Design for Humanity Summit

Design in the Time of Displacement Summit Event Title

Design for Humanity Summit II: Design in the Time of Displacement

Fordham University

Lincoln Center Campus, New York

June 21, 2019

A joint initiative of the Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs at Fordham University and the International Organization for Migration, Design for Humanity (D4H) aims to drive humanitarian response in a more dignified, inclusive, and sustainable direction through bridging the expertise of humanitarian and design professionals.

Do you have a project in which design contributes to innovative solutions in a humanitarian setting? The D4H is currently accepting submissions for the 2019 Summit!

D4H 2019 Summit Call for Submissions

The Design for Humanity (D4H) Initiative launched in 2018 at the first Design for Humanity Summit at Fordham University. More than 350 people gathered to learn from 40 innovators working at the humanitarian design nexus - proving the hunger for and the possible impact of deepening the intersection between design and humanitarian action.

You can watch videos or view photos from D4H 2018:

Watch Videos

View Photos

View Themes, Speakers, and the Agenda from the 2018 Design for Humanity Summit

D4H Summits inform a developing charter for humanitarian design — an ethical framework that guides future design interventions in humanitarian settings.

The Design for Humanity Initiative envisions a world where human-centered design is a public right extended to people affected by crises.

D4H Pillars

Provoke Change Foster Dignity
Promote Inclusion Curate Memory

Design Dialogues and workshops will explore innovative ideas and projects that foster inclusion, dignity, beauty, and integration for people uprooted by emergencies as they rebuild their lives after crises.

By providing a platform for experts from design, humanitarian, academic and private sectors, the Summit celebrates the interaction of diverse design solutions that aim to improve the lives of millions of people on the move.

  • How can design provide solutions to humanitarian challenges and improve the lives of people forcibly displaced by natural disasters, conflicts or the consequences of climate change?
  • What can designers learn from humanitarian practitioners, policymakers, and people on the move?
  • What are the ethical principles of humanitarian design? What is the role of humanitarian design in reaching durable solutions?

Design for Humanity Dialogues

In 2019 D4H will be articulated around two main topics:
#1 From Camps to Communities
Speakers will focus on the physical dimensions of the spaces temporarily inhabited or occupied by migrants, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees - spaces of mobility, transition, refuge and permanence. From sustainable planning in displacement crises, to urban and regional integration, speakers will discuss how design can contribute to more prepared and resilient communities.

#2 From Data to Stories
Speakers will explore how new design technologies and tools can convert data and analytical trends into stories that narrate journeys of displacement - stories which aim to provoke empathy, document human rights violations, and amplify the voices of people on the move.

Design for Humanity Workshops
In the afternoon, participants will be provided the opportunity to engage with and critique humanitarian design projects, presented in 12 workshops with innovators from UN, NGO, design and private sectors.

Holding On is a virtual reality exhibition showcases the stories of internally displaced people (IDPs) by asking them to reflect on their most cherished possessions. The items that displaced people carry with them when they have to leave their homes often become physical representations of a world that has since disappeared. For many, they represent a promise of return. A key, a shirt or a photo can now serve both as a symbol of struggle and a beacon of hope.

Speakers, Registration, and Agenda for the 2019 Design for Humanity Summit Coming Soon

Sign up for updates on Speakers, Registration, and Agenda for the 2019 Design for Humanity Summit

Angela Wells

IIHA Communications Officer and Design for Humanity Summit Co-Curator


Alberto Preato

IIHA Humanitarian Design Visiting Fellow
