Data Classification Guidelines

For Students, Faculty, Staff, Guests, Alumni

Fordham University’s Data Classification and Protection Policy applies to all data produced, collected, stored, or used by the University, its employees, student workers, consultants, and agents during their relationship with the University.

The Data Classification Grid can help you better understand regulations and policies governing Fordham Protected and Fordham Sensitive Data and determine where to store your files. The Data Classification Grid is not exhaustive or detailed, and regulations and services offered change over time. Please contact the IT Service Desk, visit the Tech Help page under My Pages after logging in to, or email if you have any questions on secure data storage or sharing data with colleagues within or outside the University.

Did you know there's more to handling data safely than a strong password and storage solution? Find out by taking our free, self-paced online information security awareness training for employees. To access the courses, log in to Proofpoint Security Awareness Training under My Apps in the portal,

Data Classification Types

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