RamDocs FAQs

  • RamDocs (powered by Formstack), is a productivity platform that empowers departments to create low-code, digital solutions for collecting and analyzing information.

    Digitize your PDF forms, gain control of form submissions, keep the submitter and others updated on the status of their requests, automate the creation of documents and configure approval steps to ensure compliance. 

  • Visit the MyApps page on the Fordham portal.  From the MyApps page you can access all of Fordham’s applications.  RamDocs is listed under Applications.

  • To ensure a consistent message and avoid duplication of effort, each area has a designated data steward.  Data stewards are authorized to approve access to develop digital solutions for their area. 

    Resources interested in developing solutions in RamDocs should speak to their data steward before submitting a request to the Service Desk for access.  If you are unsure of who the data steward is in your area, email contentservices@fordham.edu for assistance. 

    Submit a ticket to the Service Desk by emailing helpit@fordham.edu or calling 718-817-3999.  

  • Our model is to empower business units to own their solutions. This means that you will be designing and developing your form/workflow and/or document solution. The Enterprise Process and Content Services team is available to provide support, guidance and governance. We will share best practices and will provide consulting time if you need assistance designing your solution.

    We offer self paced training videos to help you get started:

    Panopto Training Videos for the Fordham Community

    You can access RamDocs help site to access knowledge base articles. Authorized users can also create support tickets directly in RamDocs and schedule video support calls. 

  • Before getting started with designing solutions familiarize yourself with the Data Classification and Protection Policy 

    If you need to collect/manage information owned by a different group it is best to connect with the data owner in advance.  Before a form is released for production use, the Enterprise Process and Content Services team will review the form.  In some cases, there may be a need for the Office of Information Assurance (ISA) to review as well.  Data collection and storage must be in support of a business need.   

    Forms and workflows must be compliant with the University’s FERPA policy. 


    1. Build forms and workflows for your own department based on good practices and guidelines.  
    2. RamDocs is WCAG/Section 508 compliant except for a subset of fields that are not supported.  These field options are not available to the Fordham community.  These fields will often be flagged as problematic on the designer tool.
      • Date/Time field: use separate fields to collect date and time if needed
      • Address Block: do not collect the entire address in one field–create short answer fields to collect address line 1, address line 2, city, state, and zip
      • “Add Other” option for radio buttons and checkboxes. You can add a short answer box for “other” information
      • Signature box. You can create a short answer field with an agreement, and the user can type their name
    3. Forms and documents should be maintained and audited frequently. Ensure your solutions are current. 

    For additional information on ensuring compliance visit the Web Accessibility site.  


    • The following data should never be collected on forms:
      • Social Security Number - may be approved depending on the business need and if additional encryption is enabled.
      • Credit Card information - prohibited - If you need to collect payment connect with Finance and inquire about using Touchnet
      • Protected health information - prohibited
    • The following are examples of FERPA data elements. These may be collected as long as security guidelines for data storage are complied with.
      • Name
      • Sports and club activities
      • Address
      • Telephone number
      • Weight and height for athletes
      • Email address
      • Degrees, honors, and achievements received
      • major/minor
      • College
      • Dates of attendance/graduation
      • Undergraduate and graduate status
      • Colleges or institutions attended
      • Enrollment status
      • GPA (grade point average)
      • Grades
      • Standardized test scores
      • enrollment/credit hours
    • Leverage field encryption for sensitive fields.  Adding the encryption will restrict access to the data unless the user is granted restricted access privileges.
    • RamDocs (powered by Formstack) has tools in place to alert of data collection violations.  Primarily if sensitive data is being collected without additional encryption.
      • Collecting Sensitive Information without SSL and Data Encryption activated
        • Collecting Credit Card data without using the Credit Card field
        • Transferring Sensitive Information through emails without PGP Encryption
        • Transferring Sensitive Information through emails without PGP Encryption
    • If you receive a notice that your form has been flagged, please contact the Enterprise Process and Content Services team immediately - contentservices@fordham.edu
    • Failure to comply with the terms of service will result in your account/solution being disabled.

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