25Live Reservation Confirmation Policies

For Staff

Why doesn't my event show on the calendar immediately after I submit my request?

Only approved and confirmed events are displayed on the 25Live calendar and availability grid. When an event is submitted, it is initially a tentative event. The event is not "approved" until the reservation coordinator for the spaces reviews the request and processes it accordingly, either to approve or deny it.

Who determines whether my request is granted?

The reservation coordinator of each space determines whether a request is granted or denied.

How long should I wait to receive a reply to my requested space?

You should expect to receive a reply 3-5 business days after receipt of the request.

How many days or months in advance may I make a request for a space?

Requests may be submitted anytime. The reservation coordinator may keep the request in their queue and process at a later date. Requests must be submitted with a minimum of two weeks notice. As a general guideline, please refer to the scheduling cycle for the University. The annual scheduling cycle is established by allocating space in the following priority order:

  • Curricular Classes are scheduled in 25Live during the following estimated times:
    • Fall Semester - Reservations are entered by middle of August
    • Spring Semester - Reservations are entered in the beginning of January
  • University Wide Events:
    • These include annual institutional events such as Open Houses, Orientations, Convocation, and Commencement. Departmental Events that have departmental space priority, for example, Theatre Programs in the Pope Auditorium, Kehoe Theatre, and White Box, etc.

Can requests for classrooms be confirmed before the 3rd week of the semester?

During the first three weeks of each semester, the Enrollment Services office receives many requests from faculty for classroom changes. Therefore, only such requests can be accommodated until the third week of class. After that time, requests for classroom use from other groups can be accommodated.

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