    Farmer, G.L., Heyman, J.C., Kelly, P. & Leaman Lihn, T. (2021).  Prevalence of risk and protective factors of homelessness among youth in foster care. Child Welfare, 99(1), 1-23.

    Heyman, J.C., White-Ryan, L., Farmer, G.L., Kelly, P. & Leaman Lihn, T., & Davis, H. (2020).  Voices about foster care:  The value of trust.  Children and Youth Services Review.  113, 104991. DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.104991

    Kelly, P.L., Heyman, J.C., Tice-Brown, D. & White-Ryan, L. (2020).  Interprofessional practice:  Social work students’ perspectives on collaboration.  Social Work in Health Care, 59 (2), 108-121. DOI: 10.1007/s10560-021-00806-4.

    Heyman, J. C., & Congress, E.P. (2018). Health and social work: Practice, policy, and research.  New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

  • Heyman, J. (2022-2025).  Sexual Abuse Dynamics Interviewing Training (SADIT) in New York State.  Funded by SUNY Stony Brook University. Principal Investigator.  

    Prioritizing Integrated Care, Prevention, and Equity: Leading Interprofessional New York City Efforts (PIPELINE) for Youth Health (The PIPELINE for Youth Health Project). 2021-2025. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program. (Grant Number M01HP41967; Total Award: $1,898,250). Co-Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C. (2016-2024). Children and Families Scholar Grant. Funded by anonymous donor. Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C. (2021-2022).  New Jersey State implementation and evaluation of the BraveLife Intervention Model. Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C., White-Ryan, L., Marlowe, D., Davis, H. (2021-2022).  United Neighborhood Houses evaluation.  Co-Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C., & Ode, D.  (2017-2022). Liberty Partnership Program educational grant. Funded by the NYS Education Department. Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C.  (2017-2022). Health care across the lifespan. Funded by anonymous donor.   

    Heyman, J., Davis, H., White-Ryan, L., & Marlowe, D. (2021).  Settlement houses and employees’ needs:  Qualitative study.  Co-Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J.C. (2020-2021). Program evaluation and older adults’ health.  Westchester County Department of Senior Program and Services.  Principal Investigator.

    Heyman, J. C. (2016-2021).  Westchester Building Futures (WBF).  Funded by DHHS/Westchester Department of Social Services.  Principal Investigator.

  • Health Care Policies and Advocacy

    Applied Social Work Research and Evaluation

    Advanced Integrated Practice Evaluation and Research

    Program Evaluation