Global Ambassador Program

Students stand in front of countryside

Talk to a student who has studied abroad!

Aurora Marcianti
London, United Kingdom, Summer 2024

A student standing in front of a dinosaur skeleton


Hi! My name is Aurora Marcianti, I am a rising junior Psychology and Political Science Double Major at FCRH. I am so excited to be spending my summer with the Fordham in London programme!! I am most looking forward to exploring everything there is to do in London! It has always been my favorite city to travel to and I always find new things to do! I am most excited to see shows on the West End, especially Romeo and Juliet with Tom Holland, as well as visiting all of the castles and learning about the royal history of England. I ultimately chose this program due to its location and for the ability to travel throughout Europe in my spare time!



Lesly Bolanos
Barcelona, Spain, Summer 2024


Hi, I’m Lesly Bolanos! I am a rising senior majoring in Communications and Culture with a minor in marketing. I am completing a sports marketing internship in Barcelona, Spain, through CIEE Summer Global Internship Program. I am very excited to have the opportunity to learn and grow. I choose Barcelona for its amazing football culture and I look forward to immersing myself in the vibrant city life.



Molly Lataille
Sydney, Australia, Summer 2024


Hello! My name is Molly Lataille, and I am a senior at Fordham College at Rose Hill. I am majoring in Psychology and minoring in Marketing. This summer, I am studying abroad in Sydney, Australia through CIEE. I chose this program because I get the best of both worlds, the city and the beach, right at my fingertips. I arrived a little over a week ago, and I am excited to continue exploring, getting out of my comfort zone, and meeting new people Down Under!



Sophia Rivera-Korver
Rome, Italy, Summer 2024

A student standing under a green umbrella


Hi! I’m a rising sophomore studying abroad this Summer in Rome, Italy, through Fordham’s Documentary Photography program. I’m undecided but leaning towards the New Media and Digital Design major. I chose this program because I’m incredibly passionate about photography, and spending a summer dedicated to my art in a place as gorgeous as Rome is a dream realized. I look forward to wandering walkable streets, eating fantastic foods, and meeting my fellow classmates!



Matt Castellanos
London, United Kingdom, Spring 2024

Matt sitting in a car holding white flowers


Hi, I’m Matt, and I’m studying abroad at Fordham’s Gabelli School of Business in London! I’m currently a sophomore majoring in finance, making London a clear choice for me. I’m extremely excited to meet new people, experience different cultures, and expand my comfort zone. This will be my first time out of the U.S. and what better way to do it than explore all that London and the rest of Europe have to offer. I chose this program because of the opportunity to make lifelong memories while being able to learn outside of the classroom from industry experts, a chance too great to miss out on. I can’t wait to share my journey throughout this semester!



Grace Yearwood
Cape Town, South Africa, Spring 2024

Grace standing on a rooftop with a view of buildings

Hello, my name is Grace Yearwood! I am currently a junior majoring in Environmental and Humanitarian Studies at Fordham College at Rose Hill.

I will be studying abroad in Capetown, South Africa, through the School for International Training. I chose the School for International Training because they offer a lot of unique programs, many of which are geared towards my interests in the environmental and humanitarian fields.

I am most looking forward to meeting new people with similar interests, learning about South Africa, immersing myself in the culture, and exploring the area, especially the outdoors.

Erika Tulfo
Nagoya, Japan, Spring 2024

Erika standing between two columns


Hi everyone! I’m Erika, a junior double majoring in journalism and history and minoring in economics. This spring, I’ll be studying in Nagoya, Japan, at Nanzan University’s Center for Japanese Studies!

I chose Nanzan University for the many opportunities it allows me to practice my language skills outside the classroom– from letting me stay with a host family to going on field trips to other parts of Japan.

Nagoya is a city steeped in history as well as a hub for innovations in art, business, and technology, so I’m beyond excited to explore all that it offers and share my experiences with you. I also hope I get to see the cherry blossoms in bloom this season– fingers crossed!

Nora Dettling
Rome, Italy, Spring 2024

Nora standing on the steps of the MET


Hey! My name is Nora and I am studying abroad in Rome, Italy through IES Abroad. am a junior New Media and Digital Design major with a minor in Marketing. I chose this program because of the opportunity to live and study in such a beautiful, historic city with access to art, architecture, and new experiences! I am most looking forward to my internship abroad and cannot wait to share my study abroad experience with you!

Bryn Turnquist
Dublin, Ireland, Spring 2024

Bryn sitting in a cafe holding a tea pot

I’m so excited to be studying abroad at University College Dublin at the School of Social Science as a double major in philosophy and political science with a minor in music. I chose my program because I wanted a rigorous academic experience while also being in a beautiful environment. I am super excited to try out a more traditional college experience. Some of my classes will have up to 200 students! Compared to Fordham, UCD is a huge school, so I hope to meet many new people. I am looking forward to starting 2024 in Ireland!I am looking forward to focusing on more domestic travel and getting to know the personalities of each Irish country throughout my stay. Maybe I’ll even learn to speak some Irish!

Abby Wilson
Christchurch, New Zealand, Spring 2024

Abby sitting under a tree


Hi! My name is Abby Wilson, and I’m a Junior at Lincoln Center. I am a Psychology and Urban Studies major and will be studying abroad at the University of Canterbury. I look forward to studying in New Zealand and exploring the country’s beautiful mountains and lakes. I chose New Zealand because it will be a different experience than what I’m used to, and I’m excited about this change.

Alexa Baita
Granada, Spain, Spring 2024

Alexa standing in front of a city scape

In the spring semester, I will be studying abroad through Fordham in Granada at El Universidad de Granada! I’m in my junior year, and double majoring in Journalism and Latino Studies. I’m really excited to work on my Spanish speaking so right now, I’m most looking forward to meeting my homestay family, making new friends, and exploring the city, and the second-most exciting is probably going to be filling up an entire suitcase with thrifted European clothes while I’m there. I chose this program because I love to travel and I’ve only visited Europe once, so I’ll have much to explore and discover while I’m there. Plus, I knew I wanted to be in a Spanish-speaking country, so the choice was obvious!

Alex Thaler
Munich, Germany, Fall 2023

Student stands in front of city building

Hey everyone! My name is Alex and I am studying abroad in Munich, Germany through Wayne State University’s Junior Year in Munich program! I am currently a junior English major and German minor on the accelerated education track. 

I chose this program because of how the partnership between the two universities operates. I can take German language courses with native English speakers to refine my skills and improve my fluency while also taking classes directly from German university faculty with enrolled students within the university. 

I am looking forward to meeting native students who will be living in the same housing complex as me and visiting tourist attractions, such as the English Garden, the Olympic Stadium, and castles in the surrounding areas.


Grace Price
London, United Kingdom, Fall 2023

Dance student poses in front of window

My name is Grace Price and I am a rising junior at Fordham Lincoln Center. I am a dance major with a double minor in English and Sociology. This semester, I will be studying abroad in London at the London Contemporary School for Dance. I chose this program because of its renowned dance education and because it attracts people from all over the world. I am so excited to travel across the UK and get to know so many new people at LCDS. I can’t wait to bring you all along on my experience as a dancer abroad!


Parker Lindsay
Sydney, Australia, Fall 2023

Student stands in front of trees

Hi! My name is Parker, and I’m a junior majoring in Global Business with a concentration in Digital Media at The Gabelli School of Business at Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus. This fall, I am studying abroad at The University of Sydney in Australia and could not be more thrilled!  

I’m so excited to learn more about Australia and its rich and diverse culture and history. I also look forward to seeing shows at the Sydney Opera House and getting familiar with local artists and cuisines. I’m also excited to travel and explore more of Australia and the surrounding states and countries- especially Tasmania and New Zealand! 

I chose to study with USYD because of its prestigious reputation and connections in the business school and its history with international students, with this being its 100th year of welcoming international and exchange students to its campus. I also chose this particular university because of its large and historical campus and all the resources it offers to study abroad students to help me get the most out of my time in Sydney!


Tzipporah Goins
Tokyo, Japan, Fall 2023

Student headshot

I am studying in Tokyo, Japan, through the Fordham Partner Program with Temple University Japan. I am a visual arts major and a rising junior, class of 2025. I am excited to explore Japanese culture and share my own with the people I meet there! Additionally, my language of choice at Fordham is Japanese, so I hope to advance my Japanese language skills. I chose to study in Japan because of the influence of Japanese culture on film, art, and animation, which is my major. This will be an immersive experience of the history and community in Japan.


Vesa Prevalla
Granada, Spain, Fall 2023

Student stands in front of woods

Hi everyone! My name is Vesa, and this fall I will be studying abroad in Granada, Spain with the Fordham in Granada program. I’m a junior at FCRH majoring in Sociology with a minor in Peace and Justice Studies. I chose this program because of the fascinating courses it offered within my major through the University of Granada’s Centro de Lenguas Modernas. I also wanted to learn more about the influence of Islamic culture in Spanish history and to experience the beautiful architecture and culture of Granada. While abroad, I’m super excited to meet new people, improve my Spanish language skills, and explore the city as much as possible!


Victoria Waller
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Fall 2023

Student poses in front of city skyline

Hi everyone! My name is Tori, and I am a junior double majoring in Art History and Sociology with an English minor. This year, I will be studying in Scotland at the University of Edinburgh! From the local Edinburgh Castle and festival to the battlefields, ancient ruins, and stunning sights in the Highlands— I am beyond excited to explore this beautiful country and call it my home! I chose this program because of the opportunity to live in a city absolutely buzzing with a rich history of art, architecture, and culture, where I can both explore my heritage and become more in touch with the histories I study for my degree. See you there!


William Coulibaly
Reims, France, Fall 2023

Student poses on rooftop

Bonjour à tous! My name is William Coulibaly, and I’m a junior at FCLC majoring in International Studies and French. This semester, I will be studying at SciencesPo Reims in France, and I can’t wait to take you all along for the ride! I’m looking forward to exploring all the natural beauty of the Champagne region, as well as getting to know all different sorts of people. I chose to study at SciencesPo because of its connections within Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, and specifically, due to its programs focusing on International Affairs and Development.


Pranati Yekula 
London, United Kingdom, Fall 2023

Student poses in cafe

Hey guys! I’m Pranati and I’m studying abroad in London this fall through Fordham London’s Gabelli School of Business program. I’m a junior majoring in Global Business with a concentration in Digital Media and Technology.

I'm excited about exploring the city, visiting museums, cafes, and art galleries, and meeting some of my close friends. I'm also excited to travel and explore the UK and nearby European countries in my free time. 

I look forward to sharing some of my trip’s highlights with you!


Izzy Bonebrake
London, United Kingdom, Summer 2023

A student poses with a camera

Hi my name is Izzy and I am a soon to be senior from Marquette University studying abroad in London, England at Fordham London for the month of June! I am a journalism major with minors in digital media and creative writing. 

I am extremely excited to be in London for a whole month, I can’t wait to explore all of the culture, food, and history the city has to offer. I am most excited to explore the Tower of London and get to know other students in the program.

I chose to study abroad in London because I have always wanted to travel here ever since I was a little kid. The history in London and the U.K. is something I have always been interested in and now I can experience it first hand!

Kari White
Stockholm, Sweden, Summer 2023

Student sits in restaurant

I'm most excited about getting to experience Midsommar while in Stockholm, eating Swedish meatballs that aren't from IKEA, and visiting Iceland. I chose DIS Stockholm because of the emphasis that they place on the students interacting with the city on their own, and the study tours where students travel to another country with their class.

Hayley Gregoire
Granada, Spain, Spring 2023

Student sits in front of water

Hi everyone! My name is Hayley and I’m studying abroad in Granada through the Fordham in Granada program! I am a junior double majoring in Spanish and Communications and minoring in Sports Journalism. I’m excited to immerse myself in the Spanish culture and learn about its history, given that Spain has such a rich history! I’m also excited to improve my Spanish speaking skills, and staying with a host family will definitely help with that :) Stay tuned as I’ll share new discoveries and highlights from trips. ¡Hasta pronto!

Zachary Simonetti
Rome, Italy, Spring 2023

Student stands in front of buildings

Ciao! My name is Zach Simonetti and I am a junior at the Gabelli School of Business majoring in Finance. I’m so thrilled to be spending the semester studying abroad in Rome! This will be my second time visiting Europe and my first time being in Italy. I chose this program mainly to get in touch with my Italian heritage and to fully immerse myself within the amazing culture—not to mention all the delicious food! I’m really looking forward to exploring not only Rome, but all of Italy, as well as taking courses like ‘Food and Wine’ and ‘Art in Rome’ throughout the semester. I can’t wait to share my study abroad adventures with you all! Ci Vediamo Presto!

Bell Pendon
Seoul, South Korea, Spring 2023

Student stands on subway platform

Hey everyone, I’m Bell! I am studying abroad through Fordham’s exchange program with Sogang University as a Communication and Culture major with a concentration in Media Studies. I am looking forward to immersing myself in another culture, specifically one with a deep history, diverse cuisine, and excellent entertainment and arts center. Seoul has many intriguing points, especially its harmony with historical heritage and modern culture. Particular places that I’m looking forward to visiting are the N Seoul Tower, Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Bukchon Hanok Village. I’ve heard so much about South Korea, so I’m genuinely excited to gain experience and make core memories during my time abroad. 

I chose this program because I’ve always expressed interest in the arts and culture sector of South Korea, and Sogang University has such a wonderful reputation in this area. Sogang’s campus is also conveniently placed in Seoul, which I’m excited to explore since I’m primarily around Lincoln Center. All in all, Sogang’s exchange program offers ample opportunities to be immersed in Korean culture while pursuing higher education supported by a creative and dedicated environment.


Liam Dahlborn
London, United Kingdom, Spring 2023

Student stands in front of UK telephone booth

Hi! My name is Liam Dahlborn and I am currently a junior – double majoring in Communications and Journalism. This spring, I am studying at the Fordham University London Centre. I am looking forward to learning in a new environment, as well as exploring London and traveling to new places in Europe. I chose this program because I wanted to continue to live in a metropolitan city that was connected to Fordham. Even though I will be miles away from New York, I know this time will be a natural extension of the Fordham experience and something I will never forget. 


Cailin Duffy
Maynooth, Ireland, Spring 2023

Student stands in front of bridge and river

Hi everyone! My name is Cailin, and I’m a junior at FCRH studying English with double minors in Creative Writing and Irish Studies. This spring I’ll be studying in Ireland at Maynooth University, where I’ll be completing a certificate in Irish Cultural Heritage. This will be my first time in Ireland and I’m so excited to immerse myself in the rich culture and history of Ireland while also exploring my own Irish heritage! My plans involve going to as many old castles and manors as possible, and any other sites with cool ruins. I can’t wait to share my adventures with you!

Karin Schroeder
Siem Reap, Cambodia, Spring 2023

Student stands in front of cityscape

Hey everyone! My name is Karin, and I am a current Junior majoring in Environmental Studies at Fordham. This semester, I will be studying abroad in Siem Reap, Cambodia with the university's partner The School for Field Studies! Since learning about Cambodia's Angkor Wat temple complex (the largest religious monument in the world), visiting it has been at the top of my bucket list. With SFS, I will be living only 15 minutes away from Angkor Wat, while also having the opportunity to work with elephants and learn more about how climate change is impacting local biodiversity and culture. I could not be more excited to go!

Peyton Crowe
Granada, Spain, Summer 2022

Hello everyone! My name is Peyton Crowe and I am a sophomore at Fordham Rose Hill studying Film and Television. This month I will be sharing some highlights from my time studying abroad in Granada, Spain. This is my first time ever traveling abroad so I am eager to soak up as much of the different cultures as possible and immerse myself in all sorts of new experiences! Granada is a wonderful place to visit because of its Islamic history and architecture as well as its close proximity to other notable cities in Spain. I can’t wait to learn more!

Email: [email protected] 

Student stands in front of a building and fountain

Our Global Ambassadors assist in the creation of social media pages by providing us with content from their study abroad experiences. This content may be in the form of photos, videos or even blog posts to engage our viewers. 

Their content is on our Instagram and Facebook pages to view. Check out @fordhamabroad on IG and FB!

Please email [email protected] with any questions about the program.