About the Competencies

The GSAS PFF program is organized around six Core Competencies, each with its own set of learning objectives:

  1. Discipline-Based Pedagogy
  2. Teaching with a Mission
  3. Classroom Observation/Mentorship Experience
  4. Digital Pedagogy
  5. Perspectives on Diversity
  6. Improvement through Reflection

Taken together, these Core Competencies prepare GSAS students to be prepared, passionate, and professional mission- oriented educators in the 21st century. PFF was developed and piloted by GSAS students and the competencies it requires reflect student needs both in the classroom and on the job market.

Future Faculty fulfill Core Competencies by completing modules. Since PFF is module-based, Future Faculty have flexibility in choosing how and when they will complete the program. Future Faculty can take a number of routes to complete PFF, and the program is easily adapted to the changing needs of GSAS students. Future Faculty should fill out the Core Competency Form after completing each module. Please email pff@fordham.edu if you have any questions