Intellectual Property

As each User should expect that others will not violate intellectual property rights, every User must also respect the intellectual property rights of others, including those of other Users, all members of the University community, and all third parties. The concept of intellectual property broadly covers all copyrighted works, trademarks, patents, and other proprietary and confidential information.

The University requires Users to adhere to a strict policy of respecting intellectual property rights. Infringing and illegal uses may involve the unauthorized copying, sharing, or purpose of:

  • Written works, such as textbooks and course materials;
  • Digital videos or images, digital music as well as logos and other marks;
  • Software, including commercially licensed software, and shareware; and
  • Copyrighted, or otherwise proprietary, data or collections of data.

It is the responsibility of every User to avoid infringing any intellectual property rights, including the rights outlined in the University's Intellectual Property Policy, listed here, and to report the infringement of another User if and when it is discovered. Failure to respect such rights or report infringements violates this policy. It may subject the User to the sanctions outlined in this document's Monitoring, Reporting, Violation, and Sanctions section.

Sections in Acceptable Uses of IT Infrastructure and Resources Policy

  1. User Responsibilities and Statement of Prohibited Uses
  2. Intellectual Property
  3. Privacy
  4. Monitoring, Reporting, Violations, and Sanctions
  5. User Obligation to Review
  6. Implementation Information and Revision History

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