Alpha Sigma Nu

Alpha Sigma Nu (ΑΣΝ) is the international honor society of Jesuit colleges and universities. Established in 1915 at Marquette University, Alpha Sigma Nu has close to 90,000 members and initiates approximately 2,000 students each year. Fordham University's chapter was established in 1982 and is part of 32 Jesuit colleges and universities who are member institutions of ΑΣΝ.
Undergraduate Alpha Sigma Nu candidates must:
- Be a junior or senior.
- Rank in the top 15% of their class.
- Exhibit a proven concern for others demonstrated by co-curricular and extracurricular activities in support of the University or community.
- Be committed to Jesuit ideals of higher education.
- Submit an application demonstrating their commitment to Alpha Sigma Nu’s ideals of Scholarship, Loyalty, and Service.
Alpha Sigma Nu also considers graduate student candidates who have completed more than 50% of their coursework, rank in the top of their class, and are nominated by the dean of their school.
Membership into Alpha Sigma Nu is approved by a selection committee.