Amy Aronson

Martino Hall, Room 701
PhD, Columbia University
BA, Princeton UniversityDr. Aronson holds a BA from Princeton University and a PhD from Columbia University. Her latest book, Crystal Eastman: A Revolutionary Life (Oxford University Press), recovers the story of the twentieth-century feminist, labor lawyer, anti-war activist, and radical journalist who co-founded the National Woman’s Party and the International League for Peace and Freedom, is credited as the co-author of the Equal Rights Amendment, and engineered the founding of the ACLU. Aronson’s primary research area is media history with a focus on women and gender in journalism. Over the past several years, she pursued course work and a certificate program to open a new chapter in her research and teaching in climate journalism and sustainability communication. A scholar-practitioner, she was an editor at Working Woman and Ms., and her work has also appeared in such publications as Business Week, Global Journalist, Esquire UK, Working Mother, Diversity Journal, and the Boston Globe.
Crystal Eastman: A Revolutionary Life (Oxford University Press, 2020)
“Recovering the ‘Most Neglected Feminist Leader of the Twentieth Century’: Crystal Eastman, Historical Memory, and the Bequest of an Intersectional Inheritance.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 48:1-2 (Spring/Summer 2020).
"Everything Old is New Again: How the 'New' User-Generated Magazine Takes Us Back to the Future." American Journalism 31:3 (Autumn 2014) – Winner, Best Article of the Year Award from the American Journalism Historians Association.
"Still Reading Women's Magazines: Reconsidering the Tradition a Half Century After The Feminine Mystique." American Journalism 27:2 (Spring 2010).
Taking Liberties: Early American Women's Magazines and Their Readers (New York: Praeger, 2002).
“America’s First Feminist Magazine: Transforming the Popular to the Political.” In Nineteenth-Century Media and the Construction of Identities (London: MacMillan, 2000).
- Introduction to Journalism
- Introduction to Mass Communication and Media Studies
- Writing for Magazines
- History of Women's Magazines in the U.S.
- Persuasion and Public Opinion
- Ethical Controversies in 21st Century Media
- Online Journalism
- Interviews and Profiles