Lisa Cataldo

Lisa Cataldo from GRE

Lisa Cataldo grew up in Worcester, Massachusetts in a large Irish-Italian family. She attended Brown University where pursued a double major in Semiotic and Music. After working in development for an independent school, she moved to New York to study real estate finance, and received an MBA from Columbia University in 1986. She worked in real estate lending and investment banking for nine years before leaving the corporate world. Before entering seminary at Union Theological Seminary, Cataldo lived at the L'Arche Daybreak community outside of Toronto, Canada, where she engaged in spiritual direction with the late Henri Nouwen. This began an involvement with the worldwide L'Arche movement which continues today.

While completing her PhD at Union Theological Seminary, Cataldo taught high school theology at St. Peter's Prep, a Jesuit boys' school in Jersey City, NJ. She simultaneously completed psychoanalytic training at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies in Manhattan and is a licensed Psychoanalyst. She has won numerous awards, including the Union Theological Seminary Traveling Fellowship, the Robert Lynn Wood Teaching Fellowship, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies Educators' Award, and the Stephen A. Mitchell Award for analytic writing. Cataldo is the Vice President of the Board of Directors of L'Arche Long Island, and maintains a small private psychotherapy practice.

Lisa Cataldo CV.

  • BA Brown University
    MBA Columbia University
    MDiv Union Theological Seminary
    Ph.D. Union Theological Seminary
  • Trauma, multiplicity, identity formation, and experiences of the other, as reflected in spiritual and religious beliefs and practices

    Intersubjectivity, race, class and culture in psychoanalytic and religious perspective

    Embodied experience in psychotherapy, theology, and spirituality (including gender,sexuality, disability)

    Building bridges between pastoral counseling/religious and psychoanalytic communities

  • (2016). Praying with Henri Nouwen in Prayer in the Catholic Tradition: A Handbook of Practical Approaches. Cincinnati: Franciscan Media.

     (2015) Complex Multiplicity and the Multiplicity Complex: Relationality in the work of Ann Belford Ulanov, Union Seminary Quarterly Review.

    (2013). Can there be a Psychoanalytic Spirituality? A Response to Kenneth Porter. Psychoanalytic Perspectives 10, 270-284.

    (2013). I Know that My Redeemer Lives: A Relational Perspective on Trauma, Dissociation and Faith, Pastoral Psychology 62(6), 791-804.

    (2011). Being a Minister and Doing Ministry: A Psychological Approach in Reflections on Renewal: Lay Ecclesial Ministry and the Church.  D. Eschenauer and H.D. Horell, eds. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.

     (2010). Mourning the Religious Self: An Experience of Multiplicity, Loss, and Religious Melancholia, Pastoral Psychology 59 (3), 355-364.

    (2008). Multiple Selves, Multiple Gods? Functional Polytheism and the Postmodern Religious Patient, Pastoral Psychology 51(1), 43-58.

    (2007). Narcissism and Religious Experience: Kohutian Theory and the Life of St. Francis of Assisi, Journal of Religion and Health 46(4), 527-540.

    (2001). The Reality Principle, in Befriending Life: Encounters with Henri Nouwen, Beth Porter, ed. Harper Collins.

  • Psychology and Religion/Spirituality

    Basic Counseling Skills

    Psychopathology and Diagnosis

    Professional Ethics for Pastoral Counseling

    Clinical Integration I and II

    Seminar in Trauma and Care

    Self and Other: Race, Class, Culture, Gender

Contact Information

441 East Fordham Road
Keating Hall 303
Bronx, NY 10458
