Information Security Awareness

For Students, Faculty, Staff, Guests, Alumni

Security awareness means knowing how to protect University and personal information assets. The Information Security and Assurance department has many resources to increase and support security awareness.

Information Security and Assurance Online Security Training for Employees
The online courses help employees recognize security risks and cyber threats so they may better protect the University and themselves. To access a course, log in to the Terranova app from the My Apps tab in the portal,

Malicious Traffic on the Internet
The Infocon monitor below reflects changes in malicious traffic on the web that may affect Internet connectivity not only at Fordham, but anywhere: your home, your workplace, and other public and private network connections will.

Every host connected to the Internet is affected by heavy traffic due to worms and viruses. Some cause more disruptions than others. When a worm or virus has been identified and the number of affected users declines, the network disruptions decrease, as well.

The Infocon monitors the condition of the Internet infrastructure only. It does NOT monitor Fordham University, particular countries, companies, or institutions.

Internet Storm Center Infocon Status

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McShane Center 266 | RH
Leon Lowenstein SL18 | LC

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