Margaret Schwartz


Martino Hall, Room 703

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  • Ph.D, Communication Studies, The University of Iowa 200

         Dissertation Director, John Durham Peters

    M.F.A., Nonfiction Writing, The University of Iowa 2003

    B.A., General Studies in the Humanities, The University of Chicago, 1998

  • Dr. Schwartz is a media theorist with particular interest in the role of embodiment in communicative praxis. Her first book, Dead Matter, analyzed the human corpse as the center of cultural assemblages of mourning, martyrdom, nationalism and celebrity. Her current work in progress proposes a media theory that centers mourning for our enforced and everyday complicity in global capitalism, particularly within the bourgeois home. She brings a more public-facing voice to her nerdcore theory slinging in her Substack newsletter, MOGPROFFERY, where she works out new ideas and indulges in the occasional bout of GenX nostalgia.



    Dead Matter: The Meaning of Iconic Corpses. University of Minnesota Press, 2015. Named a “new and noteworthy” book by Times Higher Education


    “The Haptics of Grief: A Taxonomy.” In The New Death: Mortality and Death Care in the 21st Century eds. Shannon Dawdy and Tamara Kneese. Santa Fe: SAR/University of New Mexico Press, 2022. 

    “On Love and Touch: The Radical Haptics of Gestational Surrogacy” in A Networked Self: Love ed Zizi Papacharissi. New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 213-229

    “Thrownness, Vulnerability, Care: A Feminist Ontology for the Digital Age” in Digital Existence: Ontology, Ethics and Transcendence In Digital Culture, ed Amanda Lagerkvist. New York: Routledge Studies in Digital Religion, pp. 81-99.


  • Media and Moral Philosophy

    Media, Disability, Futurity

    Media and Modernity