Mathias Klang

Faculty Memorial Hall, Room 436
LLM University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
PhD University of Göteborg (Sweden)Dr Mathias Klang is fascinated by the ways in which emerging media impacts all aspects of society, in particular how our use of digital technology changes the ways in which our individual and civil rights (mainly speech, privacy, identity) are both expanded and limited by technology. His current research has two broad areas: The first area explores acts of digital activism in a wider context of civil disobedience, and the second looks at the ways in which our devices intentionally and unintentionally monitor and control our behavior.
Madison, N. & Klang, M. (2019). Recognizing Everyday Activism: Understanding Resistance to Facial Recognition, Journal of Resistance Studies, Volume 2, 2019.
Madison, N. & Klang, M. (2019). Digital Resistance: The Case for Everyday Activism, Editorial, Journal of Resistance Studies. Volume 2, 2019.
Klang, M. & Madison, N. (2018) “Vigilantism or Outrage: an exploration of policing social norms through social media” in Vanacker & Heider (eds) Ethics for a Digital Age. Peter Lang Publishing.Klang, M. & Madison, N. (2016) The Domestication of Online Activism, First Monday, Volume 21, Number 6 - 6 June 2016.
Klang, M. (2014). “The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Online Expression” in Brownsword, R. & Duewell, M. (eds) Cambridge Handbook on Human Dignity, Cambridge University Press.
Klang, M & Nolin, J. (2012). “Tolerance is Law: Remixing Homage Parodying Plagiarism”, Scripted, vol 9, Issue 2.
Klang, M. (2006). Disruptive Technology: Effects of Technology Regulation on Democracy, University of Göteborg.
Klang, M. & Murray, A. (eds.) (2005). Human Rights in the Digital Age. Cavendish Publishing, London.
Digital Resistance: Political activism and protest online
Privacy and Surveillance
Digital Property: Rights, Policies, and Practice
Digital Media & Advocacy
Social Media & Civic Engagement
Digital Cultures